scared to take the plunge

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Sep 22, 2011
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Hi all<br><br>It's been awhile since ive posted here but i have some new changes in my life i just bought a 2005 ford f250 with 140,000kms&nbsp; its a 4 door with lots of room. my ultamite goal would be to save my money to buy a nice T/C for it. i work full time and have been at my job for 8 yrs now. My problem is 1) my GF and i fight like cats and dogs and im sure this relationship will end shortly. 2) im about 2 wks away from fileing bankruptcy for past debts when i was young and dumb. with that being said i dont have anything except a sleeping bag and my clothes would it be unwise to move into my truck with nothing to cook on or any of that now or should i hold tough in this relationship till i can stock up on stuff? BTW i had a nap today in the back seat of the truck there was plenty of room for me to stretch out on the back seat Anyways what do you guys think?
many do just that. with the extra money you can add as you go what you find out you need.
You will find your way ,keep going ,listen to your heart, be aware that it does not yell, but speaks softly, listen close.
Jeremy, I was in the same boat as you two years ago. Try to save as much as possible and then get out as soon as possible. My peace of mind has been returning and now I'm my old high school self again at 55! I was living someone else's dream and under a black cloud of criticism, resulting in a low self esteem, NEVER AGAIN!
1. Why be with someone that does not make you happy? a divorce is MUCH worse. (Been there, more than once)

2. A camper shell to cover the bed, and a camp stove and cooler will not set you back much. Especially if you have no rent.

3. Better a rooftop in peace, than a palace in strife. Just my personal opinion.
Were it me....I'd find a Craigslist topper for now and pitch my stuff in and split. Save some bucks and shop for the TC you want.
If the relationship isn't going anywhere but to hell, why go thru hell for it.

my first days out here were in survival mode but it didnt take long before I got a grasp on what I really wanted and built it up from there little by little!!

Start out basic , you can always build up from there...sleep / food / fuel will get you there!
make a budget and plan and stick to it......dont wander aimlessly ...the more you wander without some kind of destination the more it will cost!....driving a 1000 miles to get somewhere you havnt been is alot more than driving 100 to do the same!!

look for your inner self , once you get there its all easy!!!!!
Getting rid of your bad relationship and filing for bankruptcy will both give you a huge sigh of relief. You will have many more years ahead of you for better things to enter your life. I've been there. Done that. It does in fact get better. Really!
Yah!!!.....but look at the intelligent answers......people are really pouring good thought into this!!!!

I guess I'll go back to the solar thread and read about generators that run on baking soda....................

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