Sand Smuggling & Homes on Land

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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Sand Smuggling, is a very real issue worldwide and has been for many decades. 
Sand is not in any way a renewable resource on Earth. 
Sand is a conflict resource, like conflict diamonds aka Blood Diamonds in Afrika. I refuse buying or wearing diamonds. That's just me. I'm not suggesting you not wear yours because I don't, but do wear yours and enjoy but know the story. Awareness, that is all. 

Many billions of tons of sand are dredged from oceans every year. This why sea levels are rising & land is sinking slowly. Entire forests are at risk of sinking, trees love CO2 and Earth depends on what trees do, providing oxygen for all life. One fair sized home requires 500,000 pounds of sand for building to codes.
This is why, van/RV dwelling and giving up your home will help tremendously, so that a new home doesn't have to be built. 
Sand is used in heavily in cement, it is what roads and cities are made of, Conflict Sand is in everything from Glass to PCs. Glass is sand, melted in a furnace. 
25 minute video on Sand Smuggling and planet Earth. There is no Sand that is not Conflict Sand.
Sand Smuggling Worldwide

Van & RV dwelling for those who are, who can & who will are helping our planet Earth, especially those buying older rigs. This is not to slam anyone buying a new van or RV, as it removes them from a home so their home is passed on and no new home is built. Let no one tell you different. Give them facts.

Recycle all our glass. Buying food or other things using glass, it can all be recycled. Most glass can be, if not all.

The sea levels are rising because sand is taken out of it?

I don’t understand how that works.
Yeah, I was a bit confused about that myself. Seems to me that if you remove something then something else will take its place. In this case if you remove sand and water fills the void then the over all water level should drop. Anyway, all my houses are frame houses built between 1910 and 1930 so very little sand was used in their construction and what sand was used is the local stuff here in Missouri. Dunno about the diamonds in my wedding ring. They might have come from the diamond mines in Africa or possibly Arkansas. No telling when they were unearthed and cut either since, like gold, diamonds and other gems are used over and over recycled from unwanted jewelry to new designs.
This short documentary fully explains Sand etc. The REAL documentary is 1 hour 44 minutes. 
My focus was not having new homes built by living van/rv lifestyle.
Not my opinion, these are geological facts about sand dredging worldwide and the relation to loss of land.
A void is filled verry quickly by natural forces. I am sorry as I do not understand where this is going.
GotSmart said:
The sea levels are rising because sand is taken out of it?

I don’t understand how that works.
FF in vid to 15 min 25 secs. Ye will then find answers.
wagoneer said:
A void is filled verry quickly by natural forces. I am sorry as I do not understand where this is going.

Did you watch the video? It explains where this is going.
Conflict sand. Is that like activated almonds?
Sand Smugglers
1 hour 44 min FULL version of 25 min documentary described up in #1 OP.

Please, if you have not watched either documentary & have a quick reaction or disbelief to the words I used in my description, I can't interpret & type explanations up for a full movie review of its topics, when you could watch the videos & then have a full understanding of what I originally wrote in OP as being true.
Thank you for understanding.

Yes sand is a scarce resource.

No nothing to do with sea levels.
John61CT said:
Yes sand is a scarce resource.

No nothing to do with sea levels.

You did not watch the documentaries, now did you? I have. A pat answer is, dredging ocean floor sand displaces beach sand causing erosion and...
Study more John Erosion & Dredging.

On average of 10 Billion tonnes of Sand dredged from oceans since the 1960s, made into cement & roads inter alia, and all is placed on land. Today's Sand dredged tonnage annually is 15 Billion tonnes. Since 1060s, approximately 570,000,000,000 tonnes on land. Did they balance it on land, like weight distribution of heavy items in a van? Yep, a van can handle all it's weight, where?
Hmmm...??? What to think, what do I think...I swear it's a danged trick quiz.
Give me a lat & long and I will drive the danged popcorn directly to you Mo. By time I get there, popcorn will have POPPED on its own. :)

Numbers... 1.254×10¹⁵ = 1,254,000,000,000,000,000 pounds of sand on land since 1960s.
Oh, and many islands have disappeared. Indonesia, Asia, China, Dubai, India. They ALL import sand gained by dredging.
Thnx for posting this AGoodwill and for being reasonable with your responses. Now, I didn't watch the video, but that's only because this one time I watched a YouTube on 100% evidence for Flat Earth and at the end of that video I was like holi g'darn frack! The mother f'n earth is Flat! Was like a good 30 minutes before I came back to reality.

Anyways, keep on doing you. Hope to meet ya some day around a campfire shootin' the breeze.

EDIT: my keyboard is typing stuff I didn't tell it to type.
Wabbit said:
EDIT: my keyboard is typing stuff I didn't tell it to type.
Tango Yankee & Yankee Whiskey, Wabbit! 
I gave my keyboard a whack job, told it to talk nice, and it does now!
73 & a brotherly 88 fer ya! You're kind.

Oh, and that Flat Earth is a Psychological Operation aka PsyOps & I know who to thank but that would be instantly deemed by mods as political, so I cannot say publicly. It would make some, quite angry, that isn't my concern.
However, I do have & have read the Encyclopedia Americana, 1958 edition gifted to me by Daddy, it's documents on what was really found down in Antarctica.
one thing, to say that the is no new sand being made is BS. sand is being made everyday the same way all that sand they showed in the Documentary is made. mind you it's a very slow geological process, but it's going on right now.
when they say that it might take 90 years for the pits in the ocean to fill back in, is typical scare tactics. 90 years in geological time is a blink of the eye, 90 years wouldn't even show up on a geological chart.
another thing man can make sand by crushing rock it just cost more then mining it, but it's done everyday.
mind you I am not arguing one way or another but when I hear BS by some group trying to push their agenda it makes me doubt everything they say. highdesertranger
Moderator Note: Quote removed.

I'd suggest to study more, but I always agree to disagree with you on whether it is BS, or not. I did not ask for nor demand belief, just open minds.  :D Evidence is all around with eyes to see.
Did man create 1,254,000,000,000,000,000 pounds of replacement sand since 1960s, to replace that dredged from ocean floors? Or did natural geological processes create that much new sand to balance that dredged?
It has to be true, the narrator has a British accent.
well I don't think weathering and erosion have stopped and that's how sand is made. sand will be here long after man is gone. highdesertranger
Select Sands is on NASDAQ and if you owned stock in it, then you would know, like I know & follow where it is dredged and in what quantity annually and who is buying Sand. Select Sands LLC

Frac Sands Frac Sands on NASDAQ

Red Sand Smuggling is similar.
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