Finding the remote, off grid, no restriction acerage wasn't the issue for me, unless you're basically wanting it free or want what's coveted by mainstream folks. I haven't been focused on it lately but thru my few years of looking I saw numerous less than 3k down, maybe 250 a month deals and those are usually 40 acres. I just wasn't ready to pull the trigger. A reasonable distance, up to interpretation, from service, i.e. medical, food, etc is a strong consideration for me. Private water is a top priority but not deal killer.
I'm about half fringe dweller, half nomad and 2/5 prepper so I had many considerations in play.
I may start a thread to see if there are a few that I could live with, with our own site, out of sight of each other if we happened to be there at the same time. A loose, uncomplicated tribe that kept tabs on each other as much or little as each wishes.