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Watch out for those property owners' associations that will tell you what you can or can't do with your land.

I thought the description on this land offer is helpful, and almost amusing if it weren't so sad... he gave his opinion of POAs ...
I specifically drove up that road in June coming back from Oregon, while looking for a listed CG. The entire east side of Lake Shastina is subdivided as a number of resort communities. Which means HOA rulebooks controlling your life. Or worse, all of your neighbors are angry NIMBYs.
Finding the remote, off grid, no restriction acerage wasn't the issue for me, unless you're basically wanting it free or want what's coveted by mainstream folks. I haven't been focused on it lately but thru my few years of looking I saw numerous less than 3k down, maybe 250 a month deals and those are usually 40 acres. I just wasn't ready to pull the trigger. A reasonable distance, up to interpretation, from service, i.e. medical, food, etc is a strong consideration for me. Private water is a top priority but not deal killer.

I'm about half fringe dweller, half nomad and 2/5 prepper so I had many considerations in play.

I may start a thread to see if there are a few that I could live with, with our own site, out of sight of each other if we happened to be there at the same time. A loose, uncomplicated tribe that kept tabs on each other as much or little as each wishes.
40 acres would be spacious enough to have privacy for multiple landowners. I'm looking for anything over two acres. More is better but I can't afford much. Unfortunately, the location I want to buy into has prices driven up by real estate agents and owners wanting to make a large profit. I can't blame them for trying, but I won't buy anything unless it is a bargain.

Some of the offerings are ridiculous, like ten acres on a steep hillside for 40K, or nearby, a better ten acres for 125K. All I can say is . . . no.

One of the land owners trying to make a large profit just had her 80 acres defaced by a forest fire. I see it is no longer listed. If she'd tried to sell it for 80K instead of 150K, it probably would have sold before the fire.
I've been editing posts (trimming and removing unnecessary quotes) and then I realized how far off topic you guys have gone.

Please start a new thread if you'd like to continue discussing off grid properties.

This thread is about RV Sue
this is just a friendly reminder that many of us have limited bandwidth so we ask that you carefully trim any quotes you include to the bare minimum. When you are reading on a phone, and you have to read the same post twice to get a new comment, it can be frustrating--especially if there are pictures!

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Be kind and trim!! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Thanks, in advance, for your cooperation and consideration
Remember this,,, RVSue specifically asked people not to engage in discussion of the situation she announced in her blog regarding her and her sister. I would suggest that by extension that would also mean that she would not like it if people people discuss it elsewhere either.

How about respecting her wishes regarding that? If you like her please be respectful to her wishes.
If this subject has gotten off topic then that is a very good thing as it never should have become a topic.
Talking about a topic to the public and not wanting anyone to discuss it elsewhere ..whoa
Sure agree! You post it out there on the big bad net, it is fair game :)
I think she didn't want a 1000 commiserative posts to her blog about it. She had enough to deal with.
RVSue has taught me a lot and I admire her. By opening herself up on her blog, she helped me make an important life decision. Perhaps there are others who frequent this forum who may be looking for that kind of perspective. She requested no discussion about it on her blog. I followed her wishes. If someone interprets that to mean no discussion about it anywhere in the universe, I respectfully disagree.
agree to disagree is how humans get along in this world. Opinions are like a-holes, we all have them, now what do we do with them :) For me if it is posted out there for ALL to see and react, then it is fair game to chat about anywhere. A 'celebrity' has to get used to that. And anyone can find that status in a way, that 'celebrity' is anyone posting their life in the open. One reason I won't do social stuff online. For me I never want that responsibility of having to defend anything I would post. In person, on the road, nomadic chat in person with others, absolutely and I would give them an earful, but once you become on the 'net, it follows different rules. They might not be your specific rules to live by or you might 'ask' for following rules, but there are none. Everyone will do with any info read on the 'net as they wish. Living in some fantasy world if you think it is any different. Will that all change down the line, no clue? but I think not.
It would seem to me that if Sue didn’t want others to share in her experience, and take away whatever was useful or translated to their own, she wouldn’t have posted it.
I'm sure she doesn't want strangers picking through and speculating on her circumstances. Which circumstance, if you actually followed her blog, is comfortable.
I don't have any experience w/ Sue, real time or virtual, but if someone puts something online it is going to be discussed or dismissed. Nature of the beast.

Honor her as you will but, frankly, I appreciate the catalyst she has been in just this short time she's been in my awareness.
I don't do the "loyalty" thing unless you're in my inner circle...then, I'm loyal to an obvious fault.

I give reverence to my "Teachers" and it seems Sue is just that to many, but not all.

Hell, I don't want to read what the gossip is....I want to sit by a campfire and listen to others share their story.
That is the "gold" in this realm.
When you put your life story online, then the good and the bad and the expectations and failed expectations are all right there for all to see. People are not going to respond ONLY to the good stuff. People have to deal with stalkers, the CamoDave idiots, your dogs dying, and everything else that comes down the pike.
Sue is trying to protect her sister's privacy in the situation. Sue was not making it about her needs and wishes but instead about someone she cares very much for. Her sister is the one who does not want to have her personal business spread around on the internet, her sister does not want to be made into a "celebrity". This is why Sue asked people not to discuss it and only did a minimal disclosure of the change in her life. I am sure you can all understand that if a close relative asked you not to discuss their personal business online then you would respect them in the same way.
Despite all the wailing in this thread, I just looked at RV-Sue's blog as I do every few days, and she is obviously doing just fine. She's a strong woman and she adapts well, as one might expect considering she lived solo in her RV for 7 years prior to settling down.