Rest Area's and Truck Stops

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Feb 19, 2014
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I'm going to be going on a trip for a couple of weeks. From Charleston,WV to the Smoke's then up the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's a trial run to see if I can do this F/T..I want to be at the RTR next winter. What's the deal with sleeping all night at rest area's and truck stops or other places that you know of. Do you at times get hassled stay there? I have slept in the car before but that was in my parking lot. Thanks for being here!! I've learned a lot from all the posts.
its going to depend on where you do it....some truckstops have private security and will send you on your way areas that have problems , the LEO will send you on your way.....but if your in a car and its clearly visible you are living and sleeping in it....yup , they will send you on your way after a 3am harassment because they were bored
Why can truck drivers and motorhomes get away with then?
I find no problem, even as a woman, if I don't stop at the seedy looking, too rural, not well lit and monitored spots. Park in the designated section for your type of vehicle. Not doing this really upsets the truckers and they can slice tires or at least let the air out of them, etc. You get bothered a lot less, if you are not visible and your motor is not running. Read Bob's last blog post on safety and security. That sums it up correctly.
A truck pulls onto there fuel island and buys tons of fuel & services on a daily basis......a motor home does the same...they dont get away with it they are paying good money to do it ,

they have a big problem with hookers , drug dealers , scammers and vagrants pulling in and causing problems out of there cars.......not to say it is you but the bad ones have made it difficult for the good ones by abusing the system.....same goes for rest areas to many problems.

I do it all the time but your question was what could you want a debate.. , this is reality.....if you went into management at these places with that question they would give you an answer and run you off quicker.....welcome to the rights of owning private property.
It will be Pilot's. Flying J's or Petro's. I did read Bob's post and he is right on the money!! I drove truck for 9yrs but that was back in the 90's so I'm not new to this, maybe a little out Thanks for your reply Belinda
I have stayed at many rest stops and here in cali 8 hours max I have talked to the caretakers and some are very nice it's a lonely job at best so a bit of conversation gets you all kinds of info on local activity like rowdy drinking and the best spot to park One night I had no choice but to park next to a cattle truck loaded up. I felt safe in 90 percent.
I've stayed in many rest stops and never had an issue. If there is a time limit it is generally posted prominently as you enter. I haven't stayed in truck stops mostly because there are usually rest stops or Walmarts around that will be quieter.

In case you hadn't found it yet, here is a great resource for places to park:
Most of the results are far from highways but there may be some along your path.
Thanks for the info!! That looks like a great site Reducto. Talking to the caretakers sounds like a good idea also!! I'm not looking to live at these places just getting some rest along the way..
Walmarts,Sam's Clubs and Home Depots for me. Unless I'm really, really tired I can hardly sleep at truck stops and 'rest' areas with the trucks coming and going and the diesels idling all night.
I have stayed in many rest areas along many interstates. I have never known of a trucker who would slash your tires. I don't know how to respond to that.
Zil said:
I have stayed in many rest areas along many interstates. I have never known of a trucker who would slash your tires. I don't know how to respond to that.

Yeah, in all my years of traveling, I've never heard that story. I've been across this country coast to coast so many times, that I've more then lost count of how many.

If this ever did actually happen, I'm sure it was an isolated case.

I heard another story of where they'll (the bad people) will pump nitrous into a trucks sleeper vent, and once the driver is out cold, they'll break in and rob you. (my buddy believed all these nutty fables.)
Another case of a story that I've never really heard actually happening...and if it ever did, again, it's certaintly NOT the norm.

Some folks get too paranoid about what they see and hear on TV or the interwebs as truth, and never leave their homes outta fear because of it.

SKREW IT....Carpe' Deim!! Seize the Day!!!.....I'm goin' traveling!!! WOO-HOO!!! :D
Ya, the yrs that I drove truck I never saw anything like that but having been away from it for so long,kind of puts me at a disadvantage.. Staying in a car is new to me... Thanks again guy's!!
jips said:
Do you cover the windows?

If you cover your windows in a car it will be the same as putting a big sign on the doors..."Somebody is in Here".

That would be the first sign to a LEO or someone else to stop and check you out......
I was thinking that too but wasn't sure.. Thanks..
I have only brief experience sleeping in a car, front seat laid back. The 3 or 4 times was only for less than 8 hours in any rest area. All was on I95 from Maine to Miami. I was not disturbed and the professional truckers were help full with advice.
I'm starting to think it would be easier to high tail it to the AZ desert and forget about the hassle of staying anywhere else.. lol..
actually its easier to go and just do it and learn from it.......if you ask for someones opinion its either going to be real rosey....or a horror show.

now if you want to post your route mile for mile and get an opinion from someone who travels it would probably work better.

you have people online in southern california that are clueless as to travel in minnisota......desert people who have never seen a blizzard in northern maine......people from northern new england that never saw a snake or boar hog in real life......yet they all can give you an opinion on how much its going to cost you at 4pm to cross the tobin bridge in NYC...

load your car up.....use common sense....enjoy your trip!!!!!!