Responsible Canine Camping

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What, Bob not welcome at Ehrenberg?

What is wrong with this picture. Very disappointed  :(
akrvbob said:
Camping with me will be by individual invitation only and won’t be with the group at Ehrenberg. Apparently I’m not welcome there. 
Bob I can not imagine you not being welcome anywhere
Personally I am a cat person. I have had dogs, but they were voice trained, the same as my cat, and the same way my children were. Teach them to respect boundaries. 

If anyone has any respect for their camp mates, they will not allow their children, pets, smoking or music intrude their space in an uncomfortable way. There are enough like minded people out here to spend your time enjoying and not squabbling.
Folks that let their dogs roam free must not really love their animals.  Otherwise why would they allow them to become prey to other wild animals?
This post topic has gotten really strange....threats and childish behavior coming out ?. I love dogs, I don’t mind them roaming around as long as the owner is right there and watching them. I do hate dogs peeing on or near my stuff (even my tires) AND stepping in Dog poop IS THE WORST!!! Any poop should be disposed of properly or, cat or human. Aggressive dogs or owners should not be allowed in or near a group setting. Some dogs are not meant for social settings, some humans aren’t either. If a pet is a problem the group should come together and address the problem, same thing with a human. I’ve heard we are a tribe, a tribe takes care of one another, watches out for each other. Don’t pretend like it’s ok, don’t let the offending person/ dog get away with what ever the problem is. The non offending person/dog in the tribe shouldn’t have to move away from the group, the offending dog/person should either take control of their animal or move to their own spot. Saying nothing implies you are ok with their behavior, if that behavior is allowed to continue it means you are ok with poop, urination and aggressiveness in your tribe setting. Are you?
Bob, you will always welcome in my camp. Then again you I have watched you keep a eye on Cody and take off after him when he is doing or going somewhere he should not. He tends to stay with you in your camp and is not aggressive to others. Cody would not be the reason this thread was started nor would you be. I also do not think you would be appreciative of the situation we were put into.
Mr GeoGentry, 

RE: your "take a breath and calm down".  I am calm, I was calm when I said what I said.  

My point regarding Bear spray is simple. and still is.  

1.  Despite your facts and figures, I wouldn't spray YOUR dog with bear spray. 
2.  I have over the last 10 years been around enough "not-calm" people who grab up their dogs 
     when they see mine to know that people who have threatened to spray a dog will do it when THEY are scared.

Ask Jimindenver how vicious my dog , formerly dogs, are/were.  My choice is to avoid groups of people.  I will keep to that choice.  Jim's group doesn't have to worry about me and my vicious dog Lacy.  I won't come anywhere near you. 

Once again:  No threat, just don't spray my dog with bear spray.  

And HDR, if you have to put me in trouble, then please feel free.  

still very calm Pat
highdesertranger said:
uh really nobody knows?  highdesertranger

Perhaps it's the fact that Bob does not leash Cody except at the RTR?
You can tell the content and character of a person by how well their dog is mannered and disciplined.
akrvbob said:
Note to self: remember to only camp alone other than RTR.

Camping with me will be by individual invitation only and won’t be with the group at Ehrenberg. Apparently I’m not welcome there. 

That’s fine with me, the more alone time the better.


Do you have suggestions of where to go if we have dogs?  
I have been in Ehrenberg for over a week,  I have walked my dogs on leash into the camp on several occasions and the only topic of conversation was people being run off because of their dogs.  I have chosen to stay out of camp and to myself as a result.    
This is my first RTR and I want to and need to learn about living in my van.   I had hoped to find open-mindedness and inclusiveness, a tribe.  Instead people are threatening to harm one-anothers' pets.  It's a shame that people bring their drama but argue about other people bringing dogs.
La Tortuga said:
This is my first RTR and I want to and need to learn about living in my van.   I had hoped to find open-mindedness and inclusiveness, a tribe.  Instead people are threatening to harm one-anothers' pets.  It's a shame that people bring their drama but argue about other people bringing dogs.

Ditto on this.  I'm pretty worried by some of the sentiments expressed in this thread.  :(
To my knowledge there has never been a serious or even near serious dog related incident at an RTR. I've missed two RTRs since the inception and have had up to 3 dogs traveling with me.
La Tortuga said:

Do you have suggestions of where to go if we have dogs?  
I have been in Ehrenberg for over a week,  I have walked my dogs on leash into the camp on several occasions and the only topic of conversation was people being run off because of their dogs.  I have chosen to stay out of camp and to myself as a result.    
This is my first RTR and I want to and need to learn about living in my van.   I had hoped to find open-mindedness and inclusiveness, a tribe.  Instead people are threatening to harm one-anothers' pets.  It's a shame that people bring their drama but argue about other people bringing dogs.

You expressed my thoughts exactly.
mpruet said:
Folks that let their dogs roam free must not really love their animals.  Otherwise why would they allow them to become prey to other wild animals?

Personally, I let my dog roam free (when it's appropriate) because I love him. He radiates pure, unadulterated joy when allowed to run free and explore. How can I deny him that? Granting myself that same kind of freedom is precisely the reason I'm choosing to live in a van at the moment. I'd rather take on the risks, whatever they may be, than never experience being free. But that's just me.

That being said, his roaming free is a rare thing and I always keep track of him.

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Also, my outlook is colored by the fact that I grew up on a farm where our dogs ran free day and night and none ever met an untimely death due to an encounter with wild prey.

If I had a small dog that was unfamiliar with the ways of nature, I might feel differently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If I may interject.  I posted near the beginning of this thread and later explained some of my comments, clarified if you will.  This whole thing has just gotten out of hand.  Now we have new people very worried about being around others with their dogs.  I feel fairly certain that 99.9% of the pets are not out of control.  My comments were directed towards the uncontrolled dogs that become aggressive, to the point of attacking, when you might try to chase them off.   

I have a concern over dogs wandering into my camp because one of my dogs is very aggressive.  And it gets real tricky to get in the middle of a dog fight.  I've had to do it and I don't like it because I end up hurt also.  But I am not gonna let two dogs tear each other apart either.

One person raised concern over walking past my camp with their dog.  I agree there should not have to be concern from anyone over my animals.  So I will camp away from any other groups of people.  Well basically not near anyone at all.  Like someone said to me it's a big desert.  That keeps my dogs safe as well as other peoples pets.  And it's no big deal since I have basically primative/boondock/dry camped most of my adult life.  I LIKE the solitude.

I think everyone should just calm down.  

And the new people need to realize that Bob is not some flub putting this whole thing together.  He puts the RTR together so new people can learn.  And he will do what he has to do to make sure they get a chance and that they are safe while they are doing it.  And I REALLY believe he is not going to let situations get to the point where someones pet is going to get hurt.  After all Bob has his friend Cody everywhere he goes and if you watch his videos then you will see the little scamp running around in the background.

So, please, can we just end this whole thing?  I know there are some issues but if they happen at the RTR Bob or one of his associates will handle it.
akrvbob said:
Camping with me will be by individual invitation only and won’t be with the group at Ehrenberg. Apparently I’m not welcome there.

I'm only responding to this because of Bob's assumption that he is not welcome here, especially since he and I have never met.

Bob I'm very sad that you chose to change the intent of my thread by imagining you are not welcome.  That is something you yourself decided for yourself.  It is not anything that had to do with your dogs behavior nor because of any action on my part.  Not only that, I didn't see you anywhere near this campsite so I don't see any way possible for anything to have occurred for you to be unwelcome.

Now due to the power of your influence and suggestion it appears some people are afraid to camp by us if they own a dog and that is unfair.

Let me repeat myself yet again but ask questions to drive the point instead....

Is Cody(or any readers dog) aggressive towards others in their campsites and/or towards those persons dogs?

Do you allow your dog to run loose without supervision to pee and defecate on other campers belongings in their campsites?

If so do you:

a) shrug it off and let others clean up your dogs mess or not pay for damaged items

b) take responsibility and either clean up the mess or pay for damaged items

If anyone answers "yes" to any of the highlighted(in bold) items then YOUR UNLEASHED DOG will not be welcome.  See what I did there?  How can this be misunderstood?

Hopefully that will set things straight as far as who is welcome or not. 

For example: the day before yesterday I approached Jim's trailer with my dog on leash.  During the course of us talking she peed right on his door mat.  The first thing I did after scolding my dog was to take that mat and rinse the pee off it!  I was so embarrassed but BOTTOM LINE!!  I TOOK RESPONSIBILITY!

Another example: since I started this thread Jim's campsite has been crapped on by unleashed dogs at least 4 times that I'm aware of.  How fair is that to Jim or anyone walking through his campsite?

Not only that....can you imagine how disgusting that is?  Do you want to step in that?

So to everyone...  PLEASE PLEASE do NOT fear camping around us.  The name of this thread is RESPONSIBLE CANINE CAMPING!  If YOU CHOOSE to be an irresponsible owner by not taking responsibility that has NOTHING to do with me or any of us.  That is YOUR DECISION just as it is to not camp around any of us(which is actually being responsible).  Again, that is YOUR DECISION and has NOTHING to do with whether you would be welcome by us or not.  If you want to have your dog unleashed and it's not aggressive and doesn't claim our things with it's bodily functions, OR you are willing to clean up after it and/or pay for any damages it might cause to peoples things THAT'S FINE!  Please stop making this something it is not!!

I'm very sorry if you have been frightened by the misleading influence here of anyone but that is an unfortunate problem with discussions online.  PLEASE feel free to discuss my intent via PM if you are still confused about anything I have posted here. 

And I want to repeat this post by JiminDenver because it drives home what my thread has been about from the beginning.  I have marked in some way the pertinent parts:

Bob, you will always welcome in my camp. Then again you I have watched you keep a eye on Cody and take off after him when he is doing or going somewhere he should not. He tends to stay with you in your camp and is not aggressive to others. Cody would not be the reason this thread was started nor would you be. I also do not think you would be appreciative of the situation we were put into.

I could not have stated that any better.  I have not met Bob nor would I think for him and I value Jim's opinions.  I hope this straightens things out and others relinquish their fears.  Especially since most likely we haven't met and it's unfair for any of us to believe something that isn't based in a live experience.
This doesn't seem to be a dog issue at all.  The question is would you want to camp by someone so wound up they spend their time watching out the window to see how many times and were a dog takes a dump instead of enjoying the beauty that surrounds them?  Life's too short.  That would give me a headache too!