tx2sturgis said:
...Should not take long for 'trespassing' dogs to get the message."
A word or two re solar powered electric fence wires: In order to be
effective, animals must be 'taught' to respect the electrified wire.
I have used this system on my farm for years for sheep/horses. Untrained
dogs that charge or leap quickly thru the wire will receive little or no
shock, & may tear down the wire.
Sheep (& other farm animals, including horses) are *taught* to respect
the 'hot' wire by luring them to it with a morsel of food. Once an animal
has been shocked they usually respect the wire.
Caution: a downed wire can be a fire hazard if it falls onto dry grass.
Not a likely scenario in the desert, but good to be aware of this. After
years of using 'hot' wires I dropped the practice during the dry season
because of fire danger.
