Residents ask city for moratorium on RV parking

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For those not wanting to watch a video, this is in the Seattle area and it's the usual case of not enforcing existing laws against litter, sewage dumping, and drug use. So they ask to create a new law against something that seems to be associated.
I'd be pissed too if I was a resident in this neighborhood.

It's not the RV's themselves that make the's the people inside of 'em who just don't give a sh*t!
Garbage everywhere, human piles, hard drug use.....NO THANKS!!!

Is it THAT hard to pick up after yourself??? I bet if these pigs just picked up after themselves, that the community would ease up on them.

(sorry...but I have real issues with littering and litterbugs!) :mad:
Another classic example of "the few spoiling it for the many" thru ignorance and lack of responsibility.

Its also a classic example of the typical knee-jerk reaction by government officials to take a small problem caused by the few and enact laws which inconvenience the many.

Where are the cops? Aren't there laws against littering? Why don't the government officials enforce the laws that are already on the books which would eliminate the problem?

Oh, I forgot, its an election year . . .
To be fair, the only response to this issue cited by the city (and therefore, the only piece of information in this article) is this: "'You are going to be seeing more uniformed officers and more police activity in the neighborhoods directed toward the concerns that you have,' said Assistant Chief Steve Wilske."

That sounds a lot like exactly what everyone in this thread is saying: Address the issue by enforcing existing laws, not confusing the issue with additional laws. The rest is just media hype. I really wish people would read past media hype.
I know I would be appalled to see it in my neighborhood. We have a HOA that only allows for 24 hrs for a RV and seeing what a handful breaking that rule does makes me happy for it. Most people here have a RV or boat and if we all brought them home for good, there would be no where to park.

A van dweller could pull in late and leave early and probably not even be noticed, but that's within 24 hrs and not a RV. They usually stay at the Walmart or retail area nearby.

So even if they were not trashing the place I think it would be a issue. Being pigs just puts the dot on the i and makes it a health issue too.
maybe the vandwellers/rvers of seattle should get together and go do some cleaning and set the record straight
maybe the residence should have spent that time and used it to clean up some of that garbage, how can they be so sure that the garbage is not some home owners that didn't want to pay dump fees,
"Neighbors are asking the city to place a moratorium on RV parking. Lindsay said he would discuss that with the mayor." "A suspension of activity" so not sure what they are actually looking at. And, where I see the issue is that "camping" should not be allowed on city streets but this goes from "camping" to "RV parking". "Camping" versus "parking". Just like at Wal-Mart, you can park but you aren't supposed to be "camping" and Wal-Mart in Tucson had camping happening and closed their parking lot to RVs when we lived there. It was not good. Trash left and tanks dumped in the parking lot of a smaller store on the side of town.
(sorry...but I have real issues with littering and litterbugs!)

Me, too, Patrick!  And I don't blame those folks one little bit!
I'm in the Seattle area & have been following this. Housing prices here are off the charts & there are many who live in RVs & vehicles. Many of these RVs aren't street legal & don't run. There's crime, drugs, trash & rules aren't being enforced. I am sympathetic in the sense of, if a beater is all you've got, it shouldn't be taken away from you, but also you shouldn't be parked in the same spot & immobile for the distant future. The city has declared a war on homelessness & I hope that something can be done to provide safe camping sites for long term vehicle dwellers who are not just passing through.
Snow Gypsy said:
"Neighbors are asking the city to place a moratorium on RV parking.  Lindsay said he would discuss that with the mayor."  "A suspension of activity" so not sure what they are actually looking at.  And, where I see the issue is that "camping" should not be allowed on city streets but this goes from "camping" to "RV parking". "Camping" versus "parking".  Just like at Wal-Mart, you can park but you aren't supposed to be "camping" and Wal-Mart in Tucson had camping happening and closed their parking lot to RVs when we lived there.  It was not good.  Trash left and tanks dumped in the parking lot of a smaller store on the side of town.
The Walmart in Tucson was closed after an itinerant family started a brawl with police that ended up with one of the family being killed and shots fired in the parking lot with customers present. I was there, too.
flying kurbmaster said:
maybe the residence should have spent that time and used it to clean up some of that garbage, how can they be so sure that the garbage is not some home owners that didn't want to pay dump fees,

The neighborwould know if it were one of there own. For one thing,they are probably all hooked up to sewer.
id'e be pissed to if they were trashing up the place and shitting and pissing all over the place and no I don't blame the residents for wanting em gone. no one should have to live under those conditions it's not safe nor sanitary
There needs to be a differentiation between people living in vehicles, and people's bad behavior.

There are already plenty of laws in place against bad behavior, and if those were enforced, we could reach a equitable compromise, without attacking the people who aren't a part of the actual problem.