Protecting yourself

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bk2valve said:
I don't find I have ever needed protection in my 69 years so just have my ordinary tools of life around me in the van. 
<br><br>Most people go through their entire life w/o ever being in a situation that posed threat their or their loved ones' lives.&nbsp; Even cops may retire after 30 years w/o ever needing to draw their gun. Just chalk it up as good luck. <br><br>But having a gun doesn't make anyone's outlook on life in general, more bleak than yours. A gun just gives you more options should that time comes. <br><br>People who adamantly rejects owning guns for protection but then changed their mind later and gets one, probably has had something bad happen to them. Must have been pretty bad too. Chances of it happening again is still extremely low, but getting raped once should suck bad enough already, let alone your loved one getting raped and murdered right in front of you, and you couldn't do anything about it or something. It's like wearing a seatbelt every time you drive yet never really needed it after a million times. Chances of flying through the windshield in an accident and landing head first at 60mph onto a rock is still extremely low, but it only needs to happen once to have a great affect on your life, should you survive.<br><br><br><br>
longjohn said:
"When <span style="color: #ff00ff;">seconds <span style="color: #000000;">count, the police are only <span style="color: #ff00ff;">minutes <span style="color: #000000;">away" pretty well sums up why I'm prepared to&nbsp;protect myself and family by firearms or whatever, until the police finally arrive (assuming I was ever able to contact them in the first place).</span></span></span></span>
<br><br>I was reading an article on how this little old lady in Detroit went out and bought her first gun.....after she heard people breaking into her house downstairs....and she was on the phone with 911 describing in real-time how they're breaking the window, then door.....then inside, doing whatever.....the cops came by the NEXT DAY, to check if she was alright, haha.
<span id="post_message_1276688722">But having a gun doesn't make anyone's outlook on life in general, more bleak than yours. A gun just gives you more options should that time comes. </span>
<br><br>You chose an interesting part of my post to quote, indicating that maybe you didn't read the rest of it or my other posts to see where I am coming from. Nor should you feel a need to defend yours or anyones choice.<br><br>I am only giving my experiences and I would stand my experiences up against anyone's on here for diversity and amount of dicey situations and predicaments. Seriously. <br><br>Along with the more options a gun gives you is a wealth of hassles, worries and limitations...that is just the truth. <br><br>I am not anti-gun being an owner of multiple guns. I just think that for me, it would far too inconvenient and too much hassle to have a gun in my rig.&nbsp; I certainly don't speak for anyone else.<br><br>
<span id="post_message_1276688722"> It's like wearing a seatbelt every time you drive yet never really needed it after a million times. Chances of flying through the windshield in an accident and landing head first at 60mph onto a rock is still extremely low, but it only needs to happen once to have a great affect on your life, should you survive.</span>
<br><br>You should be able to get a job at an insurance agency in a heartbeat.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">...that thinking is what keeps them making mega billions of dollars a year...and keeps my annuity solvent at never less than 3.5%...thank you very much...<br>Peace,<br>Bri
I'm planning on getting a tazer to take with me. Which I doubt I'll ever have to use but I'll take it anyway.
This sort of links to a scene I saw on "Doomsday Preppers" last night. A guy was demonstrating the 3/4" thick plywood window covers he can put up when the SHTF. He had family and friends try to hack through the wood with knives, hatchets, and a machete. Yeah, like people intent on breaking into his place are only going to have hand tools. A chainsaw would take his pathetic plywood out in a second. And if it's other preppers trying to get his supplies, they might have RPGs and C4.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I live in Alaska...Soldotna infact, and I have never felt a safer place to live than here because I know that anyone and most everyone has a gun.&nbsp; Here, people have respect for the damage they can cause and don't feel like they "have one up on you" because they have a gun.&nbsp; And you know what?&nbsp; The murders you see here are the same one's that would have happened in places with strict gun laws such as Chicago or New York.&nbsp; These are done by criminals and those with no sense of human importance and/or did not come by their guns legally.&nbsp; Drugs are the major&nbsp;factor in gun deaths.&nbsp; And I'll guarantee you the druggies have no intention of following the law.&nbsp;Only law abiding citizens will and then all you have are criminals with guns.<br><br>Rae&nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; An excellent heart-felt reply Rae, to the crazy excesses of our recent national obsession with gun control, at the expense of commonsensical questions of why we have folks out there with socially destructive habits.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br> Darrell.
bk2valve said:
You chose an interesting part of my post to quote, indicating that maybe you didn't read the rest of it or my other posts to see where I am coming from. Nor should you feel a need to defend yours or anyones choice.
<br><br>No, I read and just questioning it.&nbsp; <br> <br>
You should be able to get a job at an insurance agency in a heartbeat.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">...that thinking is what keeps them making mega billions of dollars a year...and keeps my annuity solvent at never less than 3.5%...thank you very much...<br>Peace,<br>Bri
<br><br>I used to own a few Allstate agencies, there's good money in it.