Propane Alarm Recommendation

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2015
Reaction score
I got my Plat Cat up and running and remembered I need a propane alarm. Got on Amazon and ordered a Safe T Alert Propane Alarm. I got it due to it's smaller size. I didn't see any of the 12volt units give the power consumption for there alarm, got my alarm today and when I took it out of the package the wires caught my attention 14ga.. Went through the paper work and this alarm uses 75mA, found a review online about this alarm and the guy has 450mA in batteries and the alarm pretty much drained his batteries over night. 

Anyone use a propane alarm that won't drain my battery in a couple of hours?
Assuming that 450 amp-hours was what was meant, those batteries should run a 75mA load for literally thousands and thousands of hours. Something is wrong with that guys setup, I think...
Understand mA must move the decimal point to the left to be amps. 450 mAmp = 0.0045 amp. What is that? One triple A battery?