Power Windows and Locks

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My old team leader at work once had a nifty new Lincoln Navigator. Huge UV. (Nothing remotely 'sport' about it!) It had every option in the book. Auto adjust pedals, seats and mirrors - two defaults, for the Mr. and the Mrs. Even the running boards would slide out when you parked! LED navigation screen. Gosh! We called it "The Space Shuttle". I once told her if she'd waited a year, she could get the warp drive and the transporter....... :)
Most of the lower priced Utility Vans I'm stalking on Craigslist are Manual windows and locks.  I've sure become used to power in my cars and rental cars and can't imagine going back. 

 Except.... in almost every case, the key must be in the ignition and turned to either the first or second position- turning on several other systems, along with various chiming sounds.  Just to close the window or open it a crack.  I'm rethinking.  What I would really miss is cruise control and since all these "luxuries" are often bundled, one either has them all or none.  (I have read the adding Cruise Control threads with interest)
I personally like power windows/locks and especially keyless entry. Most newer vehicles have options to program your preferences. For instance, one feature I don't like is all the locks opening when I put the vehicle in park, so I shut that off from happening. I think the odds of being attacked are rare, and the odds of being attacked where a manual window or power window would have changed the outcome for the better even more rare. And so I opt for the convenience.
If I had a choice I'd go with crank windows and power locks, with a remote. If power locks fail, they just become manual locks.

JJPDX said:
  What I would really miss is cruise control and since all these "luxuries" are often bundled, one either has them all or none.  (I have read the adding Cruise Control threads with interest)
My current van has manual locks, windows and cruise control, but it does not work.
I agree with Lost in the World. when power locks fail the manual side still works. when power windows fail you are up a creek. remember also, it's not if they fail it's when they fail because they will fail. the windows always seem to fail at the worse possible time. they are stuck down in a downpour or they are stuck up in the middle of summer when it's 100+. highdesertranger
Rain guards on your windows will help keep water out if you want to keep the windows down a little. They also make it less obvious that the windows are cracked.

As for the original story, some people get their jollies off scaring people. Look at all the "prank" videos online that involve freaking strangers out.

My truck has power windows and locks. When I leave it, I almost always leave the windows cracked several inches and the doors unlocked. When I'm curb camping, the same. When I'm camping out in the country or off a street, I roll the windows down as far as the weather will allow and leave the keys in the ignition.

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