Planing the build-out of Discovery

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Sep 8, 2016
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I thought I'd start sharing some  of the planning and builds for my future new Transit van.......hi roof and extra long..... white cargo van

Transit front view.jpg

I'll be traveling solo with two cats so the passenger seat gets replaced by the kitty stroller....a wooden box doubles as catfood storage while anchoring the stroller during travel......(not shown)there will also be a scratching post next to the stroller reaching an overhead shelf........Over or Under the window for the cat perch

Cat stroller Box and stool.jpg

I found a space on the box to mount a favorite roll-around stool.....I was having trouble justifying storing it since it's awkward and heavy.....but it took just two notches in the box

Cat Passenger Box Stool.jpg

I'm still in Florida at the 100 yr old S&B with a 4-car workshop....with lots-o-Tools....I'm going to build as much as I can before getting the van..............the transit has these large "rib-less" wall panels ...........They center right over the bed allowing a few more inches of stretch

Transit empty interior.jpg

I plan on glueing and stapling this bed- textile on the walls over the added insulation and furring..............a recess for the's a mock-up shown on the fence with an overhead clothes storage box made from recycled materials

Mockup clothes cubby wall Textile.jpg        doug


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Can't get past "kitty stroller", and then the actual picture of a kitty stroller. You, kind sir, are insane and I must run into you at some point in my life! Its people like you that make life great. A request when you get the chance and are so inclined, a pic of the stroller with the kitties inside. Please and thank you!
Congratulations! It looks like your ideas will be realized. I really dig the cloth.

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
Cry said:
Can't get past "kitty stroller", and then the actual picture of a kitty stroller. You, kind sir, are insane and I must run into you at some point in my life! Its people like you that make life great. A request when you get the chance and are so inclined, a pic of the stroller with the kitties inside. Please and thank you!

Bryan.......YES...I checked with the girls and they said "bla-bla-bla.....No silly BunnyEars.....No posing with Kids.......and No Ridicule".....I'll post photos if you promise not to Laugh at them..............

Thanks Jesse...............I worry the glued/stapled fabric inside the enclosed van will soon smell like "Cats 'n Doug"

The main part of the cabin consists of a counter space and the large frig.............I'll start with the 120 v frig and see how the solar handles it (but planned replacement with Virtofrig 12v).....Most of the wood panels are recycled from an old "bar" we had in the back room in the old house.......A shelving unit will hold Memories and supplies and provide support for the solar monitoring equipment

Shelf unit with desk and frig.jpg

A large counter occupies most of the space........Beneath the counter space is a sliding Desk with dual pull-out bathroom facilities below.........Men's bucket on the left and the Girls litter box to the right................Also a vessel sink with cold pumped water is included..........The old wooden chair got a modern replacement base and will roll on vinyl plank flooring over insulation and underlayment

Desk and chair.jpg                            doug


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Very, very cool!! What fun to just load up when the van arrives!! I am assuming you'll be insulating first, tho... still, most of the hard work will be done!
Cry said:
Can't get past "kitty stroller", and then the actual picture of a kitty stroller. You, kind sir, are insane and I must run into you at some point in my life! Its people like you that make life great. A request when you get the chance and are so inclined, a pic of the stroller with the kitties inside. Please and thank you!

While not the best pictures of the girls least they're in the stroller.................Introducing Smudge and Blackie

Smudge and Blackie.jpg

Stroller cats.jpg

I originally purchased the TWO cat was so wide it would never fit in the was wider than most doorways in the house......this is a JOGGER model from Drs Foster and Smith



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Love it! They look so well behaved in there.
I love the kitty stroller. I'm in the process of training my cats to wear a harness with a leash, walk on the leash, and go into a carrier. One cat is getting it, the other....

Well, very cute cats and have fun building.
AbuelaLoca said:
Very, very cool!! What fun to just load up when the van arrives!! I am assuming you'll be insulating first, tho... still, most of the hard work will be done!
Of course insulation and utilities..........I've also been able to "live" the space........making changes now........ before installation

Yeah the cats rule...............I have harnesses.......the cats slunk around like their legs are broken

I've got the litter "box" in the house.....forcing the cats to get used to it early..........I've got other habitats (tents) for them to spend time outside

..................I do have nightmares of traveling down the road wearing a cat as a hat.......claw combs included
Things are progressing ................the old house appraisal came in higher than expected.......Yeah!.............this will allow some instant equity to the neighbor/buyers as well as an easy exit strategy for still won't be quick enough to get me to the RTR

I'm in the process of donating a huge collection of Aerial Photos and Negatives dating back 50 years (3 generational business) to the regional history center.....That's back to pre-Disney Central Florida......there were no takers on the open least the "museum" is excited to receive them............actually their largest photographic donation

I still have lots-o-stuff to sell on CL........Yard sales were a dismal failure......just cheap give-aways......I need to target my audience better

Before she was born.....My wife Pam's family lived with the Seminole Indians in the Everglades.....Her Dad worked building the road to the (relocated) reservation for the Dept of Commerce from 1937 to 1941....The Seminole Museum/Tribal Elders Committee are "looking" at the family photos and collections to see if they'll accept the donation......They tell me that ancestor photos are rare because the Indians did not use Photography themselves.........I had become the "Hoarder of Family Treasures"......It's tough to let-go of all the STUFF !

I'm coming to grips with my Solar install.............Thank you JiminDenver for some of your recent posts and explanations of the size and scope and usage of your rather large system.......I have a smaller but similar plan.....but I still have questions

I still have far too MUCH stuff in my Keep pile.............How to get rid of the STUFF that holds such fond memories ????

I'll close with a "Negative" of Seminole Indian Children playing in the Community's hand well water pump Circa 1939     doug



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Such a shame that society doesn't seem to value our past history much anymore! Good luck with purging things... I am finding it hard to find people to take stuff off my hands! I'm afraid a lot of wonderful things are going to end up in the landfills... such is life!

Neat negative! Those should be worth a king's ransom!!
The negs and photos are almost 80 yrs old now.......a lotta water under the bridge.......the family photo album was flattened grocery bags bound between covers with shoe strings........

My mother-in-law was a young Chicago city girl...........Who spent her honeymoon in a tent in the Everglades !

They later traveled the country until 1953 in a large group of travel trailers.....following the Sun......extreme long-distance surveying for the US Coast and Geodetic Survey 

Doug has some really cool pictures, he sent me some. I just got them today and only had time to glance at them. a couple stunning space shuttle launch pics. he also sent me a bunch of pics of Spanish markings for a lost mine. sorry I can't share any more info, you all don't have the security clearance. LOL. thanks a bunch Doug. highdesertranger
Good news on the house!
Cool negative, I hope the museum takes those photos, pictorial records of the past are so rare
Well lets get back to the build........Remember this is all on the garage floor as there's NO van yet......It will be 30" taller inside the van.....I've draped the build to eliminate the confusing garage background

The rear portion of the van consists of a bed platform with storage underneath and a rear facing CHUCKWAGON thru the rear doors...........with everything secured it looks something like this...........the bed platform.......a closed pantry box.......a screen panel with inside facing storage boxes .............and finally a mocked-up "Grandpa's Attic" for lightweight bulky storage like camping supplies.....shower/wash basin and winter clothing duffel bag

Pantry with Grandpa's Attic.jpg

The COOKSTOVE is supported by a 2x4 framed platform/drawer that slides deep under the bed.........this allows it to extend out the doors to keep the heat/odors and moisture outside the van.....It all floats in mid-air at proper standing height.....there's additional storage behind the stove for cooking implements and flatware and extra gas cylinders's out in the elements but a small tarp should provide some cover if raining


Above the stove is the screen panel and PANTRY......The pantry provides storage for dry goods /pots and pans/dishes and bowls.......I need to keep the cats from escaping so that explains the screen panel......the side boxes face inside and provide clothing and personal storage.......The top of the pantry provides extra shelf space for paper towels and food staging.........while built in lighting swings out to provide light for cooking or chores..........there are also additional power outlets.........and a propane torch is nearby for those bread toasting operations

Screen and Pantry.jpg

The under bed storage contains a purpose built TOOLBOX under the stove........I'll need to work in my retirement so I need my tools.......(I'll show that in another post)........beside that is the WATER supply....a 21 gallon poly tank with assorted pipes and pump and faucet/shower attachments....... powered by 12 volt......I can attach a separate propane water heater for hot showers using a pop-up enclosure set between the van doors....(Under the water tank is a full depth "pocket" to contain those awkward tent poles)...........on the left side is a plastic bin to hold additional food etc.

Toolbox.jpgWater Supply.jpg

I hope this explains my chuckwagon design..........I've had simpler versions of this in other vans with great results.........feel free to ask any questions and THANKS for watching



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