PIRATE CAMP '24-25....................Desert SouthWest

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A pair of anvil topped clouds visible from my travel trailer doorway at Pirate Camp on Monday afternoon. Not a cloud formation I have seen before at Pirate Camp in Quartzsite. My Honda Element roof in the foreground and the nose of Abnorm’s white van to the right. He is a fair distance away, the camera zoom makes it seem a lot closer.
Perfect weather predictions for this week at Pirate Camp Quartzsite. Not too hot, the high is in the 70’s. Not too cold, the low is in the 50’s. No strong winds, just breezy enough in the afternoons to keep heat from the sun from building up inside my rig. There is a social event afternoon this week to look forward to. No long lines at the water or dump stations a La Posa South. A little better speed on the cell towers. The daylight is longer now which always feels good!
A pair of anvil topped clouds visible from my travel trailer doorway at Pirate Camp on Monday afternoon. Not a cloud formation I have seen before at Pirate Camp in Quartzsite. My Honda Element roof in the foreground and the nose of Abnorm’s white van to the right. He is a fair distance away, the camera zoom makes it seem a lot closer.
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Looks like a mushroom cloud from what an atomic bomb makes.
Looks like a mushroom cloud from what an atomic bomb
.An atomic bomb cloud has a domed top, ie mushroom shape. Maybe your memory got cloudy? That is a hazard of getting older which I can attest to.
Yeah, and if you come from the land where the key question of life is "red or green?" then you gotta spell it with an "e" :ROFLMAO::LOL::ROFLMAO:
A search shows.....


Thanks, it was the I before the E that was the issue! Good thing I got new prescription glasses in Mexico this morning. I really needed them! No more ghosted double images on the street signs and lane marker lines on the drive back to Pirate Camp. It was also getting tough to read small print on the phone.

Prices in Los Algodones are higher this year. High enough that I can now get glasses for about the same cost in the USA. I did get the meds I wanted, some of those prices also went way up.

It was interesting to learn from my pharmacist store staff person that most of what I bought for the meds does not have a quantity limit on them so those items are not subject to the 90 day supply rule. That included the Albuterol inhalers. Only one item I normally get each winter had that type of limit on it but I only take it occasionally as needed so that 90 days supply will easily last me a year.

The line heading back to the USA was the longest I have ever been in and this is year 5. It was not about that the place was all that crowded, the parking lot was not nearly as full as is typical. It is because they only had two custom agents on duty inside. They were working as fast as they could so I can’t blame them for not giving it their best effort. My back was really hurting, too much standing. I was grateful that there are so many benches in the shade for persons such as myself to be able to use. It was a friendly and fairly good humored crowd today despite the long line. It likely helped a lot that there was a nice cooling breeze so it never felt too hot.
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Jacque Update -

Ankle is doing great, but everything else is going to **** - specifically my van. Apparently needs a new engine. I am told that oil is not getting to all the places it needs to get to, leading to deterioration. Oil pump is not the problem. Will cost around $10k to fix. Van is running, so I can get around but mechanic says it’s days are (short) numbered.

I am applying for financial forgiveness from the hospital, I can’t fix the engine and pay the hospital.

I am being strongly urged to hang up my keys and rent an apartment.

I have just signed a lease to rent a parked 23-foot AirStream for $950/month. Lease is for 2 months. LL would normally charge more, giving me a deal because she really likes me.

Most actual apartments here would cost about twice as much, studios are hard to find as well. And I don’t really want to rent a room in someone’s house. But with a sick van, my ability to look for cheaper places off-island is limited.

Tis a conundrum. Not sure what I’m gonna do.
If it comes down to renting a room in someone’s house then that is what you will do. There was a time after my back was badly injured that is exactly what I had to do to put a roof over my head. It was not a fun time and I did not enjoy it but it is was my only affordable option so I just did it. It was however vastly better than moving to Texas to live with my parents who hated each other and would have weaponized me to use in their battles. At least I still had a lot of personal freedom. The person I rented a room from did not try to run my life. Most housemates are busy with their own lives and no more eager than you to be sharing a space. So they typically leave you alone to do your own thing.
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Reef in the sails early in the morning! Wind storm is blowing our way this Sunday on through to early Monday morning in Quartzsite. The bottom line is the mph gusting winds time line from the weather app Windy.IMG_2084.jpeg
Had a couple of wind blown dust notifications here in Tucson today, hold on!
Most actual apartments here would cost about twice as much, studios are hard to find as well. And I don’t really want to rent a room in someone’s house. But with a sick van, my ability to look for cheaper places off-island is limited.
^^ This was 10 days ago so hopefully you have found a solution by now, but for some reason it jumped into my head this morning that AirBNBs sometimes offer surprisingly steep discounts if you pay monthly. I'm not sure where you are; "island" is a clue that these may be fewer and more expensive than average, but you might get lucky.

I miss boarding houses! In my 20s they were still a good safe, cheap option for transition times. I couldn't even imagine that working today. Even extended-stay motels have blown up in price. Sometime late in the Covid era, after the super-cheap-because-nobody-wants-to-travel phase ended, they went the other direction and stopped being a serious budget option at all.

Things change. Tough times. Hope you've found something that works!
Just got a direct hit in Pirate Camp from a big dust devil. Glad I kept my trailer’s popup top down today, the temp was in the 60s so not hot. Those devils surely are found of my trailer. This is the 4th direct hit in 5 winters. It also went right across my screen room which survived without damage as I reinforced it when I bought it. I am also glad I had my sliding window closed so no extra dust got in my lungs.

Tomorrow is not supposed to be as windy which is good because I need to run a couple of errands and I do not want to drive in blowing dust.
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Just got a direct hit in Pirate Camp from a big dust devil. Glad I kept my trailer’s popup top down today, the temp was in the 60s so not hot. Those devils surely are found of my trailer. This is the 4th direct hit in 5 winters. It also went right across my screen room which survived without damage as I reinforced it when I bought it. I am also glad I had my sliding window closed so no extra dust got in my lungs.

Tomorrow is not supposed to be as windy which is good because I need to run a couple of errands and I do not want to drive in blowing dust.
About a month ago at Skooliepalooza, on a calm day, I was laying down on an inflatable couch inside my six-sided pop-up gazebo tent and suddenly the tent flew straight up into the air and then headed downwind at a high rate of speed until it crashed into a thorn tree. My friend in the bus across from me saw the whole thing. A dust devil came through camp and hit me dead on. I suppose if I hadn't been laying on the inflatable couch (that I had just gotten from the clearance aisle), that would have flown off too. The gazebo's tent stakes were still in the ground afterwards so don't blame me for not staking (the sewing where the nylon straps attached ripped instead). Sure wish it was caught on video.

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