Pep Boys

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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I did a search, couldnt find anything. This is a suggestion and also a question, incase anyones had any bad experiences.

Being a former manager of a pep boys for 10 years, I can tell you they are like lawless zones for some reason. Ive worked at multiple locations, all had the same feel. I never lived out of my car in one but I was always there and abused the living shit out of those parking lots simply because I could just tell them some bs show them the key and id be fine.

Well, i never even had to. Ten years of using it as a park and ride, a hangout during the day, a hangout during the night for car meets. Using it as a place to leave my truck and get dropped of after a night at the bar, sleep and then roll into work in the morning. In my younger days, exchanges for certain types of "plants", the preparation of said plants, and then usage of said plants, all in the same spot and nothing. Sounds reckless but I assure you it wasnt.

Perhaps my locations were better than others but all that aside Ill give you the perspective from a successfull and previously devoted and loyal employee. WE DONT GIVE A DAMN. One seemingly universal truth in the pep world is that store level hates upper management, and for the most part treat everyday people with respect. Also something they have to do, its so easy for an employee to get shit fir being rude to someone, even if that someone us a "POS". They just dont bother with extra complications, like things that happen in the parking lot. Understaffed and too much to do inside no time to see whats going on out there.

That being said, with it being a well known "low cost" repair center, it is VERY common for vehicles to arrive and remain in a spot for MONTHS, without anyone batting an eye. With so many different shifts, any employee just assumes that it is there being serviced, waiting on parts, waiting on cust to have the funds , waiting to be picked up etc. youd really have to do some homework and call ALOT of people to confirm your suspicions of if a vehicle belongs there or not, in the end its not worth their time.

And for a passing through overnight stay its the perfect excuse even for the police. You were traveling and had whatever problem and were able to make it here and are waiting for them to open so you can get the parts or fluids or whatever.

I wouldnt try this method at a midas or some shit but the overnight one for parts, id use that often if passing through. Perfect excuse.
If it was raining, absolutely. But i could come up with something better than that if it wasnt haha.
I like Pep Boys shopped the Richmond,Va stores & the one in Charlotte,NC

had several tire's break cords & have huge knot on them then they would Blow---but the most part,products are good. My work van has 4 Newish tires from the chesterfield,Va store.Yep once stayed there over night, waiting for a sale. I get the tires to go-=since I have a tire changer,& Balancer.
sparky just a heads up on those pep boys tires, they are made in china. need I say more. highdesertranger
Moe Shemp and Curly, sorry it just takes me back whu whu whu whu. We ain't got no Pep boys out here.
I do the Wally World tires, as they have locations everywhere. Warranty is something I have used many times with them.
Wonder if you can stay at walmarts that don't really allow that. With the reason that you have to get the car-van-truck fixed the next day. It seems business reason trumps common sense and decency and allows you to sleep anywhere. Maybe get a sign that says AWAITING MORNING REPAIR SERVICE. And always use that and drop a note in the after hour box saying manager to please come wake you at 9am.
I have generally avoided Pep Boys, since they tried to screw my Dad on a simple carb problem once (this one specific store, but one bad experience will sour me on an entire chain...), and he saved the $600 they wanted for a new carb by going to a small private shop with a mechanic who really knew Toyota trucks - turned out to be a split rubber diaphragm that cost a few bucks to replace.
But it's always good to have some info on places to sleep for a night!
All im saying is they are big enough that its easy to slip through the cracks, but small enough that they dont have security for the parking lots. They are adding cameras to outside the service bays however to most locations. You can see the cameras easily, the cameras are only directed at employees however. They are used to combat employee theft and actions in relation to customers vehicles. Stay away from the service bays.
highdesertranger said:
sparky just a heads up on those pep boys tires, they are made in china. need I say more. highdesertranger

Most tires are made in China, including the top brands. You are paying top dollar for example BF Goodrich tires are made in the same place as cheap $99 dollar tires. They don't pass on the savings to you just pocket the profits.
Believe it or not, there is a difference in the composition and engineering of the tires. Just like in engines and food products. Not everything from China is the same generic item.
david I beg to differ. all of my bfg tires say made in usa, right on the side wall. not sure where you got that info but I just checked before posting this. I just had to replace my wheel bearing on my front axle, I got Timken bearings because they are made in the usa, said so on the box and the bearing itself. I did this because one of my bearings was getting ready to fail, where was it made you may ask? china. you can't always find made in usa. I consider made in Canada, western Europe, and japan to be on par with made in usa. even mexico, brazil, Thailand, Taiwan are good second choices. some things you just can't get around like most gadget electronics. I try to stay away from that stuff. when I buy something nowadays I ask where it was made and ask for made in usa. also when talking to companies about failed products that where made in china I let them know how disappointed I am and will not be buying their products that are made in china in the future. I have nothing against the Chinese people but their gov lets these companies(many American) use child labor, forced labor, slave labor, and political prisoners, in horrific conditions. I myself cannot support this. so I will try to do my little part even if it makes no difference. highdesertranger
Good heads up on the overnight PB parking. I'd always looked for a non brand chain Gas station with a mechanic advertised, and I'd spend some money there in the morning when they opened, and maybe BS with the Mechanic. Most have been amusing characters.

China can build quality stuff, when they are inspired to do so,
Maximum profit for those up top rules on both sides of the Pacific, and the cheap consumer is as much to blame for the crap sold, as the top management, on either side, who care only about maximum profit.

I wish more Made in the USa products were available. Try to find some brake rotors made in this country. Aftermarket parts these days, seem to be designed to fail , primarily for job security for those which made the substandard product which was designed to be a well marketed shiny POS.

Well, politics might ensue, I've done well to avoid entering such topics in my travels. Will be surprised it I click the 'post reply' tab
Most iPhones, Sony products, etc. are made in China. But the capital investment and upper management are Japanese. Quality control is also of higher standards. The labor is Chinese and they work hard and are just as good as the Japanese and I'd say, better than Americans workers.

Now there are fakes. Like if you're a smaller company who sends to China, designs and how many items you want produced but you don't have the resource to setup plants, manage the workers, etc.; the Chinese will meet your order but will make a shitload extra if they see profit in your product. This shitload is rebranded and sold cheaper, and the quality control is usually inferior.