OREGON '23...............Postcards from the Road

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Sep 8, 2016
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The desert SouthWest is lost in the rear view mirror.......We're finally in our Happy place.....OREGON


"Smoke on the Water".........4-Mile Quarry..........Fremont-Winema Forest

Four years ago this was our Honeymoon spot.............TREES, Water, 14 day-land what more could you ask ?

Last year this was reduced to a mud hole...................Thanks for all the Snow melt this year!

Shout if you're nearby.............otherwise welcome along for the ride.............................
That’s some beautiful country there Doug... where will you be early to mid August? I’ll be heading to tri cities to camp with kids around the fourth of August. Them be in that neighborhood for a bit. I’d be up for a Bend or Sisters meetup sometime in there. Otherwise I end up an elf on a shelf at grandkids.
We like Sisters..........and Bend.........Mid-AUGUST ?

I've also been wanting to check out a WanderLust WayPoint located near Christmas Valley....

That's an "RV/Schoolie/Van NOMAD Build/Rebuild location"......a 'campground' with amenities started by JOHNNY BLAZE..................There's now 18 locations across the USA

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Shout if you're nearby.............otherwise welcome along for the ride.............................
Alas, I am now back in Anaheim, trying to run interference for my brother who can't do it for himself. He was taken to the hospital about a week ago, having an emotional breakdown. So I am spending my nights in his apartment parking lot, and my days at a neighborhood park. This is entirely too much city for me. It's unclear how much longer I will have to be here...
The desert SouthWest is lost in the rear view mirror.......We're finally in our Happy place.....OREGON...

Four years ago this was our Honeymoon spot.............TREES, Water, 14 day-land what more could you ask ?
Nice photo AB. And beautiful spot.
Someone removed the water and replaced it with glass!

I'ts photo-shopped!


I would be standing on the bank and skipping stones across the surface...when I was a kiddo I could get 12-15 hops pretty regularly, with the right stone, on smooth water.
We like Sisters..........and Bend.........Mid-AUGUST ?

I've also been wanting to check out a WanderLust WayPoint located near Christmas Valley....

That's an "RV/Schoolie/Van NOMAD Build/Rebuild location"......a 'campground' with amenities started by JOHNNY BLAZE..................There's now 18 locations across the USA

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I’ll check in when it gets closer Doug...
The desert SouthWest is lost in the rear view mirror.......We're finally in our Happy place.....OREGON

View attachment 33959

"Smoke on the Water".........4-Mile Quarry..........Fremont-Winema Forest

Four years ago this was our Honeymoon spot.............TREES, Water, 14 day-land what more could you ask ?

Last year this was reduced to a mud hole...................Thanks for all the Snow melt this year!

Shout if you're nearby.............otherwise welcome along for the ride.............................
I'm on the Oregon coast right now. About 4 hrs away. But, I like most everywhere in Oregon. :)
I’ll be meeting my daughter on Bear Lake on the Idaho side that weekend. Then back down into Utah... I feel like I’ll be flying like a Woodcock... no straight lines this trip. I told my son I’d come up to Washington later in August. Two days later I get a reservation confirmation for August 4th. I guess that’s later in August! Haha! But that’ll get me up just over the top side of Oregon... maybe I’ll find the captain of pirate camp in there some where’s. I just have to figure out how to harness the power of a kazillion mosquitoes. Man they are horrible here this year!!!
Water and Mosquitoes................

Weather is a little "fluid" the next couple days.......Highs 78, 68, 58, and then Monday 48 with Low at freezing and rain ? Unpack the warm clothes.............

Thanks Carla.........
Camp hosting on Detroit Lake for the Summer. Never spent much time in Oregon before this. Its a beautiful state. We drove from Tillamook to Newport one day last week on US101. My wife kept saying the ocean was on the wrong side. Normally when the water is on the right, we are driving north on US1.

We have a resident blacktail buck that lives behind us. We spot it once in awhile. Its antlers are just starting to bud out. We have an otter that insists the dock is his dinner table and toilet. We have mallards and mergansers that swim by us with their ducklings most mornings. We have a decent hiking trail in Stahlman's point that we hike a couple times a week. We've spent a couple days in Silver Falls state park. Its one of the prettiest parks we've visited.

Camphosting has its pros and cons. Cleaning up after people who can't seem to hit a toilet is one of the cons. Dealing with drunk idiots and illegal dumping of trash is another con. Bugs haven't been too bad at all. Most people are pretty decent. Telling a pretty girl getting ready to swim nude to put her clothes back on was heart-breaking, but so far its my favorite story.
Just saying the word Anaheim is to much city in my book. I hope your brother gets better and you can move on soon Jacque.
Thanks Ben. I hope so too. The doc is talking about relerasing him on Tuesday, but while that is a step forward, it won't mean I can leave. The doc is telling him he can no longer drive, which means I will have to help teach him how to use the bus and other means of getting around. He actually has quite a few options, but he despises all of them. We also have to solve the problem of getting him help to set up his meds, because we are almost certain that it was poor prescription compliance that landed him in the hospital in the first place. My brother is on the spectrum. This would all would be a little easier if he would just smile when I appeared, but - he doesn't. Just pisses and moans...

Oh well.
^^^Behavior modification technique might work to get that smile. Consistently show up with a small food treat that he likes which is not forbidden for him to have. Food rewards can reach a different type of positive reaction memory association and pairing it with facial recognition creates a more positive response. Doctors do it with children by giving them a treat to reduce the negative memory association.
^^^Behavior modification technique might work to get that smile. Consistently show up with a small food treat that he likes which is not forbidden for him to have. Food rewards can reach a different type of positive reaction memory association and pairing it with facial recognition creates a more positive response. Doctors do it with children by giving them a treat to reduce the negative memory association.
When I started to read about the post about behavior modification with a treat I was still thinking about the nude bather. I was really looking forward to the rest of the suggestion until I found it was about the otter.
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