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See page 39-40 in my online book for details.
I think The Amazing Randi’s offer of $1M is still open. Any proof of the paranormal and you become an instant millionaire. But you have to actually demonstrate it, you can’t just write about it. Pages 39&40 doth butter no parsnips.
It is not quite that simple.
In every quadrant astronomers look, the universe is moving away from us at an equal rate (± 1%).
I can think of three posibilities:
  • the observations are wrong.
  • the universe is expanding at different rates and the earth is moving in such a way to make it appear to be moving uniformly.
  • earth is close to the center of expansion.
  • others?
one of the few things i remember in a university astronomy class was the professor saying the universe isnt moving away from us
but the "space between us" and our observations is what is expanding. i've always enjoyed observing objects in my telescope (in my
avatar) but the science can get pretty deep quick ;)
About 30 years ago I grew these too. Just rinse them on schedule, huh?
That doesn't help.

“The bacteria in or on growing sprouts cannot be washed off. Because even a low dose of Shiga toxin-producing E coli can make you sick, sprouts are a powerful vehicle for transmitting illness.” ~
In the last 20 years, contaminated bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts or other varieties have been blamed for at least 40 significant outbreaks of foodborne illness across the U.S., Canada and Europe. Most of those incidents were blamed on Salmonella bacteria, but E. coli contamination has occurred as well.

They include what had been considered the worst known outbreak of E. coli, a 1996 epidemic in Sakai City, Japan. In that case, nearly 10.000 people, most of them students and teachers served school lunches prepared in a central kitchen, were sickened with E. coli O157:H7. At least 12 died from kidney failure and related complications.

Eventually, health officials determined the source of the outbreak was radish sprouts, grown on a Japanese farm from seeds that may have come from Oregon.

That doesn't help.
Well, it was required for them to grow. So it ‘helped’ on that count.

I had several jars at varying stages of growth. As for being ‘the most dangerous food to eat’, nope. Come to Japan, catch your a puffer and prepare it yourself. THERE is danger for you. So ‘one doctor’ said this? Not 3xactly volumes of research, huh?

Wearing rubber gloves, respirators for anything that has an odor, etc, etc. 8’m still here. I handled mercury as a kid, worked on cars and painted everything that could be painted without gloves, worked construction with no safety glasses. When I was in the 9th grade I even used a hacksaw to cut off a small piece of the chunk of uranium for my science teacher. IN THE CLASSROOM. My dad had it from when he worked at Los Alamos during the war. THAT was dangerous. Or potentially so. When I was in college I took that piece of uranium to the physics department. I let them have it for a day. When I came back to pick it up they had it wrapped in several pieces of land. They said it was hotter than anything they ever had in that lab. That was dangerous. Not growing sprouts in a jar. Take a deep breat, and relax. You WILL die, but chances are it won’t be from not wearing gloves/safety glasses or eating homemade sprouts.
Well, it was required for them to grow. So it ‘helped’ on that count.

I had several jars at varying stages of growth. As for being ‘the most dangerous food to eat’, nope. Come to Japan, catch your a puffer and prepare it yourself. THERE is danger for you. So ‘one doctor’ said this? Not 3xactly volumes of research, huh?

Wearing rubber gloves, respirators for anything that has an odor, etc, etc. 8’m still here. I handled mercury as a kid, worked on cars and painted everything that could be painted without gloves, worked construction with no safety glasses. When I was in the 9th grade I even used a hacksaw to cut off a small piece of the chunk of uranium for my science teacher. IN THE CLASSROOM. My dad had it from when he worked at Los Alamos during the war. THAT was dangerous. Or potentially so. When I was in college I took that piece of uranium to the physics department. I let them have it for a day. When I came back to pick it up they had it wrapped in several pieces of land. They said it was hotter than anything they ever had in that lab. That was dangerous. Not growing sprouts in a jar. Take a deep breat, and relax. You WILL die, but chances are it won’t be from not wearing gloves/safety glasses or eating homemade sprouts.
I'm not freaking out over sprouts and I wouldn't base any decisions on just one opinion. Not sure what your point is. This isn't a contest.
I love sprouts! Went there the other day and got some jalapeno cheddar bread. Was delicious. :)


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I'm not freaking out over sprouts and I wouldn't base any decisions on just one opinion. Not sure what your point is. This isn't a contest.
I never used the phrase ‘freaking out’. But even though some people died in that outbreak over here (I remember it well) the biggest change to come of that was a trend to wash your hands a lot bc of 0157. The uncooked sprouts are still consumed, still widely, if not ubiquitously, available and even the 0157 signs are pretty much gone except in kindegartens.

And I never said it was a contest. My point is that using the opinion of one doctor and combining it with a single incident, on the opposite side of your world (guessing there) to make any sort of point about sprouts just struck me as begging for the flip side of the coin to be discussed. Just because I am opposed to your opinion doesn’t mean I’m attacking you.
When I was trying to grow microgreens professionally(never quite made it there, but damn my stuff was good), I took multiple measures to guard against mold. It's tricky.

I used diluted food-grade hydrogen peroxide to spray my 10x20 trays(I'd keep a dozen of them or so going in different growth stages at once) to help suppress mold. It also helped the roots uptake oxygen. I also used fans in a recirculating pattern on each level of my racks to keep the air flowing -- mold loves still air, but a breeze(or a fan) dissipates moisture through increased evaporation. It also helps stress stems so they grow thicker and stronger, rendering them healthier and of course more juicy and provident of real edible plant to you.

Sprouts are actually much more dangerous than microgreens. Microgreens are cut above the soil and the root is not involved, nor the soil. Done properly, you will never touch the microgreens(and convey your personal (sorry!) biological yuck to them after they've been seeded. And you don't really even have to do it then.

Sprouts, though, expose your crop to much more standing water. And you get right down into the last bit of them, which with microgreens you never do, as you clip above the ground level. I used gloves too, myself.

Anyway, I'm going on just because I love the subject and found so much personal value in microgreens, even though the reward at a professional level never quite clicked.

I think my original impetus to respond was probably to keep harping on not discounting mold and all you have to do to prevent it ... and how the measure to do so -- fans, open air, low humidity either artificially or naturally created -- were available if not well known. Ask me questions if you like. The healthiest eating and full-body health from eating I believe I've ever had was when I could grow and eat as many microgreens as I liked. And I did like! I even made cocktails out of some of them.
How did the author’s question about HOUSE PLANTS turn into a discussion about the health danger of growing sprouts?

Raising food was not the subject of the topic. Maybe the sprout stuff should be split off into its own topic?
How did the author’s question about HOUSE PLANTS turn into a discussion about the health danger of growing sprouts?
They’re related. Both are grown in your house. You eat one, not the other, the dog often fails to make such a distinction.
Raising food was not the subject of the topic. Maybe the sprout stuff should be split off into its own topic?
And this would accomplish what? This is what happens to conversations.
It's a thread with a topic. Once the conversation within the thread becomes something other than what the thread topic is, within reason, it deserves it's own thread with it's own topic.

A few posts regarding sprout safety would have been sufficient. With further discussion being the topic for another thread. That way when people reading threads for a particular subject are reading a thread, it doesn't stray so far from what they're looking for.

There are many more people they read these forms then people posting. Helping them with more concise and topical threads is worth a little inconvenience.
It's a thread with a topic. Once the conversation within the thread becomes something other than what the thread topic is, within reason, it deserves it's own thread with it's own topic.

A few posts regarding sprout safety would have been sufficient. With further discussion being the topic for another thread. That way when people reading threads for a particular subject are reading a thread, it doesn't stray so far from what they're looking for.

There are many more people they read these forms then people posting. Helping them with more concise and topical threads is worth a little inconvenience.
I’m fully aware of the concept of topics. I work for one company that not only had a timekeeper to keep us on schedule but a topic keeper to keep us on topic. Time is money and forward environment perhaps these were called for.

Something tells me that I am not terminally unique in my attitude toward accepting some latitude when it comes to digressing from the topic of the post. It almost seems more normal to have that happen than it is to stick to the topic. An exception might be at
I would think that being anal retentive might require a medical exam. Let us know what the doctor says.
Didn't we have this exact same conversation a day or two ago?

What is the point to complaining over and over about this?
Who does it help?
How is it interesting?
What does it accomplish?
I’m fully aware of the concept of topics. I work for one company that not only had a timekeeper to keep us on schedule but a topic keeper to keep us on topic. Time is money and forward environment perhaps these were called for.

Something tells me that I am not terminally unique in my attitude toward accepting some latitude when it comes to digressing from the topic of the post. It almost seems more normal to have that happen than it is to stick to the topic. An exception might be at
The never-ending desire to attain and direct control always pops up, everywhere and always. So tedious. Thank you for objecting. Maybe it can help keep some heads on their shoulders, occasionally. Good luck to us all on that, though. Soon to be deleted.

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