Well, I'm ready to stop talking about the "Flat Earth" theory, due to the lack of solid evidence. I had accepted a Flat Earth as a real possibility because of my belief that we live in a cosmic hologram where anything is possible. But in seeking proof the earth is flat, every concept I've examined proved to have serious flaws.
For example: It makes sense the stars would turn in a circle around The North Star since the North Pole is in the center of the Flat Earth, with the heavens circling around that pole. But since Antarctica is a ring of ice around the outer edge of the Flat Earth, we should see the most southern stars flying by horizontally, but we don't! Instead, we see another revolving circle of stars similar to the circle we see going around the North Pole.
The explanation given for the southern circling of stars is a combination of light being bent over long distances, and our seeing a reflection of the stars circling around the North Pole. They give the example of how "anti-crepuscular rays" can sometimes be seen in the east while the sun is setting in the West, as in this East-facing photo taken in Colorado as the sun set behind the camera in the West.
But in reality, the Southern stars are just as bright and sharply focused as the stars in the Northern view of the sky. The Southern stars are in a totally different arrangement from those in the North, along with a brighter and larger portion of the Milky Way going around the circle and visible only in the Southern hemisphere. So in short, I can't recognize any truth in their explanation about the far Southern sky.
If anyone has any solid evidence to share that shows the earth to be flat, I'd
love to learn about it. I'm not saying the Earth
isn't flat, I'm only saying I've been unable to find any real evidence that it's flat. But there are flaws in the Round Earth theory as well! For example, I often hear that seeing a ship disappear over the horizon -- bottom first -- shows that the Earth is round. This concept just isn't true at all! See
my comment here for three short gif videos demonstrating how flaw-prone the over-the-horizon "evidence" is.
Now there is one part of the Flat Earth theory that
does have real evidence. That's the part claiming the earth to be stationary at the center of the Universe. There are two strong indicators that seemingly "prove" this part of the Flat Earth theory to be true:
(1) Science says we are sailing forward through the universe at more than a million miles per hour, so a star's light coming to us from 90 degrees to the right should be observed as coming from a slightly smaller angle than 90 degrees as a result of the combined movements of the light and the earth. Also, light travels through air at 186,000 miles per second, but through water at only 140,000 miles per second. So when we observe that same star's light traveling through water, the angle of the light should be slightly changed to match the changed combination of Earth and light motions.
But it isn't! The Air and water angles of the star's light remain precisely the same, as though the earth is not moving at all!
(2) A number of quasars in the sky are all the same distance from Earth, as though riding on a sphere with the earth at its exact center. And around that are a number of additional such spheres of quasars, each sphere having Earth as its exact center. Between these spheres are hundreds of lightyears of empty space containing no quasars. The same is true of galaxies found to be in matching distances from Earth, with Earth at the center, and hundreds of lightyears of empty space between each sphere of galaxies. The chance of all this incredibly accurate spacing happening by chance is too infinitesimally small to even consider. So is Earth really sitting quietly in the center of everything?
Well, with that, I'm ready to stop talking about Flat Earth, and turn my attention to writing about, working on, and living in my van White Cloud! Life is truly interesting! (...especially VanLife.)