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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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I have been coming to these forums for 3 years now, and On the old forum I had I different handle which I don't remember, but it doesnt matter really. I wanted to reintroduce myself.... I am a full time vandweller again. I moved into an apartment and caved to the idea of more space, I stayed there for year and HATED it, and was out 12,000 what was I thinking? I own my own business, and I so desperately want to cut my ties to that to, but I have a place in PA under construction, and while I don't plan on living there full time it will be my summer hang out, I plan to buy land in the south but haven decided where. I want to be able to move between Northeast PA and some southern destination. I would like to stay close to the mountains. That's my goal anyhow.

I took myself off disability to open this store, and it
s done well, problem is I'm not... I have a few medical conditions that get in my way, and its gotten to the point where my health needs to come first, I plan to put the business up for sale in November. I will miss the money but I would rather be very budgeted than constantly injuring myself doing what my body can really no lnger do safely.

So I will reapply for disability (which may take months to years) and live on that and royalties (500 a month) for the gas well near my PA home when they start coming in. What really did me in was not just that but affordable health care? my butt! when I went off disability I was able to keep my health insurance for 340.00 a month, now I pay 870.00 and my share of any bills are huge, basically I am no longer making money to enjoy... I work to pay medical bills...and get sicker doing it.... so a change of plan was needed....moving back into my van gave me an extra 1000.00 to spend on my property in PA....and getting the van in tip top shape. I want to go to the RTR this January....and to be able to enjoy life again.... right now I work 4 days a week and go to PA for 3.... and I admit I'm a little tired.... some days I sleep in till 10:30 with the dogs staring at me like " I think she's awake....I see eyes moving"....

so that's my ife right now 4 days in NY and 3 in PA.... oh and learning to purge myself of stuff I do not need....oh well 9:10 time to get ready for work! hiho hiho....
Welcome back, wondered what became of you. I don't make it here like I used to. Trying to stay focused on leaved and selling out.
we are new too and just starting out, I am working on getting rid of the excess and looking forward to hitting the road to freedom ourselves. Maybe out paths may cross. good luck to you!
Hey WtWB!!!

Welcome back to the forum...(and the life!!)

What kind of business do you own??
I'm always curious because I too am a small business owner, and I always enjoy seeing how others addapt their businesses to fit a life on the road. (I'm also kind of wondering if there's a way to keep things going for you with it, if we can find a way where you don't get thrashed just doing your job.)

I'm a graphics guy, and work at alot of motorcycle rallys when not at my shop building stuff.

Hello from Oregon!!
Hey, Patrick... No worries, I own a pet salon, and for almost 2 years was the only groomer, Last January, I was found unconscious in my van and was forced to hire a new groomer or close the shop. It was tough going for the first few months but it's back on track now, and making money again.... this kind of business is hands on, I am going to hire a young (possibly a high schooler) to video tape groomings and set up a you tube channel to upload grooming video's... as I think there will always be young groomers wanting to learn stuff us old timers may know and even private owners as well, hoping to start that in August. So there really is no way to do grooming anymore, my health issues are causing a numbness in my arms and legs from standing all day, no amount of trying will make this better.... I hope is to have things all tied up by the fall of 2015.

I am looking forward to writing a few new grooming books, the ones today are severely outdated and incorrect.

I have always been good at being able to make a buck, it's in my DNA I think, never rich but always just enough....
Yes sounds like your getting a grip. I buy and sell whatever and going to Nevada to buy an acre. Doing it since 1966 when my mother taught me. Welcome back and big hugs to you.
dragonflyinthesky said:
Welcome back, wondered what became of you. I don't make it here like I used to. Trying to stay focused on leaved and selling out.

Hey Girlfriend! Yeah life got severely in the way and I lost my path but I am back on track and working at it 110%....I hear ya... I knew back in Dec that I has really derailed...


attached is a pic of one teed off kitty!


  • 012.JPG
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Hey Wind, I was a groomer for 30+ years and work at a campground in East Stroudsburg PA. I know what you mean about grooming taking a toll on you physically. I can't do it full time any longer myself. I drive to NY every 6 weeks and do 10 to 13 dogs to make ends meet. I wouldn't mind a part time gig, do you need help?
decodancer said:
Hey Wind, I was a groomer for 30+ years and work at a campground in East Stroudsburg PA. I know what you mean about grooming taking a toll on you physically. I can't do it full time any longer myself. I drive to NY every 6 weeks and do 10 to 13 dogs to make ends meet. I wouldn't mind a part time gig, do you need help?

Sure, any sat or Sunday you need some spare cash let me know! I book about a week in advance.... PM sent! call me
Just wanted to say that it was so nice chatting with you. Even though I'm too far away for the grooming gig, I look forward to meeting you here in PA.