Well, yesterday was one week since I hit the road, and I'm still alive. Better yet, Bella is too! My daughter's father flew in to visit her and the babies today, so I had to leave the grandkids for a few days and head back up the hill to Cameron Park. This driveway is parallel to the house (nice for privacy), and flat, which allows me to put my propane tank out so I can run the refrigerator and have hot water. I'm reveling in the sound of California rain on the roof, Bella snoring, and absolutely no other noise. Bliss!
I took care of my low tire issues the other day, emptied the gray and black water tanks, filled up my propane tank. Today I had lunch with one of my best friends whom I had not seen in nearly 2 years. I'm trying to be as Fearless as possible by taking things one step at a time. This is a HUGE thing for me, as I've always needed to know exactly what the next 125 steps were going to be.
I asked at CLM about getting hired for a campground job over the winter, and they said they didn't need anyone. So, that's alright; I'll figure that out down the road...
Tried to work a deal out on that Road Trek I posted on another thread, but I guess the guy got tired of me not "calling" him, and insisting that I get answers in writing, as he stopped responding to me. Perhaps my "deal of a lifetime" will come along at the end of summer.
Not too much to write about, while I'm visiting family and friends here. I'll post again when things liven up. Peace out!