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I feel amazing!! And this solar panel works beautifully. I'll let Renogy know, and write a review on Amazon.
Nana - so glad to hear about your wonderful day! I bet you feel amazing. What an awesome start to your adventures this summer.

I was at Lake Shasta years ago and loved it. I'm looking forward to returning this year or next.

Good for you! Glad to hear there are still some great people out there!
That's Awesome Nana... It is great when you find good people like that. Glad you are up and running better now.
The kindness of strangers, how awesome!! Glad to hear things are going good. :)
It's simply too wonderful for words when you run into a total stranger who is willing to put themselves out for you isn't it!

You must be much relieved to have some of the 'stuff' sorted out!
I'm addicted to ice cold beverages, so imagine my excitement to wake up to 4 trays full of fabulous ice cubes!

Another absolutely gorgeous day. Birds, geese, insects... Those are the majority of the sounds in the air. A little more boat traffic than the past few days, but very tolerable. Such a feeling of contentment on our last day here. I love my life!
I'm glad that everything is working now. You'll find that fellow campers are almost always willing to help another camper out. And as you get more experience you will be able to pay it forward.

If you need help with anything just put your hood up and soon you have helpers galore :-D
good for you nana. glad you got her fixed up. good luck on the genny, sounds like a fuel starvation issue. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
good for you nana.  glad you got her fixed up.  good luck on the genny,  sounds like a fuel starvation issue.  highdesertranger

I thought that at first too, but we confirmed plenty of flow through the fuel line. Once it's in the genny, I don't know what's happening. I also thought maybe airflow issue, but it's too quick to shut off after starting, and doesn't sputter like it's choking. Also adjusted the carb altitude levels. I read both the installer's manual, and the operator's manual, twice, and can't find any mention of this type of problem. We confirmed "sparkage" at the spark plug with a wire between the cap and plug, but it seemed a little intermittent to me. However, we were out in the sunlight, and it was difficult to see a tiny spark in all that light. The only other thing I haven't checked is carbon build-up in the exhaust system/spark arrester, which is supposed to be cleaned after 50 hours. This genny has 80, and that's the one maintenance item I can't find records on.
Had a great evening last night, up in Cameron Park with a friend and her daughter (and their dogs).  Bella was happy to have new "ball throwers" as I pretty much refuse to pick up a ball for her anymore, since it makes her lose her mind.  
I have some very-low-tire issues, which I have not yet been able to resolve, due to the way the stem points inward on these beasts.  They don't seem to have the "crochet hook looking nozzle" on the gas station air pumps.  All-in-all, the motor home is doing the best it can do, but it's definitely not a backroads/city/hilly countryside/residential area kind of vehicle.  Flat freeway is fine.  I keep hoping to find something smaller so I can trade in both the Class A and my car, and reduce expenses, but it looks like I'll have to be patient.  Once I get set up at the campsite, it will be great to live in for the term, and I'm really hoping to find a workamping job over the winter somewhere, to save some extra money since starting out has been way more expensive than I'd anticipated with two already-paid-off vehicles.
The best part of today is the time I got to spend with my granddaughters.  They are the greatest kids, ever.  So much fun.  Can't wait to do it again tomorrow!

Picture of camp, and my view from camp, at Shasta.


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Oh! that looks like my kind of camp! Stumpy's, too!

Glad you're having fun.
What a pretty camping spot!

Some of our group have found jobs at local businesses or campgrounds in Quartzsite and worked there over the winter. The only problem is short term boondocking is allowed for two weeks only. For longer term boondocking you must get a long term permit which costs $180.00. It's good for seven months and includes free access to dump stations and water. I'm not sure of any of the details on the types of jobs available but perhaps some other people will chime in.

Have fun with the grandkids!
tonyandkaren said:
What a pretty camping spot!  

Some of our group have found jobs at local businesses or campgrounds in Quartzsite and worked there over the winter. The only problem is short term boondocking is allowed for two weeks only. For longer term boondocking you must get a long term permit which costs $180.00. It's good for seven months and includes free access to dump stations and water. I'm not sure of any of the details on the types of jobs available but perhaps some other people will chime in.

Have fun with the grandkids!

That sounds kind of perfect! $180 is perfectly acceptable "rent" when it includes free dumping and water for 7 months. Right now, I'm paying $5-8 to dump because I'm in town. Two hours north of here, I was leaving a rest area that had free dumping, and I'm kicking myself for not taking the extra few minutes to take care of that. I have definitely learned not to take those sites for granted!
I am just guessing here, but I bet someone left gas in the carb, it got old and gummed up the inside passages. very common with todays gas. highdesertranger
Well, yesterday was one week since I hit the road, and I'm still alive. Better yet, Bella is too! My daughter's father flew in to visit her and the babies today, so I had to leave the grandkids for a few days and head back up the hill to Cameron Park. This driveway is parallel to the house (nice for privacy), and flat, which allows me to put my propane tank out so I can run the refrigerator and have hot water. I'm reveling in the sound of California rain on the roof, Bella snoring, and absolutely no other noise. Bliss!

I took care of my low tire issues the other day, emptied the gray and black water tanks, filled up my propane tank. Today I had lunch with one of my best friends whom I had not seen in nearly 2 years. I'm trying to be as Fearless as possible by taking things one step at a time. This is a HUGE thing for me, as I've always needed to know exactly what the next 125 steps were going to be. :)

I asked at CLM about getting hired for a campground job over the winter, and they said they didn't need anyone. So, that's alright; I'll figure that out down the road...

Tried to work a deal out on that Road Trek I posted on another thread, but I guess the guy got tired of me not "calling" him, and insisting that I get answers in writing, as he stopped responding to me. Perhaps my "deal of a lifetime" will come along at the end of summer.

Not too much to write about, while I'm visiting family and friends here. I'll post again when things liven up. Peace out!