Not long, now. Trepidation!

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2017
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It's been a whirlwind Fall, thus far. Several weeks ago, I'd begun reading about van living (having done so many a year ago) for dreaming purposes, when my husband, who suffers from Parkinson's+ said, "Why don't we? Beats sitting around here and waiting for what comes next." Sounded like a great idea at the time. The disease manifests itself primarily in constant low-mid grade pain, depression, some shaking, weakness, and occasional confusion. He's also legally blind, but sees enough to love new sights, so I got right on looking for a class b rv, and found one for a lot less than I'd feared, an '88 Dodge Roadtrek, with 52,000 miles. On a 318, that's nothing, and after I tore out that second row of chairs and replaced them with storage benches, expanded battery capacity, etc., my stepson has the van, and has gone over it thoroughly, replacing belts and hoses; all else seems fine.

SO, the time draws near, and despite the fact that the care Ed needs is, in theory, such that I can do it pretty much anywhere, I'm all of a sudden scared to death. Anybody with comparable experience? I think I'm just having a case of cold feet. We don't have much money, but we have enough to get home if we need to, or one decent breakdown, and our social security should be a great plenty if we're not too profligate. I guess I'm just looking for encouragement.
The plan is to finish getting things squared away here, and be out of Maine in a couple of weeks. A son and family in Atlanta, friends in Florida, then hoping to meet up with the tribe in Ehrenberg before the RTR, and then whatever life brings.

Shakily optimistic,
@Lis - go for it!! My mom developed Parkinsons in her late 6os. But she had almost 20 good years before she was bedridden. Even in her late 80s she and i took a (short) hilarious trip over a 4-wheeling mountain trail. I believe the more you can get outside the better it is. Your hubby is right. Make the most of these good years. You can go home when the time comes. This group has impressed me so much with their willingness to help out. I'm sure you won't lack for helpers. Cheers!

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Linda Cripple-Creek said:
@Lis - go for it!!

Thank you, Linda! I'm 70, and Ed's 82. Sadly, he's past the 4-wheeler stage, much to his disappointment, but he is enthusiastic about being on the road, so I just need to keep that in my mind, suck it up, and DO IT!
My dad had parkinsons and passed away four years ago.  Although I wasn't close to him I know what a strain it is on the caretakers.  If your husband wants to go that is great.  He is the only one who knows what he can tolerate and I'm sure he will let you know when it's time to go home.  Even if it's for a short period of time he will have the memories when the disease progresses and being able to reflect back on those memories will prove priceless for both of you.  I know my mother would reflect back on the memories she and my dad had before parkinsons TOOK OVER their lives.  GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!
My grandfather had it for over 20 years.  He enjoyed all that he could and did not regret that.  Was happy he lived his fullest life. 

It is a LOT of info and stuff with the vehicle, I'm supposed to be hitting the road soon as well and I too am get that trepidatious feeling.  I think it's probably normal to feel some of that, it's a bit of risk to become mobile and trust that we'll be ok!  I still believe it will be worth it.  It's the difficult that sometimes makes it great.  Best to you two!
@Lis. Oh i gave you the wrong impression -- we didn't actually ride a 4 wheeler! lol. We went in my AWD Subaru. There was hilarity and almost constant giggles. One of my favorite memories now that she's not here. I am looking forward to meeting you two somewhere on the road.. Just as soon as i can get rid of All.This.Stuff! Cheers, Good Luck & Happy Trails!

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