North East coast vandwellers- RTR anyone (NY?)?

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DrJean said:
MAY????  What happened to August 21st for the eclipse phenonmena? That's why we began discussing it again for this year I thought.  I'm in South Florida and while I have eyes for the NE during the summer... surely not May!

The eclipse in August crosses the continent from Oregon to South Carolina. It wont be seen in the northeast.
Exactly, not in NORTH EAST. That's why I thought we were all talking around NORTH CAROLINA or Kentucky.... for August 21st...
Is that thread highjacked or am I in the wrong thread?
There's a SE get together thread, also
Someone (one of the moderators hopefully) should relist all these various "other RTRs" bringing some common form and style to the various locations so all the preliminary chatter can be updated and confusion eliminated.


Just my opinion . . .
I've been trying to do that, speedhighway46. Unfortunately, I have limited data and am usually on my phone so it's a challenge. I'm guessing the same thing holds true for the other mods. We can only do so much. We can't really stop people from starting new threads or posting willy nilly everywhere
Oh, I wasn't complaining! Just thought it was getting kinda overlapping and confusing. And us readers would like the more useable form of information.

You mods do a super job . . .
RetiredNomad said:
... I'm in NY, I'm all in for a gathering if ya can find some place for free,
      besides a big get together at a Wallyworld ...
    ... Moose river plains , is just one suggestion in the Dacks park ...

I concur about that area, but definitely NOT during black fly season. Cedar River Flow last year in Early June was brutal. Moose River Plains is so large and spread out. Not sure how many rigs you can have at any one remote site. Do you know the DEC reg on that?
Oswegatchie said:
I concur about that area, but definitely NOT during black fly season. Cedar River Flow last year in Early June was brutal. Moose River Plains is so large and spread out. Not sure how many rigs you can have at any one remote site. Do you know the DEC reg on that?

   ... I agree about the dreaded black fly , I have no idea about any type of regs. I don't normally attend "get togethers" since I'm a loner. I mentioned that area only because I boondocked there last year - but it was Autumn, cool & no bugs ...
RetiredNomad said:
   ... I agree about the dreaded black fly , I have no idea about any type of regs. I don't normally attend "get togethers" since I'm a loner. I mentioned that area only because I boondocked there last year - but it was Autumn, cool & no bugs ...

We were there in Autumn too. Camped at Cedar River, But we went into  Moose river to paddle some ponds.
Oswegatchie said:
We were there in Autumn too. Camped at Cedar River, But we went into  Moose river to paddle some ponds.

I camped at Cedar River last October. One of my favorite spots.
Update on NEVR

I have a list of about 6 folks who have PM'd me with their cell #s. I have a location that will handle that and a few more so I'm going ahead with this meetup. A couple days before I'll send out a text with location to those that supplied a number.

As with most gatherings nothing is supplied. Bring what you need. There is plenty shopping (Walmart and more) about 15-20 minutes away in Cobleskill should you need supplies and a general store just a few miles away. I cut up a bunch of firewood so we should be good for campfires.
Sad to say I will NOT be making it umless something crazy happens. I ended up having demo the factory interior and am having to lay a floor, insulate the roof, and panel.

I am sad and disapointed as I wanted a first destination with otjer vanlifers for moral and technical support.

I will be leaving soon but not soon enough im so many senses of that phrase.

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Must have missed this thread somehow. I'm about three hours away so a real possibility for at least one night. Would there be room for a 31 foot class C and my three Poodles?
NEVR has come and gone. 9 people in 8 vans attended and a good time was had by all. It started and ended with rain and the days in between were great weather days. 70s by day 45ish overnight lows. Bugs were not an issue.

Thanks to all that attended. It was great to meet you all and exchange contact info. We shall meet again. Some of us plan to be in Flagstaff next month.
Wish I could have joined you. Maybe next time.
So sad I missed this. Everything is taking so much longer tjan I hoped.

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Well don't miss Flagstaff. Three os us are holding down the fort as I type.