No sugar challenge?!

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
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just tried no sugar in my second cup off coffee for the day. realized it is passable, so i can not put off doing a no-sugar diet cleanse thingy any longer.

its cold here in NE, even the dogs don't want to go out and burn off energy. is not good.
so going to start tomorrow AM, cut all processed sugars out...honey is OK, but no artificial sweeteners either, and limited natural sugars (as in from fruit)

PM me if you want to join in and be on a daily email list for encouragement!
I've been off sugar for a little over a month ... sweets are my downfall for sure as well as carbs, been cutting back on both those items with the occasional cheat.  Some days I really miss it but most days I don't (after the first couple of days).  My best friend lives in Omaha and she said it's soooooo darn cold!  ekkk ... stay warm!
Life wouldn't be worth living for me without a bit of nice quality chocolate.

Unless I'm traveling overseas, in which case I settle for the regular stuff if I have to.

New Year's feast we've got pecan pie leftovers, does that count?

I've given up so many vices, that one'll be the last to go for sure.
No sugar and no starch is how I thrive. :)

For me, even a little bit of sweet taste makes me crave carbs, so I decided to cut it out completely. I figure I’ve eaten enough sugar in my 54 years to last for a couple more lifetimes!

One of my fave resources is the Ketogenic Forums:
Trying to cut both sugar and flour to a bare minimum. If anyone is familiar with Dr. Gott, the diet he promotes is a "no sugar, no flour". Also, going back to a mostly raw diet. Cheating always just starts the whole withdrawal process over again. Thinking "whole foods" for life at this point, and not turning back. At 63, I've had my share of the world's sugar and flour.
Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off by Bob Briggs
He lost some 150 lb by eating less than 20g/day carbs
Pretty interesting

Insulin prevents lipolysis and triggers don't trigger your insulin.
Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off by Bob Briggs
He lost some 150 lb by eating less than 20g/day carbs
Pretty interesting

Insulin prevents lipolysis and triggers don't trigger your insulin.

:heart: Bob has a Facebook page with some great posts!
Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off by Bob Briggs
He lost some 150 lb by eating less than 20g/day carbs
Pretty interesting

Insulin prevents lipolysis and triggers don't trigger your insulin.
The **super** low carb diets have risks. I'd do it supervised if possible, elsewise I'd alternate to start.

Stevia makes a good sweetener substitute, just don't use too much. I do carbs in beans and carrots. I'll cheat occasionally with a sweet potato, and regularly with popcorn. A quarter cup unpopped has only 25 grams carbs.
DLTooley said:
The **super** low carb diets have risks.  I'd do it supervised if possible, elsewise I'd alternate to start.

Thousands of people following a Ketogenic diet for years on less than 20g of carbs would beg to differ!

Lots of good science on the Ketogenic Forums I linked to in my earlier post, if you care to read up.

I’ve been doing it for over 5 years and have never felt better.  

No meds for anything and I maintain just a few pounds over my high school weight at age 54.

Oh, and I have been nutrition coaching for about 17 years and research the heck out of any way of eating before I recommend it to my clients. **** is perfectly safe and some people just need some electrolyte supplementation and extra Magnesium to get through the adaptation period and not feel like crap.
Read the book "Sugar Blues".  It's an old book but a great read.  I went without sugar for a year and never felt better.  That was years ago when I had will power.  Get off sugar and acid reflux goes away.
I gave up sugar and coca cola (which is my weak spot) two weeks ago. The first few days were the hardest but it has been getting easier. Honestly I don't know how people get off drugs. I was craving a coke so bad the first few days of giving it up.
SondraRose said:
Thousands of people following a Ketogenic diet for years on less than 20g of carbs would beg to differ!

Lots of good science on the Ketogenic Forums I linked to in my earlier post, if you care to read up.

I’ve been doing it for over 5 years and have never felt better.  

No meds for anything and I maintain just a few pounds over my high school weight at age 54.

Oh, and I have been nutrition coaching for about 17 years and research the heck out of any way of eating before I recommend it to my clients.  **** is perfectly safe and some people just need some electrolyte supplementation and extra Magnesium to get through the adaptation period and not feel like crap.

I've read both Vollnek/Phinney and Mercola on the subject.   Mercola is, not very long after publication, recommending intermittent ****.  Your diagnosis of electrolyte and mineral problems does jive with my own thoughts, I believe these were exacerbated by diuretic use.  It is possible that my own attempt at modifying towards those ends was either too late and/or not enough.

I remind you of the decades of malicious diet coaching regarding the unhealthy nature of fat consumption on falsified evidence from the sugar company.  Your tone as a 'nutrition coach' strikes me as just more fat shaming, part of an attitude that is way too common in your profession.  The only good diet coach I've had was a stage 4 breast cancer survivor and she has unfortunately passed.
DLTooley said:
I've read both Vollnek/Phinney and Mercola on the subject.   Mercola is, not very long after publication, recommending intermittent ****.  Your diagnosis of electrolyte and mineral problems does jive with my own thoughts, I believe these were exacerbated by diuretic use.  It is possible that my own attempt at modifying towards those ends was either too late and/or not enough.

I remind you of the decades of malicious diet coaching regarding the unhealthy nature of fat consumption on falsified evidence from the sugar company.  Your tone as a 'nutrition coach' strikes me as just more fat shaming, part of an attitude that is way too common in your profession.  The only good diet coach I've had was a stage 4 breast cancer survivor and she has unfortunately passed.

Wow!  You obviously don’t know me.  Take a look at my public FB posts or my blog.  

My family has a history of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. We just don’t do well with carbs. I watched my mom get super healthy and drop 40 pounds on Atkins 25 years ago and poo-pooed it at the time. Age and experience has changed my mind. Everyone’s genetics are different, so I certainly don’t think everyone needs to eat ****. But I do.

So far, I have avoided all of these diseases through my diet. Just lost my 49 year old carb-loving sister to cancer.
Addendum to DL Tooley:

And I am sorry you had a hard time when you cut your carbs way down. Diuretics would definitely mess with your fluid/electrolyte balance.

I will be at the RTR, so if you want to meet in person and chat about nutrition or anything else, just pm me. Tone is challenging on the internet and I’m sad that what I wrote reminded you of fat-shaming.
When I am low carb, I feel a million times better. My problems of very low energy, being overweight and sleep apnea go away. I use Stevia to sweeten things up when I really need a sweetener. I occasionally fall off the wagon and fall apart fast when I do. I find for me it is best to go cold turkey on carbs, get to my goal, then slowly reintroduce a lower carb lifestyle. Usually the holidays months of Nov and Dec throw me off track due to having lots of friends relatives who toss cheesecakes and pecan pies and such at me, having little willpower I crash hard lol. I spend most of Jan-Feb getting back to health. I have been low carb for 20+ years, and it is awesome. I now try to put some healthy carbs back into my diet as my body allows, mostly fresh fruits.
I make sure to have a piece of fruit every day, usually an apple or berries. I was diagnosed diabetic a decade ago, and had no problems reaching the dietitian target of a 130 BG, as per the American Diabetes Association. The endocrinologist number of 110 is much better. I was able to be diet controlled within about six months. I'm now getting near insulin. Stress is the biggest thing that is not under control, that's a longer story.
>>Your tone as a 'nutrition coach' strikes me as just more fat shaming<<

Fat shaming? What is fat shaming? Is that the term fat people use nowadays so they can claim victim status and remain swaddled in layers of excess adipose?

Nothing in Sondra's post hinted at shaming you Tooley. If you click on the link in her signature line you will see a pleasant looking woman who actually has some experience helping people just like you (fat and stressed out).

Getting advice from the ADA or using their guidelines for diabetes management is dangerous and it doesn't work, period.

If you choose to be part of the 'fat acceptance' crowd and are comfortable with waddling your way through life and sucking on a cpap machine every night til you keel over from a heart attack then carry on.

If you want to fight the fight then do so with gusto and commitment, never give up, never give in. It's hard.

I am diabetic myself and hope to reach my high school weight this winter-spring (30 lbs to go). My highest weight was 265 wearing 44" pants. Currently 195 in 36" pants.

My most recent wife was demanding that I go get a sleep study done because of all the gruesome noises I was making while sleeping and trying to breathe. I said screw that ain't gonna happen and started eating in a way more appropriate for an obese diabetic. Still workin it 3 years later and my goal is within reach.

My .02

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