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Dec 13, 2017
Reaction score
Hello to all,
I just bought a 1987 Sunrader and will winter in Truth or Consquences, NM as I transition into this life. I am very much a fan of cheaprvliving and have learned so much about this way of life. I look forward to making new friends and having new adventures. I will be spending the next few months rehading my new home and thinking about creating a youtude channel to document the transformatiom of Vivian. Yes I am a an animas and name my vechiles amoung other things.

My decision to venture into this life is made from a deeply rooted desire to divest from the material world and to see more of my friends and family. I cannot, like most people, afford to visit them and maintin a conventional home. My friends and family are scattered coast to coast. I have always had a gypsy heart when I was working I would count the hours until Friday so I could jump in my car and speed off to somewhere.

That's all for now, see ya soon
I was in TrC for a couple nights it's still pretty damn cold there at night out here just past quartez Arizona the days are warm and the nights are slightly chilly worth the drive out here lived in New Mexico for 10 years.

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Welcome, Judy ... I agree, there is lots to be learned from this group of folks. I am going to need a bigger brain (or just purge the old stuff?). :)

Jeremiah Diminovich said:
I was in TrC for a couple nights it's still pretty damn cold there at night

I know it is cold at night but just starting my transition to this life and I have some friends there who will help me out when needed. I currently live (exisit) in Albuquerque and have for 10 years. The people seem to be nicer in T or C so will start my adventure there. I have to completely rehab my rig so if you are passing give me a shout.
No kidding I raise my kids just outside of Albuquerque in Estancia Moriarty in Edgewood all my kids graduated from Estancia

Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk
Things have changed here and not for the better. I am originally from Springfield, Il until I ran away at age 46. I was an artist for years but woke up one day and had had enough so got my CDL and never looked back. Truckin sucked but loved the driving part. Just didn't like having to hurry up and go. It was a big change going from the academic/artistic life to the blue collar life but boy did I learn alot about who I am. I like this New Mexico land and mountains and will proably call it home the rest of my life but the road is calling.
ust purge the old stuff as it is obsolete anyway :D
Welcome to the CRVL forums Judy!

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