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Jul 29, 2020
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 i so want to do this! but i am completely overwhelmed and intimidated to get started. i have decided on a van--a promaster, high roof, 159.
i don't have the budget to just buy a new van and have it converted. unfortunately, i also lack any of the necessary skills and knowledge to do the work myself. did you all get started? my fear is that i will electrocute myself or do something wrong and wind up with a fire hazard or blowing fuses. the plumbing is a bit less intimidating; but only in comparison. i figure no matter how badly i screw that up, there are no potentially lethal consequences. there is a lot of info online. is it really possible to acquire the necessary knowledge to do the conversion just by watching and reading online tutorials? 
i am in southern california; the inland empire. anyone out there in this area working on a van? i would love to learn from someone.
anyway, just joining this forum feels like a positive first step.
Most started simple and improved as they learn. The builds and caravans helped tremendously but with the pandemic limiting groups it will be awhile before they come back. Simple works well if you are physically able. Lots of research and small simple steps as well as using professionals if necessary.
I don't have any building skills either. Single platform bed across the back of my plain-jane cargo van. Platform beds are the extent of my expertise.
Three non-matching thrift store wooden chests. One 12v refrigerator, Everything strapped in with truck tie-downs. 2 portable power stations. Several outdoor extension cords. One small generator. And as much of my camping equipment that 1) would fit and 2) seemed necessary.

Just got a hitch-mount cargo carrier, which frees up floor space inside when I'm driving and makes it easier to get to my bed at night. Works for me.
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum :)

As I read your OP I'm of the opinion you may be best served to find yourself an older Class B (camper Van) that already has everything set up in it for you.

You may actually find a deal on one of these cheaper than you could find an empty Van and build it out. And you would be on the road sooner and enjoying the Nomad life.
first off welcome. I should be back in Arizona and So Cal this fall, keep in touch. in the mean time ask any question you have here and we will try to help out. Highdesertranger

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