Newbie intro and a couple of questions

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Aug 10, 2016
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Hi all, Zeke here. Well, actually the name is John. But I wanted a handle I could easily remember and my Dad called me  Zeke as a kid, so....  I was on this site about 5-6 years ago as MoparJohn. I tried to re-establish under that name, but ran into log-in issues, password issues and other problems, so I just came up with a new moniker and presto..problem solved. I mention this under the heading of full disclosure.

Since I was here a few years back, some things have changed. But, I still want to travel when I retire! I'm thinking of retiring in the next couple of years, so I'm starting the planning process.  What I would like to do is start out living at a local campground  May thru Sept. and travel the rest of the year. With an occasional side trip thrown in during the "season".  I currently have a "seasonal" site at a campground called Red Oak Campgrounds in northwest Pa. My family has camped there for over 40 years and it's like home for me. As a matter of fact, my site is right next door to my brother, who has Dad and Mom's old site and parkmodel camper.  My sister and her hubby also have a park model in this campground. I got a smoking deal at the end of last season on a 27 footer with a 12 foot slide. I'm fixing the problems that made it so cheap, but I've been able to camp in it every weekend this season.  I'll have her roadready in another year at the most. And that's where the questions start. I'm looking at the option of using what I already have. In other words, seasonal camp with this camper, and at the end of the season, hook up a truck (to be purchased) and travel the rest of the year. The other idea was to keep it here, and travel in a different unit. I was thinking of a small class A or C or possibly building out a U-Haul style box truck.  For the cost of a build, I could find a decent diesel powered 3/4 to 1 ton pickup. So $$$ wise, it seems a draw.  I'm thinking fuel mileage would be close also. So, basically I'm looking for opinions. One setup or 2? And if one, what are the pro's and cons of a 27 foot camper with a 12 foot slide out on the road. Or maybe a smaller towable for the road?  Decisions, decisions. I'm talking a low-buck deal here, mostly truck stops, Box stores, BLM? National Forest etc, etc. I'm 6'2 and about 215lbs, so I"m not sure a van would work for me. I'm open to all thoughts, and appreciate any and all comments.

Thanks in advance....John
hi Zeke and welcome. yes you have decisions. sounds like you want an RV. slide outs have problems if you do much off road driving, but so does almost any RV. to get to your less crowded areas of BLM and FS lands you will be driving off road. first off you need to decide on how you want to travel, do you want to stay in developed campgrounds or in the bonnies? most of your RV's are going to keep you pretty close to pavement. highdesertranger
Welcome to the CRVL forums John! Since you have a few years before you really have to make a decision how about taking the trailer out on short trips to see how you like towing it and how comfortable you are living in it on the road. You should be able to rent a truck that is capable of towing the trailer.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard Zeke!
^^^ what HDR said x2.
Your truck makeover idea may be more suitable for further off road/second class dirt road if that's where you want to spend time .

The trailer and tow will still be able to access lots of desert areas (like Quartzsite )though. And of course any parking lot type places..Wally's , casinos , campgrounds.

Ask yourself what you want to do and the right rig will be easier to choose......
Hi Welcome back. I like your idea of staying in a campground seasonally and then traveling the remainder of the year. I had never thought of that. But I grew up camping in New England and was looking at seasonal prices last year and you can get prime waterfront real estate for the season for short money. I love being able to walk out my door and hop in my motor canoe, it's one of my favorite ways to kill an afternoon. Now you're making me think hmmm.......!!!
Welcome back John!

I find that when I'm in travel mode, vs. staying-in-place mode, I like having less stuff. I've left WA to snowbird in the desert SW for the last few winters. I move with the good weather, mostly staying in one place for weeks or months at a time. The winters before that, I was moving and exploring constantly. Either way, I'm living out of a hatchback. It's just that when I'm mostly staying in place, I pack lots more gear and supplies. So, if you are like me and would travel with less stuff than while you are staying at the campground, you might consider a separate smaller vehicle. It'd also save on fuel.

Just something for you to consider.

Thanks for the replies, gives me a bit to think about. I'm about 80% sure the camper will stay where it is, and I'll decide on the 2nd setup in the near future.  I guess it really boils down to what becomes available and when. I'm a firm believer in the 2 old sayings  "everything happens for a reason" and "things happen when they are supposed to". The trick is knowing when to act. :)
I'll keep y'all posted as things develop, mentally as well as physically.

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