Newbie from CA saying hi!

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Feb 16, 2015
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Was referred to this group via a post I placed on the BajaNomads site. What a wonderful home you have here, and thanks for having me! Great information and a lot of like-minded folks. I look forward to meeting you all (virtually or in person, perhaps). I'm about 3 years out from retirement and am making plans for my escape. I have a lot of questions and decisions to make and a site like this seems like just the answer I have been looking for. I am not at all sure where I will land after retirement, and maybe I just won't land anywhere in particular, like many of you. What I do know is that I will spend a significant amount of self-contained time traveling. All over. Including but not limited to Baja. So looking forward to it!
I don't have a rig yet; that was the question I posed on the other site. I asked what kind of rig other nomads had and one poster directed me here. That, I suppose, is the first order of business. I'm still very much up in the air about that but need to make some decisions and get started. I'll be checking out that forum next.
Welcome, Kgry! First off, congrats on your upcoming retirement. I'm a long way out from that but I can't wait for that day! And kudos for thinking out of the box. You've come to the right place. There's a lot of information/support to be gleaned here, from some very wise folks who've been doing this for awhile.

So, yeah, first off is deciding on your rig. That's a BIG one. Lots of options, and I'm guessing you have a bit of time to figure out what you want.

I'd say since you have some time till you start fulltiming, try to figure out the lifestyle you want to live(travel?posting up in certain spots for long stretches?snowbirding?) then maybe cruise around this site and read about rigs/vandwellers that appeal to the lifestyle that you want to pursue.

Ask questions about your needs. Do you want to have a shower in your rig? You'll prolly need a high top. Will you be able to tap into a power source? If not, you'll be needing to think about solar. Just try to think about what you'll need to be comfortable and happy, and go from there. It might be a little daunting...but that's part of the fun! And again, you've come to the right place. Ask questions, the people here WILL have solid answers.

So nice to have you here, welcome to the family:)
Hi and Welcome!! You'll probably find tons of info here, enjoy! :)
Welcome to the CRVL forums.Kgryfon! We're glad you found us.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Every choice of a rig is a trade-off or one aspect of a mobile-dwelling for another aspect. Your job is to determine your priorities.

Off-road abilities
Room and comfort
Fuel Mileage
In-town stealth
Purchase cost
Long-term maintenance and reliability

Most of these are opposite of each other so you need to decide what's most important to you.

No vehicle give you all of it!!!!!! Period

The vehicle that gives the very best balance of ALL of them, is a van. It doesn't do any of them exceptionally well, but it does all of them pretty decently. That's why we are vandwellers!

Think it over, set your priories then we can brainstorm with you and maybe figure out some good options that would work.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'll head over to the rigs forum and respond to your list, Bob!