Well, it's been a bit and I've been somewhat remiss w. photos 'n such. On the road and having a blast in the hills so.. here they are! <br> First, there are the slide-out side storage boxes. They are secured from the INSIDE, so can't be opened without first getting the doors open, and extend over the wheel-well.<br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556114" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556129" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556125" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556123" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556127" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556126" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556128" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><br> Next, we've got some shelving I put up and magazine holders. The front shelves, over the bed, have rounded corners so I don't tear a divot outta my head.<br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556118" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556119" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556120" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><br> I took out the sink (which is almost never used), and put a storage compartment in there. The top flips up to access it.<br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556130" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><br> Ive also got LED ceiling lights, and a 7W 12v fluorescent fixture. <br><img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" rel="lightbox" src="/file?id=1556115" class="decoded bbc_img"><br><br> Notice all the stuff hanging from hooks and my metal detectors (in the bags), bungeed to the ceiling? Gotta luv them hooks.<br> Last, I've got a pic of how it looks from the outside. I raised the roof abt 6" so that I can sit comfortably inside with it down and, due to a screwup, to accommodate the too short pneumatic struts I stuck in to make up for the weight of the solar on the roof and stuff hanging inside. They provide about 150 lbs of lift. I'll be getting longer 'n stronger ones when I get to the city, but they'll do for now. That's about it, till I take more pics. ..Willy. <br><br>