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Personally I would do something like this but only if there were a way to be anonymous afterwards. The one concern is making it so hard to go back to the life you want to have.
SternWake said:
Someone following me around, pointing a camera at me, would simply be intolerable, and make me extremely angry. There is simply not enough money for me to allow this.

But the younger "look at MEEEEE" generation would probably love it and gush at all the attention and exposure.

Agreed on all counts. To each their own but for me it represents the pop world I'm seeking to stay away

Heh, there is more than a little something contrary to so-called "off-gridders" seeking the public spotlight.
I would love to see a show about people starting out the off the grid lifestyle. Watch them learn new skills, watch them grow from city folk to independent folk, watch them fail and grow as well as succeeded.

There are enough shows with those already living the lifestyle.

Rivmage said:
I would love to see a show about people starting out the off the grid lifestyle. Watch them learn new skills, watch them grow from city folk to independent folk, watch them fail and grow as well as succeeded.

There are enough shows with those already living the lifestyle.


Yes, but in a documentary format rather than as a common reality show.

There's reality shows and then there's realistic!
I would give up a blog, which I do not have, but youtube (started for my friends out west living off the grid that get to the library every now and then to catch up) for no more tv, but that is just one hippies opinion, I do enjoy a good radio program or music. To each his (her) own. That's what makes this a groovy planet! :) Peace! I can't really offer an opinion I guess, I don't watch a lot of the tube... I sold them all :D
Oh boy. Where to start?

I would first like to point out that television in general is tanking, with many major US networks losing over half their viewership in recent years (thank you, GOD(?), Internet, and Awakening), and there is no limit to the predatory practices that the producers will stoop in the name of ratings. Ask Cody Lundin. Discovery has the some of 'the best' shows that I've never watched. Not a fan.

You are not in control of their 'creative editing'.

You will be represented in whatever light THEY choose.

You will sign your rights away before the camera turns on.

It sickens me that the media likes to prey on those that have been struck by hard economic times, in order to sell commercial time to non benevolent corporations for profit. And present fodder for others to criticize. With little to no socially redeemable value, other than questionable 'Entertainment'.

Why should your actions/reactions to life's realities become a commodity for someone else? Exploitation, as someone above mentioned, is alive and well.

Will someone please explain to me how anyone will benefit from the skewed lens of the show's writers? Just like anyone from a survivalist background can tell you, much of what you see represented is GARBAGE. If this topic interests them, they may purchase Bob's book, which will actually benefit someone worthy, or peruse YouTube for years, and get The Real Story. Hey, I know a great forum they can join!

Fortunately for me, most seem to have a good grasp of The System and its Bread and Circus machinations.

I will NOT be watching.

CUE: Frank Zappa's "I'm the Slime"...