New member, here is my setup

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Jul 26, 2015
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Hey guys so this is my first post. I have been looking around a bit and have seen some pretty cool setups. I will be living out of my truck for a few months and am very excited about the experience. I am working a full time job and trying to save enough money to move across the country. My plan is to stealth camp until the end of the year and then move...hopefully! I am currently renting a small storage unit for most of my stuff I plan on taking with me when I move and will just be keeping a few changes of clothes and personal items with me in the truck. I will be starting this journey at the end of the week. I would love any advise you guys could give me as I'm a total noob and a bit nervous...but definitely excited :D
Here is my truck...she is a 1986 ford ranger you can see in the photos everything I have done to prepare. I have a 100watt solar panel arriving early next month so I will keep you all updated.
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Hi, Differently, and welcome to the forum. You have likely noticed that there is an entire section with ton of threads (topics) about truck campers of all types. I'm sure several members who live in trucks will chime in.

The first thing I did when I read your post was to click to see your profile but you have no location listed that I could see. I think telling folks what part of the country you are in would help them give you good advice for dealing with temps and weather, etc. --- and maybe even places to park.

You mentioned stealth parking, and then I could not miss the blue tarp that seems to be your curtain for the back window. Are you windows tinted dark enough that the tarp will not be visible when you have all lights out inside?
Yes I have read many of the threads on trucks with campers which have given me confidence to get started and a good basic idea of how I plan on living the next few months. Sorry for the lack of info on my profile but I'm actually not sure how to edit it :huh:   I am currently living in Florida and its very hot. As for the blue tarp it basically keeps rain from pouring in because the weather stripping on the back is completely shot. I actually finished blacking out my side windows today with blackout curtains and plan on trying to do something with the back tomorrow because as of right now the tarp is completely visible. I was thinking about using a couple layers of black plastic, because of the weather stripping issue I don't want to put up anything that will get ruined or mildewy. Do you have any other ideas that might work well? Oh and thanks for the warm welcome :D
I had not realized the tarp was to keep rain out since my immediate thought was "curtain" with the tarp tied back --- but that tarp might be stealthy after all. If someone sees an older truck and a tarp at the back, perhaps the immediate thought IS that there is a leak (and not that someone is living inside). So the blue may add to your stealth in an odd way.

I can't think of any advice for your situation right now. I CAN identify with rain coming inside. LOL But my van is large enough that I simply set out a little bowl under the spots that I know leak, and all my important stuff stays dry.

I like that you have kept everything inside minimal and very neat -- so important for such a small space. Being in FL, you are not in danger of getting dangerously cold before the end of the year.

About editing your profile -- I believe you simply click on "User CP" -- next to the Control Panel wording in the header of the Forum box.
Great, thank you I added my location. The space is VERY small so I know that it's going to be a huge adjustment but I have always been somewhat of a minimalist so I have that going for me. I still think I will try and black out that back window because the tint on it is very light compared to the side windows. I will post updated pictures tomorrow with whatever I come up with.
Hi and Welcome!! I like the minimal feel of your setup. And it's cool that you have your stuff stored in case you need something. Best of luck! :)
Black plastic garbage bags can be used either for extremely dark limo tint, or complete black out depending on the bags used.

Simply spray the window with water, put up plastic and press out any air pockets. Let it dry, then trim it accordingly. It will remain movable for a little while if you need to reposition it.

If you prefer a mirror finish that you can still see out of, use a space blanket.
Hi differently,

Welcome to the forum. This is so cool to have a goal and do whatever you have to to make it happen. Bravo! You're very brave to do this in the summer. I admire you. There probably will be some trial and error but hey....

A couple of suggestions from an other Floridian. Have you considered using white plastic instead of black in the back? Every little bit helps at this time of year. An other trick would be to try to keep the camper as cool as possible during the day. The more you can avoid the build up of heat during the day the easier it will be to cool the place at night. Try to park in the shade as much as possible even if it means more walking. It might be a bit tricky right now to leave your side widows opened some during the day because of the afternoon rain but you might find that it's worth the effort, the air circulation will help with the heat. Ooops I just remembered that you will have a solar panel, that puts a damper on the park in the shade idea but it still can be done on days when your battery is fully charged.

Florida is not the easiest place to boondock, a lot of cities have ordinance again sleeping in a vehicle. I find that the Cracker Barrel Chain of restaurant seem to defy that quite a bit. For example in Ormond Beach the police will not let you stay at Walmart but just across the street the Cracker Barrel manager told me I could stay in the RV section of their parking lot for the night. She said to tell the police that I was waiting for the restaurant to open at 6 am for breakfast if they asked. Truck stops and rest areas are not a problem either.

All the best to you.
Hey Differently, the first thing I want to say is your truck looks fantastic! Super clean looking. I have a '98 Ranger with a similar style high top camper. It had a busted side window and a missing rear window. After fixing both of those, I used household grade transparent silicone around the edges to stop leaks. As far as where the window and the camper frame mate together, you might get away with using what I believe is called "Camper-Seal." It's a piece of high density waterproof foam with an adhesive back that comes in strips. You could cut it to fit the mating surfaces between the widow and frame. Also, where are you planning on moving to?
Humm. Off Grid 24/7, I will think about your idea. I tape my black plastic garbage bags to the layer of reflectix I have covering the back door.
I DID get compliments on the black plastic garbage bags. The dark tint it gives, believe it or not, really looks sharp and was an upgrade visually.
Thanks for all the replies, kind words and advise. RollinWOT I plan on moving to Virgina by the end of the year. I wasn't able to cover my rear window today as I hoped too but I did cover my two top windows using a cheap windshield shade cut to fit and taped in place. I have decided to use black trash bags for the back using water as off grid 24/7 suggested. ilovemyvan I did consider using white as you suggested but after consideration I feel like I would feel more "stealth" with black as it tends to look more natural. I am really hoping that after installing my solar panel I will be able to run enough fans to stay comfortable inside and not overheat. If it turns out heat is a huge problem then I may reconsider and use white instead.

Today I spent a lot of time researching places to sleep overnight. I have a few places in mind I hope will work out...I guess ill find out next weekend anyway :s Where I live there is a ton of residential areas so neighborhoods and apt complexes are some of my first choices. There are also 3 hotels within a mile of where my storage unit is located so I am also considering those as possibilities. Any advise on this?

I can't believe I have only 4 days left until my lease is up and I start doing this for real. I get anxious thinking about it but I know I can make it work and thrive. I am going to try and start adapting by spending more time in places other than my apartment for the next 4 days. I spent a few hours at the park today, that's actually where I covered my top windows at. I also spent the night in my truck and it was surprisingly comfortable. It did get a bit warm and stuffy in the middle of the night but I'm hoping fans will help with that once my solar panel is up and battery bank installed.

Keep the replies coming, they are very encouraging. It's nice to know I am not the only one doing this.
I like the idea of using windshield shades. I use them a lot when I go camping. I have a few cut to fit and then i use window tack to hold them in place. Great minds think alike!
Tonight will be my last night living in an apartment. Tomorrow morning I will be starting my truck dwelling journey. I think I will take a nice hot shower and turn the AC down to freezing tonight...just some thoughts. Any other ideas how I should spend my last night?
Get your last few things prepared, make your favorite food, and get a nice good nights sleep. Congrats on finally being able to get out there. If you don't mind me asking, where will you be "setting up camp." Also, could you post some more pics please? I'm in love with your truck, and I want to model mine after your setup. Cheers!
A few thoughts:

1) If you are using a cooler I would make some favorite meals and wrap them in Ziplocs to eat cold for the next few days.
2) Download anything off the internet you want while you still have fast internet.
3) Do all your laundry
4) Get rid of all your trash
5) Fill up your water bottles
5) Charge all your electronics and any batteries you may have.

Say to yourself, Thank God I am out of this place and free, truly free!
How was your first day out in the big wide world? Pics as well please? :D Cheers!
Thanks for all the tips guys. My first night out went well, I camped in a large neighborhood along the street and had zero problems and no police encounters!! I am sitting in a McDonalds now using there WiFi and drinking some sweet tea. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time here because its right down the road from my storage unit. Its been raining all day today so as soon as the weather clears up I will do my best to get more pictures up. I think tonight I will stay in front of my unit and see if anyone notices.
Glad to hear your first night went great. You mentioned no police encounters, which is great! Do you have any firearms/weapons for self defense that could be misconstrued as a threat to LEO that you need to worry about?
I would recommend varying your "hanging out" locations a bit -- mostly so that you do not feel in a "small world" rut. See what your local library has to offer. Often they have much more comfy seats while you use their free wifi (they don't serve iced tea, though LOL).