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Jun 11, 2015
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Iam on va disability and would need to visit the va once in a while,Does anyone know about and where the va medical centers are out there? Thank you.My plans are for 2017 but if I can im wanting to go sooner.I just want to be free have been a loner for a long time but do like to meet knew people but mostly be by myself and also to chip in to help anyone out I can.Cant wait to get my van and go.I do plan on solar and just what I need to get by on.Im very short so I could almost stand up in a van.I like the ford transit vans for deferent heights etc.Sorry about the diesel or gas question.
Welcome to the CRVL forums Greg! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome aboard Greg
Life on wheels is the way to go!
Keep us posted as your adventure unfolds........
When you travel away from the hospital or clinic that you are registered at and need  assistance at another location you will have to re-register as a temporary patient. I have to do this for my Coumadin level checks and it's a pain in the @@@. The new out-sourced program is supposed to help with this but since the VA moves with the speed of a glacier, it may be awhile. I have not figured out why they need to re-register someone when everything including all of your military records are available online. 

And Semper Fi right back at you.
va is not one big medical  instltution it is divided into regions and each  regions gets a portion of the budget. and they do not want to spend their money on you if you are not asigned to their region. that is why it is so hard to go to another va hospital. but not impossible just a lot of red tape
Don't let anything get in the way of this new can figure out the VA thing and just consider it a must do in order to achieve your dreams. Good luck and best wishes.
Thankyou all for your words of support something we all need from time to time,it means the world to me,2017 will most likely be the time for me to hit the road.There are some lose ends that I have to take care of.Once all that is done you can color me gone.In the mean time ill be deciding which kind of rig I need.As time goes on ill be here filling you all in and with some pics to.My hands aren't what they use to be so ill be lookinh for something that's mostly done.And 2017 will be when I can buy it.Yes for the most part the va has been pretty good with me but they made me fight for my disability after I was out for a few years all the way to the bva in d.c.Thats where I won my case.Many moons ago,I think because they didn't call it ptsd but that's what I have.And they all so gave me P&t.I am thamkful for the payments I receive
With thanks

Semper Fi