Nervous Yet Excited

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Feb 8, 2011
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I used to be a trucker.&nbsp; I absolutely loved my over-the-road lifestyle, and when I was terminated, I lost the only job I ever loved.&nbsp; That was back in 1995, in 1996 my spouse left me, and it's been a struggle to survive since then because frankly, I didn't have it together.&nbsp; Well, I've been something of a survivor since then, but always too heavily dependent on others.&nbsp; So early this morning, at around 2:00, something occurred to me. &nbsp; What if I looked on Craigslist and bought a van to take the place of an overpriced studio?&nbsp; I'm a minimalist, and I do all my socializing online anyhow.&nbsp; So I suggested my eagerness and my idea to a few friends.&nbsp; Well, I got shot down.&nbsp; They didn't understand of course, but how could they?&nbsp; They are married with spouses, children, and are accustomed to having houses.&nbsp; I'm almost 30 and am working toward completing a bachelors degree.&nbsp; I should have a house and a degree, a spouse, kids, the whole nine yards by now right?&nbsp; Well, I'm tired of trying to live my life by everybody else's expectations.&nbsp; I loved the road, I want it back, and come hell or high water, my cat and I are going to make this happen!&nbsp; So here I am waving a big hello to everybody from Ohio.&nbsp; I hope to make some friends and learn how to turn a van into a livable studio on wheels.&nbsp; I'm looking at a 15 passenger van with a blown head gasket presently, the owner wants to trade it for a small car (I presently have one) or sell it for less than $1,000.&nbsp; I figure even with the head gasket issue, it's a great deal once I factor in not having to pay rent.&nbsp; Debts?&nbsp; Kiss me good bye, because you'll be the first thing to go!<br>
Welcome, from one new face to another!<div><br></div><div>I'm doing pretty much the exact same thing. &nbsp;I have an '88 Astro LT that I'm converting.<br><div><br></div><div>I'm young, so I might not have a full grasp on certain things, but most of the head gasket issues I've seen, albeit not many, have had two things in common: First is that if you can't do the work yourself, replacing a head gasket tends to be big bucks. &nbsp;Second is that the problem generally has been found because of cylinder damage. &nbsp;More bucks.</div></div><div><br></div><div>Hammer</div>
Well welcome, the biggest thing I found out is to have a plan for the conversion and keep at it. Set dates for getting things done. You might not always make the dates due to circumstances but breaking the big goal into smaller ones is much easier on the brain. <br>I think you must have meant another age than 30, considering you would have been 15 when you lost your job as a trucker <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> . No worries man. I'm 23 and some people think i'm irresponsible for doing this, some think its the best thing since sliced bread and wish they could too. Your always gonna have haters, but here, we'll be the friends you need to keep ya going!<br>Have a good one, Kris<br><br>
<P><IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="">&nbsp; <FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Drifter.&nbsp; don't loose sight of your dream.&nbsp; i am in the middle of converting a regular top van into a camper now.&nbsp; i looked the web over and found (very little) on converting a (regular top) van.&nbsp; Don't overlook these workhorses.&nbsp; mine is a 91 E250, and it is coming along very well.&nbsp; i am quite happy with it thus far.&nbsp; i have pics from along the way, i will be uploading as soon as i get a little closer to completion.&nbsp; Keep your eyes open, and moving foward, and before you know it, you will get there.&nbsp; Bob, the people on here, and their information is great, lots of good ideas, that as with me, lead to other good ideas.&nbsp; keep us posted</FONT></P>
Drifter (love that name!) sounds like you have a great plan!! We are all different and some of us will just never fit into the "American Dream." For us it is the American Nightmare. Do what makes you happy! If living on wheels makes you happy, go for it! Insist on being happy, never apologize for it. Unconsciously, most people aren't happy and don't think you should be either.<br><br>Don't buy any vehicle without getting it checked out by a mechanic first. The head gasket may be just the first of many problems that make the van a money pit you will never get out from under. Or, it could be a great deal. Only a mechanic can tell you for sure. It will cost between $50-$100 but it will be the best money you ever spent.<br><br>There are two ways to convert the van:1) plan it all out, build it, then move in, 2) Throw in a bed and your stuff and move in, converting it little-by-little as you have time and money. No way is right or wrong, I think it mainly depends on your personality type. For me, I prefer the second, move in and after awhile you will know what you really want and need. Figure out which will work best for you and we will help you make it happen!! Bob<br>
Drifter (welcome)<br><br>On the head gasket issue, Bob is right, have it checked out by someone who knows what to look for.<br><br>Many times when a "head gasket goes" it is the result of "other causes" such as a cracked head, or a over heating problem, just to name a couple.<br><br>If the van has been sitting for quite a while it could have leaked water into the engine block and seized the pistons into the block, locking up the motor,<br><br>I would make sure before you get too far, check to see if the engine will turn over.<br><br>Good luck in your adventures.<br><br>Putz<br>
Hey Drifter! I'm brand spankin' new in this sight too. We have somethin' in common...being a truckdriver. I still drive,though,and like you I LOVE being on the road. I'm just a company driver but I live in the truck with Earl,my great dane. I don't have a van yet,but I am checking everywhere and this year I will be in one for sure.<div>I was married too,raised a kid who's grown and in the Navy now,so I'm gonna keep driving the truck as long as I can and get myself a nice van for the off days!</div><div><br></div><div>There are so many good tips here,aren't there?</div>
I wish I had better news for you on the head gasket issue, but alas, it is not ment to be. I just traded in a 98 jeep grand Cherokee that was my daily driver. I really liked it, and for me it served many purposes, including tow vehicle for my little old travel trailer. Mine had the 318v8. After having the intake head gasket replaced ( over $600) I was told that it then needed a heater core, radiator, and water pump (another $1200) . I couldn't bring myself to keep dumping $ into it and it overheated badly on the way to the dealer to trade it. Now, I have to say, I THINK this was a trustworthy mechanic, we had used him for all our vehicles for a few years. BUT, when you have the whole head apart, wouldn't you flush the system just to make sure? ... Just saying. We havnt been back since. I will also say that done correctly, a new top end should give long lasting service, and some backyard mechanics are excellent.
<span id="post_message_">Greetings, Drifter. I have been exploring this site for a couple months now, so I am fairly new as well. I'm also young at only 20 years old, but I won't be departing for van life for another year or so.<br><br>My uncles are big on cars, and they both worked in the body shop my grandfather owned. Now my one uncle has turned into a mechanic, and he helps me do repairs on my beaters (current car ran me only $700). The car I am driving had a head gasket repaired before I bought it and it runs consistently. However, don't let that get your hopes up; it runs consistently poor. Although I hate to kill your optimism, I would hate more to see somebody end up in a money sink. I'm not too experienced with owning vehicles, but I have owned 2 beaters now and I have repaired (with help, of course) more than a dozen problems with them.<br><br>Bob described a couple ways to start van life and, although he prefers the second, I am going to shoot for plan #1. Your situation sounds leagues different from mine, though. I am in a very profitable time now, still living with my parents, so I can save lots of money.<br><br>I, too, have described my plan to emancipate myself from the "American Nightmare" to my friends, receiving mixed reactions. A closer friend of mine and the more intellectual of my friends, whose plan is ironically to make about $100,000/year on salary working as a digital media...blah blah blah, is the strongest supporter I have. It seems that the people who so vigorously deny this lifestyle aren't the thinkers, but those who I would call "stuck in the box". If they admit that it's possible to live on the road and have more fun and be happier than they are now without having to work half as hard, then they would have to admit that they have it all wrong and that they've been duped. That's not something many people are willing to face, and denying something only to maintain your current perspective is a trait of the ignorant. Keep the faith, don't let them drag you back down so they can prove to themselves that your good ideas were just fallacy.</span>
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome!<br><br>Yeah, I had some whopper typos there didn’t I?&nbsp; I meant to say that I get terminated in 2005, but I did say that it was 2:00 o’clock in the morning.&nbsp; Do I get a hall pass based on that?&nbsp; Heh.&nbsp; I’m 28 now, and would love to get back into trucking OTR.&nbsp; I kind of have to wait for my driving record to clear up first though, it would be ideal for me I think.&nbsp; I’m what those old grumbling truckers would probably call a steering wheel holder.&nbsp; I just drove the truck, never lumped any freight, never did any maintenance on the rig (beyond keeping it clean and smelling good inside, topped off with fuel and fluids and washed outside).&nbsp; So I don’t know anything about how to DIY when it comes to mechanics.&nbsp; I wish I could find a co-driver and a life partner to share the journey with, that would be ideal.&nbsp; But, I imagine dating would be difficult when people find out you humble abode is on wheels.&nbsp; I am pretty creative, so I am sure I could manage fixing it up inside given enough time.&nbsp; I know a blown head gasket is nothing to laugh off, but even if I had to drop a decent amount of money into this thing, I am thinking under $1000 for this huge van is still a great option with the not having to pay rent aspect factored in.&nbsp; I fully intend to have a mechanic look the van over before I buy or trade my car for it, and plan to fix it up as I go.<br><br>- Drifter<br><br>
Specifically at the Great Dane Lady:<br><br>I too LOVE great danes!&nbsp; I had three of them while married, and one after my divorce.&nbsp; I lost my 4 boys unfortunately, the first three were sold off in the divorce by a less-than-kind ex who listed them as assets to hurt me.&nbsp; He knew I couldn't afford to give him half of what the dogs were worth.&nbsp; My last boy I lost to bloat.&nbsp; They're an amazing breed, it's such a pity they only average 8-10 years and tend to have hip problems.&nbsp; How does it work out for our boy Earl with him getting into your rig?&nbsp; I too am a lady driver, and am curious what company you run for that allows a dane in the cab!&nbsp; I would have loved to have one of my boys along with me.&nbsp; I don't buy into these people that say you can't have a big dog in a smaller space.&nbsp; It's more a matter of whether you make sure they get adequate exercise during your 10 hour shut down and taking them out for regular bathroom breaks.&nbsp; I would worry about a dane's hips though, getting in and out of a rig.&nbsp; I have a Sphynx cat presently.&nbsp; He's my hairless little monster, and I wouldn't have him any other way, heh.<br><br>
<font class="Apple-style-span" size="4">welcome drifter! i got a tattoo in pahrump last year that is the symbol for drifter! it was my second tattoo.</font>
Hey Drifter! I'm sorry about the loss of one of your danes to bloat and the loss of your other kids in an ugly divorce. I won't go into it right here but that's <i style="font-weight: bold; ">exactly </i>what I went through too. I also lost another dane, Siegfried,to bloat as well. When I was married we had a bunch of danes and my son used to say I loved them more than him. Hmmm,I'd say they were real close.<div><br></div><div>Earl is a mantle and he's really not that big for a dane. He's only 145lbs,my other ones were 190 to 180lbs. One made it to 10yrs old,but the really big ones never made it to 7. So maybe Earl will live a little longer. I have a neat fold up ramp for him to get in and out of the rig. I work for Swift and they no longer allow company drivers to have pets but Earl is grandfathered in since I got him in the truck before they changed their policy. I paid $500 and got him when he was 8wks old and he's 5yrs now. If I'm ever told I can't keep him in a company truck I guess I'll just have to finally lease. But I really don't want to do that,not at this stage in my life.</div><div><br></div><div>Earl lives the life,let me tell ya! He goes to doggie day care when I can drop him off for a spell and I know great places all around the country where I can let him run free. He's chipped and up to date with his shots and has his &nbsp;file in vet offices all around the country. We also stay in hotels when I feel like splurging and I always pick up after him. I feed him Natural Balance food and keep lots of it in the truck along with lots of water because I never know when I'll break down,or get stuck in a blizzard or just have to sit for a couple of days waiting for a I'm doing now.</div><div><br></div><div>I hear the same thing about Earl being too big to have in a truck. If people know what danes are really like they would realize that they are just couch potatoes. And anyway I tell them Earl is the same size as the guy I tried team driving with...he just doesn't run his mouth.<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src=""></div><div><br></div><div>I'm really excited about getting into a van. I've always had wanderlust and I'll be happy to spend the rest of my days in a van. I see you're in Ohio. Yeah...cold...brrr.</div><div>I switched from driving all 48 to just the western half last fall. I figured I'd spend the winter in the west and boy am I glad I did seeing all the snow back there.</div><div><br></div><div>Well,good luck with your van search and keep us updated!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
Drifter, I too have a chinese drifter symbol as a tatoo (I got it at the same time and from the same guy as Katie) . Mine has 3 symbols that say Zen-Earth-Drifter. So, I really like your name! <br><br>DL, my dog is not as big as yours, but he is 80 lbs and not an ounce of fat on him, with very long legs. I lived in a tiny space (6x7 foot) with him and we were quite happy for three years. Now we live in a bigger space, 6x10 so I am planning on getting him a smaller dog as a pet for him since he is almost 8 years old.&nbsp; I'll never be without a dog. Bob<br><br>
That's pretty cool Bob! I like that you're getting your dog <b><i>a pet of his own!</i></b><div>I'll be lucky if I get another 5yrs outta Earl. &nbsp;After that,it'll be hard to get another one,but like you,I can't imagine living without a furkid in my life.</div><div><br></div><div>Rose n Earl</div>
Hey Dane Lady,<br><br>If you ever consider having a team driver along again, I am planning on getting back into OTR as soon as I can.&nbsp; I learned with Swift and left to go to Werner, big mistake, but 20/20 hind sight right?&nbsp; Send me a message on yahoo some time, my screen name is role_playing_gamer.<br><br>
Hey Drifter,I PMd you here cuz,uh,I don't know how to send a message on yahoo. I'm just an old fogey just dragging my feet into the 21st century.
Oh,nevermind I can't PM you. Haha... &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Sorry it didn't work out with Swift,and even sorrier it didn't work out with Werner. I picked up a load at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show yesterday. The vendor gave me some big hunks of rough amethyst to keep for myself...I was gigglin' like a little girl.</div><div><br></div><div>Now that I want a van I notice them everywhere..even seeing some for sale. But of course I'm flying by in the truck when I see them so I can't stop to check them out.</div><div>That's ok,plenty of time yet.</div>