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Sep 9, 2011
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Good day yaw'll:<br><br>We have chosen as our home a "park model recreational vehicle" in FL.&nbsp; Apparently most RV parks do not allow children so this one was a godsend at the time.&nbsp; Fast forwarding, when Lee decided to marry and bring me home, he suddenly began having "issues".&nbsp; One of the neighbors could not bring herself to say the words; she made him guess it.&nbsp; For those that want details,<br><br>Fast forwarding, we have a couple acres, want to move our RV home there, live off grid, self-sustaining, Earth loving, and be left alone.&nbsp; We decided to blog about our experience because of our excitement and the interesting walls we are having to climb or knock down all in our pursuit of the above.&nbsp; Who would have thought it "may" be an issue living on your own land, in your own "park model RV".<br><br>Stumbling upon this site, we feel is a blessing.&nbsp; We have much to learn about this lifestyle and we're ready, willing and able to take it on.&nbsp; Thank you for being a presence in the WWW.<br><br>Lee and Lyric<br><br>
<b>Thank you for your blog link.&nbsp; I haven't figured out how to add it to eblogger yet but will work on it.</b><br><b>If you go to your profile page here and hit edit, you can put your site and a quote or what have you at the bottom as your signature so it will come up each time (I don't think you are challenged, it just took me a month to figure out how everyone else had quotes and sites <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="">&nbsp<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I don't give instructions well so if you have problems ask some one else.</b><br>
<P><SPAN id=post_message_1269237135><FONT size=3 face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Lee and Lyric,<BR>Welcome to this forum.<BR><BR>Like you, I have had thoughts about buying a little piece of off-grid property as a home base, and then I talk myself out of it when I investigate places to do it. I thought I had found a place in AZ, but as I investigated further I found that state and county government regs had priced it out of range with property taxes, $3900 dollars one-time use tax to pay for roads not developed yet (i would have been on a dirt road), regs that say you can only camp on your own land for 14 days at a time, you have to have an approved septic system in the ground before you can build even a little cabin, and you would need to have a water storage tank and pay to have it delivered and filled each month (wells cost too much and have to be really deep), and on and on.<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""> <BR><BR>If we could just get our government(s) to stay out of our private lives, lots of folks would like to live green and off-grid.<BR><BR>I now am planning a self-sustaining rolling home that I can take with me, stay wherever I choose for as long as I choose, establishing a home address in the <U>most favorable state</U>... tax and regulation wise, and pal around with like-minded people.<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""><BR><BR>Whatever you decide to do, check out all the angles before you invest in another piece of land in any state.<IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""><IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src=""><BR><BR>Good Luck, from&nbsp;Bob (aka stude53)<BR></FONT></SPAN></P>
I would kill just have a half acre in Florida. lol but I'm too broke to buy any land. I could build a house but cant afford the land for it lol<br><br>For Stude it all depends on the area that your building on and what its for like in Tennessee you could use it as a home base but it has to be classified first as a hunting cabin and you can throw a lot of those regs. out but you still have to build your own dirt road to even get to your cabin lol. I don't know a lot about arizona but look for hunting zoned areas for that.
<B>After reading Lee and Lyric's blog. I see where they are coming from and why they are needing land. It is wonderful they want to persue growing things for their family and selling goods to make their own way.&nbsp;The back to the land movement is set up to fail in many areas. I had a little tantrum about that on another post, regarding,"can't safely grow food or chickens for eggs or rabbits for meat in cities on vacant lots etc."&nbsp;</B><BR><B>&nbsp;People so often move out to the country to get away from the crime of the city and the ordinances of the suburbs. They bring with them organizational skills (they join and know whats going on-city council, lawmaking etc)&nbsp;and turn a little piece of messy paradise that has neighbors perfectly happy living next to each others "problems" such as falling down fence, roosters that crow during the night, maybe too many cars in a driveway that don't work and sprinklings of old tires here and there.</B><BR><B>It doesn't take long for ordinances to be set into place. In a short time what was once a little old neighborhood with character has clean up signs and fines imposed on them. They become the same nice respectable places that the suburb dwellers left behind.</B><BR><B>As for the wells and septic systems. Shall we guess where some of the money for the permits goes? Yes, these things should be done right for safety issues&nbsp;but inspections can be made of the homeowners improvements..</B><BR><B>Please, if I get started on big ag just tell me to shut up.</B><BR><B>Good luck Lee and Lyric.</B><BR><b><FONT color=#990099 size=3>Dragonfly</FONT></b>
<b>PS Bob (stude53) I'm closer in line with you and several others here and having everything set up for rolling off grid. I have a unique property that can sell even in this market but I am not yet ready emotionally to do so yet. Lee and Lyric look to have a wonderful little family and want some roots and I want some of their home made soap when they start producing it. </b><br><br>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Hi dragonflyinthesky,</span><br style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"><br style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">I have been making soap since 2000.&nbsp; You don't have to wait for some of this old-fashioned goodness, LOL.&nbsp; I just think it will be so quaint, cute, to have Hip Hillbilly Farm labeling.&nbsp; For now I call my lil hobby-business </span><i style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Olive This</i><span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> (try to incorporate olive oil in my batches when I can afford it).&nbsp; I've decided when we get out on the land I'll make "artisan" soaps under the <span style="font-style: italic;">Olive This</span> label and "regular" soap under the <span style="font-style: italic;">Hip Hillbilly</span> line.&nbsp; The difference, nothing.&nbsp; Ain't marketing interestin'???&nbsp; Well, perhaps I'll make the label different. </span><img style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);" src="../images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0">
<font style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);" size="2">Oh stude53, you are so on point.&nbsp; One thing I wanted to point out to the group is that we have three lil ones.&nbsp; THEY are what is keeping us "grounded".&nbsp; I am thinking for at least 7 more years as the youngest is only 11.&nbsp; We saw some sweet land in MO and were it not for our constraints we prolly would have moved to make an offer on that baby.</font><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);"><br>"<span id="post_message_1270175473"><b>Please, if I get started on big ag just tell me to shut up."<br></b><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);"><font style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);" size="2">Oh no - talk on.&nbsp; That's what we are feeling this place is about.&nbsp; A place where we can be ourselves, possibly pass on tidbits of knowledge to help those trying to help themselves.&nbsp; Are we on point with this?&nbsp; 'Sides, ranting = sanity.<br><br>L &amp; L<br></font><b style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);"><font size="2"><br></font></b></span><br style="color: rgb(102, 51, 255);"><br>
<FONT color=#000000><SPAN id=post_message_1270175473><FONT style="COLOR: rgb(102,51,255)" size=2><B>if you don't have a lable yet and need a design-no charge- talk to me.&nbsp; You see my little hedgehog and box turtle avatar? They are some of the characters in a book I'm writing and illustrating.</B></FONT></SPAN><BR><SPAN></SPAN>&nbsp;<BR></FONT><SPAN><B><FONT color=#6633ff>Dragonfly</FONT></B></SPAN><BR>(this purple is not intentional.)
<span class="status_offline" title="Status offline"></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">dragonflyinthesky,</span><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">I was JUST thinking about labels (and other things); couldn't sleep, decided to just get up and work on 'net stuff for about an hour then try the sleep thing again.</span><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">I would LOVE to take you up on your offer.&nbsp; Hey, wanna , umm, what's the word, barter?&nbsp; If you'll handle shipping I'd love to send you some Olive This soap in exchange for a way cute Hip Hillbilly soap label.&nbsp; If this is something you would like to do for extra money I would be more than happy to give you props, linkage, etc. on the website to let folk know where we got the beautiful label art.&nbsp;&nbsp; ;-) <br><br>I love designing stuff (though I can't draw, can't paint, can't sing.&nbsp; Oh wait, singing don't count).&nbsp; What'd ya have in mind for the label?&nbsp; For what it's worth, I'm an out-going, down-to-earth, yet classy kinda of lady (as if you couldn't tell ~giggles).&nbsp; So, though farming is all organic and earthy, my personality doesn't lend itself to a dirty looking brown label, you feel me?&nbsp; See the banner at our website - I like that it was made with bright, pretty colors and it has a happy tone to it.&nbsp; <br><br>Now, I'll shut up and let you creative person do what you do.<br><br>I'm happy now.&nbsp; Not sleeping wasn't in vain. </span><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><br style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);"><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 153);">Lyric</span><br>
When it comes to regs for labeling product the business name needs to be displayed.<br><br>I appreciate your kind effort.&nbsp; You're a gem.<br><br>Lyric<br><br>
Dragonfly, sent you a PM.&nbsp; Please let me know what you're working with (if you're still interested).&nbsp; If you'd like to call me toll-free about it let me know.&nbsp; A heads-up, checking out our banner, how it looks, bright, friendly, CLEAN.&nbsp; Though we're hip and he's a self-proclaimed hillbilly, he's got style and pizzazz and I'm a lil bit jazzy myself.&nbsp; If you've forgotten what it looks like, here's a link:&nbsp;<br><br>I'm here, supposed to be writing, working on finding a niche.<br>
Lyric said:
Dragonfly, sent you a PM.&nbsp; Please let me know what you're working with (if you're still interested).&nbsp; If you'd like to call me toll-free about it let me know.&nbsp; A heads-up, checking out our banner, how it looks, bright, friendly, CLEAN.&nbsp; Though we're hip and he's a self-proclaimed hillbilly, he's got style and pizzazz and I'm a lil bit jazzy myself.&nbsp; If you've forgotten what it looks like, here's a link:&nbsp;<BR><BR>I'm here, supposed to be writing, working on finding a niche.<BR>
I think I can adjust to what you need, as opposed to what I sent as examples.&nbsp; <FONT color=#990066>Dragonfly</FONT>
<P><FONT size=3>Welcome to one heck of a wonderful forum!</FONT></P>

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