Needed: Soul reset.

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SternWake said:
I've got a few things I need to do before I leave, Like lining up some work for when I do return, and a few tasks for the parking spot lord, and might not get on the road tonight.

Yesterday I paddled way outside to beyond the kelp beds just to be as far away from people as I could get, but it was not far enough.

First...sorry to say...but I'm seeing excuses here.

You HATE the place where you're at, and yet, before you leave, you're lining up things for when you return??!! WTH??

You sound like you're in a box mentally, and don't know how to get out of the mean time, you're also taking off for a spell. (which IS GOOD)...but nobody is making you return to where you're at now, except YOU! Think about this...
YOU can take off and find that peace of mind you're looking for...but knowing that you'll be returning to this 'bad' place is gonna eat away at joy you'll get when you find a quiet place. You don't hafta go back.

And getting some water time is definately good for the soul...but there again, you loose the joy when you come in and return to your nesting spot.

We've got waves up here Dude...and friendly folks, (and not too many of 'em either!), and jobs you can do too!! C'mon up North here. This may be the very thing you're looking for.

You've made you plans for the big excape....only you are keeping yourself from following through.

GodSpeed my friend.

(and I hope this message doesn't sound too harsh. I wish you only the best!) :)
We're living parallel lives, it seems. I am on the opposite coast, but the problems are the same. I find myself absolutely flabbergasted at how much society has changed in the last several years. People disappoint me daily. The narcissism, bloated self importance, entitlement attitudes, the impatient/inconsiderate road manners, ad nauseum... "it's all about ME!"

Like yourself, I have a fairly wide skill set. You should have no problem lining up jobs wherever you find yourself. This is how I plan to eek out some reasonable standard of living. Believe in yourself, and your purpose. You WILL find a way! Take stock in how blessed you are in being so mobile & acclimated to the lifestyle.

..and about that beer I offered you for helping me with a barrage of electrical questions... got me thinking...
If you find yourself near a watering hole in your travels, please post some information about it. I'd like to call the establishment and pay for a round or two (three?) in a token of appreciation for all the help you've offered to myself and others.

This is a serious offer, and I hope you'll take me up on it!
Right on^^^^^
Make it a watering hole that accepts PayPal!!!:)
+++1 What Patrick said. But after reset nothing wrong with going back.

I also appreciate all the info you have gave everyone including me. I am sure you have saved lots of hair pulling and countless extended battery lives and our pocket books.

I also enjoy all your post and you do not always have to be the guru.

I also am with Lafnbug PM me when and where and I also would like to buy you a few.
Thx all.

Wide client base in socal. Many many tools. Need trailer for them for permanent escape.
Now just need temporary escape to reset.
Few tools. Deweighted. Not lookin for work. But will need work after temporary escape.
I wish the best for you in your quest to reset your soul. SternWake , I read your posts even though I have no knowledge of what you are speaking (except in general terms). I am amazed at the knowledge and experience that you and others freely give to others. You will be missed.:( Jan
I want to thank you for all the electrical advice you gladly give. I have a whole file of it.

This might sound silly but oh well... You are a giver and it sounds like you are like a battery that got a little too drained and you just need a nice long charge to be fine again.
SternWake, you're a wealth of information, and will be sorely missed around here, but I understand what you're saying. Pick up a copy of 'A Yaqui Way of Knowledge' and absorb it...

I hope you find what you're looking for.
Ill still be che kin in. But long winded electrical replies will be curtailed.

Not quite out of suburbia. But am 3 hr north. Slept in ihop parking lot last night. Ran into old friend briefly after nearly giving up lookin..

Miles of ocean passed below my feet today. Found a couple smiles and a few friendlier people. Chillin in a mcd's parking lot. Might be another dweller here.
Not sure where ill park tonight. Dreampt of the knock last night.

Kings canyon perhaps next week, perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps elsewhere.

This attitiude was way of life in baltimore and md too....i was the same way but was growing sick of it. i took a trip up to toronto on a bus and it was like an epiphany. a city full of people, but they said hi and smiled at you, without being fake or an invitation to trouble. streets were clean, no one was even scared. I brought that impression back with me and i realized just how wrong that original attitude is and how it cripples us as a society.

I moved to wv, and experinced much what i did in canada. tho there is a sort of reverse arrogance, a judementalness that goes the other way, you can still get 10 friendly hellows and smils from the parking lot tot the grocery store. You still get people you never met talk to you about whatever, almost to the point of annoyance :p
its like being a dbag here are the exceptions, where some places it is the rule, and not being one means you are weak, or to be cast aside as foolish.
Today, surfed with my friend in some fun little waves. Did not drive anywhere all day. Rode long softwheeled skateboard all around exploring. Spoke with a bunch of strangers. Nods of acknowledgement a plenty.

Burned up 150 minutes chatting with my sister.
Had a Sihk shake his finger at me. He was praying toward the ocean. I felt kinship and took a photo. Don't know how he saw me take photo.

The high sierras call. But not louder than the ocean, so far.
SternWake said:
Had a Sihk shake his finger at me. He was praying toward the ocean. I felt kinship and took a photo. Don't know how he saw me take photo.

He must have seen you with his third eye! I think meditating might be more accurate than prayer but I don't know much about Sikhism. Was it early in the morning?
No it was an hour or so before sundown. He looked like he was meditating. Then he stood, walked closer to the waters edge, stood palms together in front of chest
I took a photo then zoomed in on it. Cued a new song. Looked back over and he was wagging his finger at me.

If I see him again. Im gonna try and talk with him. When he is done meditating/praying.
@ Sternwake: If the high Sierras are calling, you better answer soon. Winter can come in hard and fast anytime now up there. It usually doesn't, but it can.

@DazerGaidin, the friendliest place I've ever been was at the mountains of NC. Mountain folk are truly different, I think much the same as you found in the mountains of WV.

I think they can trace their roots in the place back many generations back to when they needed each other and a neighbor was someone whose help you might very well need very soon, so you never turned your back when he needed you. Friendly people survived longer and better.

In many cities today it's the one who cuts the other guys throat first who survives longer and better. You better cut the other guy off in traffic so you get to work on time and he is late.

Of course there are many exceptions!
Apparently the Sihk is well known In These parts. And claims not to speak English. I got 2sets of tire chains with me and a bunch of warm clothes. I do realize many roads will be closed if a wet front does move in. Surfers from the east coast learn to monitor weather close ly. But I suspect my carrier. Which uses sprint towers will have me in the dark in remote location s.

Surfed till exhaustion this morning. Not crowded and the few out were sharing nicely. Friends here in town gave me a key to their home. Said I can keep their dog company during day. Hang out. Sleep in spare bedroom. Ect. I prefer sleeping in the van. Otherwise vanxiety about thieves.

Lots of swell forecast. Sierras can wait. The ocean is my power source
the friendliest place I've ever been was at the mountains of NC. Mountain folk are truly different, I think much the same as you found in the mountains of WV.

I think they can trace their roots in the place back many generations back to when they needed each other and a neighbor was someone whose help you might very well need very soon, so you never turned your back when he needed you. Friendly people survived longer and better.

Bob, I couldn't agree more. Just spent several weeks in the Appalachian regions of TN and NC. Beautiful country, great folks.
Been in Ventura area a week now. All my surf muscles are stiff and sore. Ive gotten some incredible rides this last week. Tuesday some overhead leg burners. 200 yard long rides. Now Sunburnt and my feet are itchy. The water is still almost 70f. Very unusual.

So time to go further north before I develop too much a routine and burn out safe parking. I plan on spending more.time here. In the future. The waves are more to my liking than san diego. And people not as self important. But it is still crowded and busy.

Averaged 14.7 mpg so far with 75% highway miles. I was averaging 7 in traffic light riddled hilly SD. Nice that gas prices are dropping a bit.
Beautiful Appalachian mountains. All my people are from the North Carolina mountains close to Boone. Very strange how the area has changed. A lot of very rich people have built mansions with views on the mountain tops. It's still nice and maybe for the better as there are more resources now although probably more expensive.

@ DazorGaidin - I was born in Memphis Tennessee but moved to Bluefield West Virginia as a Youngin' (word) where I grew up so I am definitely a hillbilly. There are a lot of good people and friendly. Guess that's why I am so nice LOL. Even the national recession did not change the local economy there as it never really takes off anyhow. Do be careful though because unless you like to hunt, fish, backpack (what I did) not a lot to do there and some areas lots of addicts meth, crack heads.

I moved to North Florida in the 80's first time I got divorced (have great 3rd wife now) where my mountain blood changed to saltwater for sure.
Now I need to spend some time out west if I can just get it together.

@Sternwake - hope this wasn't too much of a hijack. Godspeed.
Finally got out of s california after a few more days of good waves. One weird brief drivetrain hiccup descending from 5200 ft. Never reoccur ed. Was like a brief loss of power and a strange downshift at irregular speed. Tranny fluid pink and sweeet. 140 more miles smooth as through agriculture land. Such a drought, yet everything cultivated is nice and green. Dust bowl elsewhere.
Up into sierras tomorrow. Having a beer in a wally world parkinglot. Watching some unfamiliar tv stations. Saw gas under 3$ a gallon.