So I'm still trying to figure out the fridge thing, and have decided to scale back size-wise and power-wise. I was also looking at the Edgestar CRF150SS (has a full-range thermostat), which is available on e-Bay for $168 (free shipping). Its only 1.1 cu.ft, but at that cost I was considering getting 2 for 2.2 cu.ft., stacking them, and using one as a fridge and one as a freezer. So by the specs, that would use 2 x 138 Watts/1.1 Amps or 276 watts/2.2 amp hours, and at a price of just $336.
Anything comparable in a DC version seem to run well over $700 so at least $400 more, although to their advantage the propane option is certainly a good thing to have. On the other hand the extra $$$ could be spend to buy another 200w panel and upgrade to larger capacity batteries/inverter. Don't know if it all works out in the wash, but the other cost mentioned of repairing those absorption fridges is quite high, so advantage AC fridge, and if one takes a dump on me there's redundancy, so one more advantage for AC.
In my situation though I'll most likely be hooked to shore power a lot more than I will be boondocking, so there's that to consider. However I'm thinking that if I'm going to boondock at all, then everything does need to fit within those constraints, so there's that, lol. So weighing the variables as much as I'm able, I still think that the dual AC fridge comes out on top, but please feel free to shoot that full of holes if I'm all wet
, all input appreciated ;?D
Also planning build a compartment for the fridge(s) and add a lot of insulation plus a vent channel powered by a small fan which will be divertable. outside for summer and inside for winter to utilize the waste heat. Any thoughts as to the efficacy of this type of setup (I'm sure someone's done this before ;?).