Need some help choosing colors...

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2012
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<p>Thanks in advance for your help!&nbsp;&nbsp;Life's been very tough for me lately and I thought that&nbsp;updating the van's color scheme to make it a little more relaxing&nbsp;would be a fun&nbsp;project.&nbsp; The problem is that I'm a geek and can only seem to match things with khaki.&nbsp; <br><br><br>I'm going to post a few pics and ask your opinion for colors.&nbsp; First, the inside of the van is a beige color.&nbsp; I'm pretty comfortable with that being the main color but need to think about repainting the headboard and bed as well as the kitchen counter.<br><br><img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox"></p><p>As you can see, the wall is kind of a nice earth tone.&nbsp; The bed's comforter is outdoorsy colors - maroon, gold, green (darker than the pic shows), etc.&nbsp; I could see maybe painting the headboard a darker color (a brown or ... ?)&nbsp; Yep, that's a little door on the right side of the bed.&nbsp; It&nbsp;hides wires and has hooks for keys.<br><br><img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br>The kitchen / entertainment area...&nbsp; Notice how the cabinet is a stark white.&nbsp; I'm not sure about what other color to paint it.&nbsp; Below is the counter top (floor tile).&nbsp; I'm thinking about maybe changing it to a multicolored, more stone-looking tile.<br><br><img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br><br>Please let me know what you think I should do to make the van look more "homey" and less like a doctor's office (the whiteness).&nbsp; I am open to painting the bed and headboard a different color from the kitchen area, too.<br><br>Thanks again for any input you can offer.&nbsp; Over all, it still looks better than when I got this van two years ago and all it had in it was a black rubber mat.&nbsp; <img class="bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" rel="lightbox"><br><br><br>V.T.</p>
&nbsp;Your van looks very nice but it could use a little color. How about using one of the colors from your comforter as your headboard color? You could carry that over to your cabinet doors, maybe painting the frames a different shade or a different color altogether. If you don't like how it comes out you can always paint it again! Instead of putting in a whole new floor you could just get a colorful throw rug. Have fun and pictures when you're done please. :)
sand colour ! US Military and goes good with&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20px;">khaki</span><br><br>also that Chrome in a can works great too, just spray it on and voila.. Chrome<br>another option would be to go and get some&nbsp;stencils&nbsp;from Benjamin Moore, look for the Bamboo and such, then paint them on the cabinets.&nbsp;<br>or if you have any Celtic in you, get&nbsp;some&nbsp;Celtic stencils and do the same.<br><br>do not paint it Salmon.. cause guys just see it as PINK... PINK ... PINK.. woke up in a pink room once.. yikes
<p>One of the colors of the comforter would be neat to do with the headboard.&nbsp; And it would work great on the cupboard doors...&nbsp; <br><br>No plans to change the flooring.&nbsp; It's fine as-is.&nbsp; It will be fun to change things up a little though.&nbsp; I'm just happy that people are saying that the van needs a little color.&nbsp; It confirms what's been nagging at me a little.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>The whole idea of changing the color scheme would be fun.&nbsp; The overhead cupboards are that earth tone thing.. Maybe a fun maroon or forest green would shake things up a bit.&nbsp; I'm likely going to take up the stick on tiles (on the kitchen counter) and go with something a bit darker that would work with a more outdoorsy theme.<br><br>Thanks for the cool ideas!</p><p>Brad</p>
<p>Good point about the mood thing.<br><br>You hit the nail on the head, so to speak.&nbsp; I was thinking a little darker, granite looking counter top (stick on $2 tiles) as well.&nbsp; There are a lot of cool colors to browse and some incorporate some greenish hues.&nbsp; I'm also thinking about a "Green Acres" thing with the headboard. (a fairly flat, medium-dark shade).&nbsp; Being an Iowan, a little color in the form of&nbsp;a green headboard could be kind of fun...&nbsp; I might have to put a couple of John Deere tractor toys in the headboard.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>As I've been trying to sleep,&nbsp;the white headboard was visible&nbsp;which doesn't help with sleep.&nbsp; It's getting a facelift.<br><br>Thanks for the input!</p><p>VT</p>
look at the inside of small boats cabins.&nbsp; they get really creative, and you can too, by stealing ideas.

Go crazy! Red! Sunshine yellow! Orange! Purple! Things don't have to "match". In fact, when it all matches, everything sorta disappears.

Go to a fabric store. Much easier to see colors in a larger scale than a little paint swatch. And everybody has granite...unless you are the type that is comfortable following the crowd. In which case, that's fine too.
If you want a cheerful environment, choose cheerful colors. Into racing? How about alternating black and white stick on tiles, like a checkered flag? Or paint the same thing? Hang one of those girly calendars! Or an old snap on tools sign. Beer ad posters? Star trek? All of the above? What's your thing? Make it a reflection of who you are and what you like. If I were to step inside your van, would it tell me who you are?

Have fun and do what YOU like! It's your van.

<p>Hi Stargazer!&nbsp; Your words are inspiring and have given me motivation to have fun with it.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p>Thanks!</p><p>V.T.</p>
I just have to say Brad this is the first time I really saw the inside of your van...I love it. Splashes color would look nice but I like the white...makes everything look clean.
Thanks for the kind words!&nbsp; I'm probably get a little crazy and paint the headboard... If it seems to add some life, I might update the counter, too.&nbsp;
Some small sections of wallpaper, perhaps - above the sink, or behind the bed. Something with a bit of color and detail, maybe, to break up the flatness of a monoclor wall.Green's a relaxing color. So's blue. Lighter shades.
<p><img class="bbc_img" src="" rel="lightbox"><br><br>Thanks Seraphim - I agree, especially with green.&nbsp; It's kind of masculine and outdoors-ish.<br><br>Doesn't that look&nbsp;a lot different?&nbsp; The green is actually a little darker - the flash distorts the shade a bit by reflecting light on the "semi-gloss" finish.&nbsp; It's pretty close to an avocado (the greenish ring inside the avocado fruit).&nbsp; <br><br>I still have to put another coat on the headboard but it's exciting to watch the color change.&nbsp; </p><p>V.T.</p>