?My Friend, Vāgans

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May 9, 2021
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As a former consultant who traveled globally, living out of a suitcase and on the road has been a regular part of my life. Now after many years and as a priest and director of the Orthodox Community of the Holy Phoenix in Canada, the itchy foot has hit again. With the blessing of my bishop I'll begin my journey to full-time soon.

People have asked if I'll stop being a priest. I chose the priesthood later in life so this is where I'll stay. There is a tradition of presbyters vagans—priests who travel without a sticks and stones home—so it makes sense...and there is so much to see, so many friends to make!

So here is where I begin my journey, just as many of my friends and friends-to-be (positive and supportive only!) have done.

Much of my background is in backpacking, camping, and roughing it as well as living in itty-bitty places. Carpentry, metalworking, basic plumbing will probably also help quite a bit. Planning on an extended high-top van as a home (from The South!) means a lot of these skills and experience will come into play and I welcome it.

As for a name, well "Vāgans" is a great start to a great journey.

Onward and upward!