until today,the scene,chevy 4x4,gravel road,a couple hundred yard then round 90 to the right,a couple hundred yards and a round 90 to left and a couple hundred to sharp square it off to the right
he gets behind the wheel,seat all the way forward,tilt steering all the way down,press on brake,put it on d and let off brake,which he does.
and then we are sideways throwing rooster tails for about 20-30 feet and he gets his first feel for american v8 power but he did steer into it so thats good
he goes into a throttle on throttle off thing.i do have stiff throttle springs but he calms down,first corner,the two hand shift method,i tell him about power steering and one hand will do
the straight stretch.well.get on the road you are about in the ditch over here,no one is coming
second corner,pretty normal
sharpe corner,tell him to move over to the left and crank it all the way to the right which he does except when the turn is completed he doesn't let go and into the ditch we go,luckily it was only 2 foot deep so i reached over and turned it before we went through the neighbors fence
so in about a half mile he lit them up and put it in the ditch,he was pretty jacked on adrenaline after and i only got into a little trouble.all is well
he gets behind the wheel,seat all the way forward,tilt steering all the way down,press on brake,put it on d and let off brake,which he does.
and then we are sideways throwing rooster tails for about 20-30 feet and he gets his first feel for american v8 power but he did steer into it so thats good
he goes into a throttle on throttle off thing.i do have stiff throttle springs but he calms down,first corner,the two hand shift method,i tell him about power steering and one hand will do
the straight stretch.well.get on the road you are about in the ditch over here,no one is coming
second corner,pretty normal
sharpe corner,tell him to move over to the left and crank it all the way to the right which he does except when the turn is completed he doesn't let go and into the ditch we go,luckily it was only 2 foot deep so i reached over and turned it before we went through the neighbors fence
so in about a half mile he lit them up and put it in the ditch,he was pretty jacked on adrenaline after and i only got into a little trouble.all is well