Money/job issue is my biggest obstacle to living the RV life

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I used to go "canning" back when. The trick was to walk along ditches, drains and culverts, especially large concrete ones. Lots of cans would wash down that way. A broomstick with a nail in one end helps pick them up so you don't have to keep bending. Heavy gloves and shoes are a good idea.

Metal collectors used to drive through my neighborhood and pick up any appliances/tools etc early morning on the day the trash trucks came through. Patrolling those routes is also a good way to pick up used furniture etc, some of which you might have on a want list, some of which can also be resold as yard sale if you have a place to house until stock is built up. Some people who don't like to yard sale also put out discards for pickup on Friday nights so yard sale hunters will pick up the freebies early Saturday.

College campuses and apartments near campuses are often packed with discards at the curb at the end of semesters. Usually stuff in good shape, just things the students don't want or don't have space to haul home. Gather, resell.

Win, win, win. Get free stuff, clean up the environment, get cash. Exercise too.

Don't know if this is still possible, but my uncle used to collect golf balls that at gone off the course and resell to golfers.
highdesertranger said:
as far as aluminum cans and plastic bottles just collect them wherever you find them.  ask friends and co-workers give you theirs.  I collect a lot that way.  some dig in trash cans,  I don't do that.  but I do pick up any one I see.  I look at it this way if they where nickels I would surely pick them up.  as for the copper and brass if you have an area where people target shoot hit it and pick up the brass in popular spots you can rack in at least a couple 5 gallon buckets every time you go.  around here people always leave old plumbing fixtures and appliances curb side for bulk trash pickup.  just pick it up pull the brass and copper and put it back curb side.  I have he advantage of recycling the steel and iron to so all that's left is usually plastic and I just throw that in the trash.  AC's pay the best there is approximately 20 bucks of copper,  aluminum, and brass in them.  I have a friend who does AC's so he sucks the Freon out.  microwaves pay good too that big old transformer has a few pounds of copper in it.  WARNING watch some youtube videos on how to discharge capacitors so you don't get lit up.  the degasser cable on the back of old TV's and CRT monitors is good for about 1lb or 2 of copper.  another note on old TV's and CRT's it's hard to get rid of the tube it is considered hazardous waste.  so unless you find a legal way to dispose of them don't mess with them.  around here they have electronic recycling programs and they accept them no questions asked.  highdesertranger

This sounds like a lot of work for too little money...I never see stuff like that laying around, maybe it's a southern thing? Most of the time the ground here is covered in snow and nobody wants to be outside.
well I don't know what to say. you say 2-4k per year is not a lot of money. well I just don't know what to say. I tried. highdesertranger
I see the metallic pickers around my area all the time for cans. I suppose the temperature in an area could correlate with the prevalence or absence of the collectors in an area.
Not sure what keeps drawing me to this thread.

Asking coworkers to recycle while helping to give someone a leg up and keeping an eye out for metals as you drive almost sounds like passive income to me. I might look into that one myself.

I don't mean this in a condescending way at all. Like I said I was in this "I am stuck and there is nothing I can do" mentality for a long time too. You are not uncomfortable enough yet to have the motivation to change. You can learn a new skill or take the advice that was given here. No one is going to pay you big money unless you can do something that is worth big money.

As far as the phone phobia goes, I know about irrational fears too. I have extremely fair skin (Dr. told me almost an albino. Have had many skin cancers because of it.) so when I blush I turn a deep red, almost purple. Because of this when I was a teenager I developed a blushing phobia. All of a sudden I was afraid to raise my hand in class for fear I would blush and be made fun of. I dropped out of a college class midway through because I was going to have to make a presentation. Most people would consider this the silliest fear they ever heard of, but it can be very debilitating, keeping people from many social situations. But somewhere along the line I made the decision I was not going to let this define and control me. I am 58 and it is still with me but not nearly the problem it once was. I now have a job where I have to speak in front of a large group of people at least once a year.

Start by imagining yourself on the phone for hours at a time. When that no longer makes you nervous, make short phone calls. Maybe call stores and ask for prices or something. You can get to a point where this will not control your life. I think reservationists make pretty good money and that could work with your day/night problem.

This is why I say it is 80% mental. (Again, it is not meant as a put down. A lot of us have been there at some point). The day/night thing is something you may not have any control over, but most everything else you do.

Decide right now to do whatever it is going to take to change your situation even if it means you have to take a couple steps back before you can move forward.
When my kids were little they went picking cans along the highway. They earned their own vacation money that way. All told in two weekends the 2 kids made over $1500 between them.
highdesertranger said:
well I don't know what to say.  you say 2-4k per year is not a lot of money.  well I just don't know what to say.  I tried.  highdesertranger

It isn't that it's not a lot of money, but that alone isn't going to support me. I need something that generates enough to live on. I need something I can do year round, too.
Katewels said:
As far as the phone phobia goes, I know about irrational fears too. I have extremely fair skin (Dr. told me almost an albino. Have had many skin cancers because of it.) so when I blush I turn a deep red, almost purple. Because of this when I was a teenager I developed a blushing phobia. All of a sudden I was afraid to raise my hand in class for fear I would blush and be made fun of. I dropped out of a college class midway through because I was going to have to make a presentation. Most people would consider this the silliest fear they ever heard of, but it can be very debilitating, keeping people from many social situations. But somewhere along the line I made the decision I was not going to let this define and control me. I am 58 and it is still with me but not nearly the problem it once was. I now have a job where I have to speak in front of a large group of people at least once a year.

Start by imagining yourself on the phone for hours at a time. When that no longer makes you nervous, make short phone calls. Maybe call stores and ask for prices or something. You can get to a point where this will not control your life. I think reservationists make pretty good money and that could work with your day/night problem.

It isn't like i'm scared to get over this phobia...I have worked 3 jobs where I had to talk on the phone. If that wasn't enough to help me, I dont know what would be. It's part of my personality, too, i mean it isn't just that it's a phobia, it's a problem even with people I know well. My boyfriend says I never call him enough, my dad said i never called him enough. I just hate talking on the phone because there are always lulls and uncomfortable silences, you can't look at the person and see their face, you have to fill all the space with talking, and I am not much for talking. I am an introvert and hate talking a lot. Also on the phone you can't hear everything clear enough, I have to ask them to repeat themselves sometimes 3 times before I get it. Phones cut out a lot, too. It's just my least favorite way of communicating. It's so awkward. I always text people. Now if there was a way to only use emails, texting, forums, Facebook, etc. to deal with customers, that would be easy, lol
GG my suggestion was not for making a living but for getting yourself out of debt and then getting dollars ahead to purchase the trailer and truck you wanted. I meant for you to keep your job for now and do the scrapping on the side. this is what I do. btw a great place to get recyclables is from apartment maintenance crews and house remodelers, most just throw the stuff in the trash. highdesertranger
This thread is totally depressing. Yet I am drawn to it like a moth to light.

Luckily, I was able to turn the light out . . .
GaiaGoddess said:

I hate talking on the phone, too. But I do. I have to practice adulting, all the time. It really interferes with my attempt to never grow up.
GaiaGoddess said:
This sounds like a lot of work for too little money...I never see stuff like that laying around, maybe it's a southern thing? Most of the time the ground here is covered in snow and nobody wants to be outside.

it could be a lot of work, or no
if you have ant friends that drink a lot of soda, they might have a LOT of cans they're currently just throwing away, I know a fellow who drinks so much soda, the local can collectors willingly clean out his truck in return for the cans (he drinks a LOT of soda)

And I too hate talking on the phone
for all the same reasons you listed
That, to me, isn't a phobia, but just a hatred
but I'm sure that was judgemental and abusive, so i'll just shut up
Five more weeks here at the ranch.A couple of kids have gone back to college,a couple more quit,and a couple more got fired.Anybody want a job for 5 weeks,pm me.
GaiaGoddess said:
This sounds like a lot of work for too little money...I never see stuff like that laying around, maybe it's a southern thing? Most of the time the ground here is covered in snow and nobody wants to be outside.

Life is a lot of work and for the most part there is no monetary compensation. 

I grew up in New Englad. There's 3-4 months of winter. Most people here don't stay in there houses 24/7. Unless they have health issues.

Also, I am too lazy to do the can and bottle thing. So, I rinse mine and keep them seperate from the rest of the recycling. On recycling day there's more than a couple people who come by to pick up my cans. Easy pickins, here. They don't even have to go through the rest of the recycling. But they do stop at every house and go through everyone elses. It must be worth their while. they do it every week, here. and I'm sure they are out doing it every other day of the week somewhere else.
highdesertranger said:
GG my suggestion was not for making a living but for getting yourself out of debt and then getting dollars ahead to purchase the trailer and truck you wanted.  I meant for you to keep your job for now and do the scrapping on the side.  this is what I do.  btw a great place to get recyclables is from apartment maintenance crews and house remodelers,  most just throw the stuff in the trash.  highdesertranger

But my only free time is at 1 am, I'm not gonna be outside wandering the neighborhood at that time, people will think i'm stealing stuff, lol If I had enough free time to do a part time job i would have one, but it wouldn't involve being outside since that's only possible half the year and during the daytime when i'm sleeping and then going to work.
cyndi said:
I hate talking on the phone, too. But I do. I have to practice adulting, all the time. It really interferes with my attempt to never grow up.

It isn't about being an adult or not wanting to grow up. If you had an actual phobia you would understand what it's like.
ArtW said:
it could be a lot of work, or no
if you have ant friends that drink a lot of soda, they might have a LOT of cans they're currently just throwing away, I know a fellow who drinks so much soda, the local can collectors willingly clean out his truck in return for the cans (he drinks a LOT of soda)

My friends don't drink anything in cans either, they are just as health conscious as me, they drink stuff like kombucha juice, tea, and water.

And I too hate talking on the phone
for all the same reasons you listed
That, to me, isn't a phobia, but just a hatred
but I'm sure that was judgemental and abusive, so i'll just shut up

For me it's a phobia and a hatred, when you just hate something it doesn't cause physical symptoms like dry mouth, anxiety attacks, sweating, and loss of appetite.
cyndi said:
Life is a lot of work and for the most part there is no monetary compensation.

I wouldn't waste my time with work that didn't involve money, that's WHY we work. The smart people learn how to make more money with less work, and that's the kind of stuff I'm looking for. I'm not talking about little odd jobs here and there to add up to just what you need, i'm talking about passive income, and enough income so you don't have to keep struggling.

I grew up in New Englad. There's 3-4 months of winter. Most people here don't stay in there houses 24/7. Unless they have health issues.

I'm always cold, even right now in the middle of August, I still wear long pants and bring a jacket with me everywhere. So come around October all the way until April, I am only outside long enough to get from my door to the car and from my car to the next place i'm going.

Also, I am too lazy to do the can and bottle thing. So, I rinse mine and keep them seperate from the rest of the recycling. On recycling day there's more than a couple people who come by to pick up my cans. Easy pickins, here. They don't even have to go through the rest of the recycling. But they do stop at every house and go through everyone elses. It must be worth their while. they do it every week, here. and I'm sure they are out doing it every other day of the week somewhere else.

We have to separate ours for recycling, but I never have cans, and my stuff that is glass usually takes a month or two before it's even full enough to put out.
highdesertranger said:
Cyndi wrote,  "Life is a lot of work",  and there it is in a nut shell.  highdesertranger

If that's what you want to believe, lol I'm not saying we don't have to work, I'm just questioning why people believe it has to be a LOT of work.
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