Money/job issue is my biggest obstacle to living the RV life

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GG, you bought the Mobile Home cash?
That's great but
Why oh why didn't you buy an RV instead?
surely you could of gotten an RV for that same money, and an RV park couldn't cost too much more than a trailer park
How are you going to live 'mobile' tied to a 60 hour a week job?
Curious. You state that the boyfriend will be living with you in the 5th wheel. Is he employed? You say he's broker than you? Will he be able to pay his way or are you going to have to support him too on your negative net income situation?
If I may, I don't understand where all the rudeness is coming from towards GaiaGoddess (mostly in these later pages - it's not intended as a blanket generalization of all). What I understood her to be asking was if there was something in the broader picture (not $1 here-and-there details) that she might have missed or hadn't thought of. Plus, people are reading things she didn't say. For example, she said her friends went to the movies a few nights a week. She didn't say she always went with them; but that was assumed and she gets comments like, "Odd. Weird math, Curious, etc." By the way, where I live there is a theater that charges only $5 per ticket, full price. It's not unheard of. Please stop making all these assumptions of people. If you want the name and exact location of the marvelous theater, you may PM me. By saying her and her boyfriends' things wouldn't probably fit into a tent, that didn't necessarily mean he was going to 'move in with her' unless I missed that part somewhere. You're accusing her of only "Yes, but..." but are spinning everything she says to the negative yourselves.

She and I actually have very similar scenarios. In my case, I do have a way to do what I want as soon as my home sells. She's stuck because her wage doesn't permit her to try and save much to where she'd feels like she's making progress. It's very tough for many people in that regard and it is mentally discouraging.

She's saying she can float on what she makes, and even trying to live modestly, she's having trouble having enough left over to save, so she can make more changes. This is not an uncommon problem. I don't see that she's doing these terribly extravagant things - she lives in an inexpensive mobile for crying out loud. It's not like she's purchased gold-plated toilet paper and consumes Alaskan Crab every night and runs off to Broadway weekly. She does not live in the Taj Mahal - in fact, she and I live in homes (currently) that others turn their noses up at; many dwellers even run into that same perception and attitude. She doesn't have a 200 channel dish or cable bill, etc., etc. She is already on her way to doing her dream, I feel. And a dream is going to have different important details from person to person.

The problem is that her wage realistically just doesn't go very far anymore to allow for much savings. She doesn't have a lot of money because she doesn't make a lot of money and is currently in a smaller area without as many opportunities to switch up what she's doing in that regard. Without disintegrating into political nonsense, she puts in the time at her job. I'm hearing from her that she'd like to be able to save without having to completely turn off the heat or utilities or subside on bread crusts; she already has done quite a bit of compromising. I'm exaggerating with the bread crusts, but trying to make a point. We've all been there at times, sometimes you just want to express frustration that things maybe don't work in this reality the way they ought to - and maybe someone had an idea she hadn't thought of? That's what I was hearing from her. Reality is kind of structured so things can be easier said than done to actually pull off. Sometimes we tend to blame the person more than acknowledging maybe something isn't right that it's tough to get things done sometimes. You decide where your boundaries are for the choices you make, she will decide where hers are.

Instead, she's been judged because she bought a cooking pan for $1. Further assumptions were made that is was a 'special' pan. She only said it was a meatloaf pan. Meaning she wanted to cook meatloaf in that pan, not that it was necessarily special. Maybe she didn't have a breadpan-type pan and will use what she bought for double-duty in some way? Well, $1 is certainly far more sensible that $50, and that $1 is worth it to her if she enjoys cooking. She shouldn't have to justify something like that to anyone. And she's kept her good attitude and stayed around, even with comments mocking what she bought as well as people saying they didn't 'want to be like her' - wow. I think GaiaGoddess actually does have hope for a bright future doing exactly as she'd like one day.

She and I have paid-off homes with nearly the same lot rent. Were I to have her income, I'd likely be floating about the same. I actually pulled up our budget here (I ran a business at one point). Drilling down to some savings measures still didn't net much to save on that kind of income. She has indicated she puts some extra towards paying down her credit card (very responsible). She doesn't have a lot of extra. Much of her expenses are just for some things you can't cut. We were able to make things happen because I have a family member here also working to help with those expenses.

For example I have property taxes (I don't know if she has to deal with that) plus water, plus natural gas, etc. MN, where she is and I'm from originally, has brutal winters which equals brutal heat bills. And mobiles aren't known for their stellar insulation - and things go wrong with them. We had a faucet blow here, different odd and ends. There's vehicle and house insurance, etc., etc. It just all adds up and there's little left over. MN is also the Land of the Taxed which doesn't help. It's not that she's being so hella irresponsible as implied. One or two people assumed this, and others took off with that idea. Life happens, and no one can really know another person's life unless you've walked in their shoes. She works. In no way should people be making fun of her for purchasing $1 meatloaf pan or going to an occasional movie. 

A chunk of her budget goes towards food/household. I'm sure that includes for when she's needed clothing, like a pack of socks or laundry soap or a faucet or stuff like that. She probably has a little cushion in her 'food' budget for that stuff that comes up that when many people do budgets, they don't account for and end up surprised that they went over their budget. She's trying to answer all the questions, but her answers are now being used to assume there's something wrong with her or what she's trying to say and to criticize her to an unwarranted degree. She shouldn't have to post a justification of every single penny, this is an internet forum.

She buys the food she does because she doesn't feel it's worthwhile for her to compromise on that. I'm actually in agreement with her, I do the exact same thing she does in that regard. Yes, it is more expensive. For people that think like she does, as well as myself, she does it to avoid the excess chemicals which can harm a person's brain and thinking, and avoid propagating cruelty to other living creatures. That would be like getting after anyone else because of the particular things they have to do for their health. In my case, I suppose everyone could throw stones. Without realizing that my nervous system shorts out on chemical overload. You'd call the food a 'luxury', I'd call it a necessity. My point is - you all don't know why she might actually choose what she does. One of the things on this site is a philosophy of treading more gently upon the planet. There are multiple ways to do that (re: different food choices).

She seems pretty bright to me. Her name indicates she cares about the earth and she's smart enough to recognize not eating as healthy as you are able can ultimately prove to be poisonous. She bought her home outright, she isn't a slave to a mortgage.  She's already right there demonstrated the mindset that will eventually get her where she wants to be.

When you work full time, you should have the 'means' to be able to live decently. None of what GG does is overly extravagant in my eyes. Were that so, many dwellers could also be considered extravagant and worthy of anecdotal story-posts highlighting that extravagance as compared to cavemen.  

The fact that only the negative has been highlighted with what she has done shows a lack of balance in overall perspective.  Trying to justify that lack of balance only boils down to an "I have to be right" mindset, which granted, we all have sometimes.

She has asked for clarifications on things posters have said that she hasn't understood, and she's acknowledged that some of the input has been useful.

To paraphrase a concept that Bob has also tried to state with other subjects, just because you can't do something 'all the way' (especially to someone else's liking) doesn't mean that no attempt should be made or that a person isn't making one as is seemingly being assumed here.

Just because she hasn't reduced herself to crackers and Alpo and tin cans and some string for communication - or hasn't done things to everyone else's preferences - doesn't mean she isn't trying in the way she feels okay with doing for her own self. The beautiful thing is that we can each try and tailor our lives and realities for what suits us. If she is not harming someone else, she is well within her rights to make her own decisions.

I'm quite sure she does hear what people are saying, even though she isn't immediately apparently rushing to fling in the dumpster the things she does enjoy and feels she needs right now. Just because it isn't being seen or she's not broadcasting what she is doing doesn't mean she's not making decisions privately. People are jumping to conclusions. One starts in - and then a lynch mob kind of forms. 

Being overly critical of her thinking is a double-edged blade. On one hand she's being accused of not wanting it bad enough. But, what if she does? The flip side to this perspective on thinking is she doesn't feel she's being unreasonable. Maybe she *can* find a way, and not have to seemingly settle for something that perhaps she'd be ultimately unhappy with if she loses sight of what constitutes the dream for her. By settling for the belief that there are no 'loopholes' you certainly cement yourself right into that prison. I was able to make some things happen because I refused to believe there were no loopholes. I eventually found ways to get things done. She's got 'feelers' out, so to speak. That's a step in the right direction. Bob, in fact, learned this himself and found a new way for him because he most definitely found a loophole - he thought out of the box by thinking into the box (van) :D and he changed his life so he's much happier. He provides tips and encouragement, not a set "do-this-my-way-or-else-you-don't-want-it" formula.

Of course, GG's circumstances are different than Bob's, or anyone else's. There are sometimes ways to do what you want without having to immediately go all-out austere if you don't have to.  Sometimes there might be something we haven't thought of that makes what we want work. Some of the things she'd like - she doesn't have to settle right now. There are some vans and campers that do have showers. I don't blame her for wanting a shower. If you're not handy, nor physically able, nor have the tools, building something isn't always an option. Maybe the compromise she chooses to make is the shower is more important to her, so maybe she has to wait a little longer or think a little harder to figure out how to acquire the right rig for her as opposed to consuming stale bread crusts or whatever to live right now in something she doesn't want. 

If I had listened to everyone that told me I couldn't have done something, or was crazy, or foolish or just didn't want it bad enough because I didn't do it their way - I'd be literally dead, I nearly ended up that way. But I'm now sitting with a paid-for home, a paid-for vehicle, and have done other things that completely defied the odds. And I will come out and live my dream as well, even if I buy or do something that wouldn't work for someone else - or maybe I do it a different way than them. I've had to 'think out of the box' to accomplish nearly everything that I have thus far. It's hard to do that when society programs you with some identity of who it thinks you need to be from the time you're born and only pushes a few non-choice traps disguised as 'choices'.

And when I started trying to make sense of the mess society (those that run it) tends to program us to be stuck in by design, it was hard. Depression with that programming, especially being alone, dictated how impossible it seemed.  Many thoughts we think are our own are programmed on a subconscious level that works to try and keep everyone trapped. It takes time to learn to separate the fear and programming from your own actual thoughts. You have to give a person time to work through things and deprogram themselves, sort it out and prioritize when the need for doing so becomes more pressing to them.  It will appear initially impossible. Programmed thinking will confirm this, you're supposed to give up and stay stuck at that point. It's overwhelming initially to try and break out of that and overcome the fear that becoming free won't work for you.

I'm pretty sure GG will weigh what she wants to do and come to decisions that work best for her. I've stepped forward here because what I initially heard from her was frustration/disillusionment for where she's at for the efforts she is already trying to make. People who are trying to figure out ways to make what they want a reality and have actually shown good sense should also be told as much along with any suggestions - and I was just reading an awful lot to the negative. She's actually doing pretty good holding her own I think with the replies; but nearly every one of these later replies is her having to try and defend and justify herself, down to her preferred choice of cookware which many seem to be waving as proof of her gluttonous ways. I want to provide a voice that encourages her to keep at it and to keep thinking - a person may need to make some compromises at some point, but I actually think she can get pretty close to her ideals. Having ideals, no matter how crazy they seem to others, is what moves us forward into changing the parts of 'reality' we don't like.
eoewan said:
I've read this entire thread. Stating that to show that I have seen all the suggestions and all the reasons you give of why they won't work. The one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the amount you spend on gas going to visit friends and family on weekends. How about you tell your friends and family that you can not afford to travel to them anymore? They should be willing to travel to you, or, at least meet half way. I truly hope you don't have another justification why this won't work. Think about the gas money you would save. If they can't travel to you then you still have a cell phone and computer. You can facetime with them using Hangout or Skype. Those are free and you can see them face to face.

You'll think these are excuses but here goes, lol...

When I visit my mom, it's because she is babysitting my nephews, and that's the only time I get to see them. We don't get along with my brother's wife so she doesn't let the kids go anywhere but there and that's even reluctantly. So I have to go there in order to see them. As for my friends, they do come visit me occasionally but it's uncomfortable for them to sit here because for most of the time I've lived here I didn't have a couch, I just had one chair for me, and they had to bring folding chairs to sit on. They weren't comfortable for hours on end. I eventually got my moms loveseat but that still only holds 2 people. So my friends only come here maybe once every 2 months. I have more than one reason to drive to my hometown, for family and friends, so it makes more sense that I drive to them. Also my friends are more broke than I am, they own a house so they have house payments and one of them only works part time at a thrift store. Sometimes they can't even afford to go out to eat.
kayell said:
Weird math.

1) You said that you spend $20 a month on going to the movies, yet small sums are insignificant so spending that on you credit card wouldn't make any difference. Yet you say you only spend $20/month on your credit card now. So if you added the movie money to your credit card payments it would double what you pay off. Due to interest and your low income that is not at all an insignificant amount. Small amounts is all you have so you need to use them.

That is why it's taken me a year to only pay off $1000 of my credit card, because I'm only able to do the minimum. And if I didn't go to movies and put that extra $20 in, it would still take me 5 years to pay off! That isn't soon enough to make it worth giving up going to movies. The solution has to be more painless than the current situation to get me to change, lol 

2) You also said that you go to the movies several times a week. Assuming that is only two times there is absolutely no way in this country that you are doing so on $20 a month. Even if you have some amazing unheard of theatre that charges only $5 (please tell me the location of this marvelous theatre) 2 x 4 weeks x $5 = $40 if you don't buy any popcorn or drinks. That's also not an insignificant sum.

No I said maybe twice a MONTH. If I said week, i'm sorry...i can't be bothered to go back and find the post that was in. But some months I only go to one movie and some I might not go at all, I just said $20 because that's the most I have ever gone to movies is like one every other weekend.

If movie going is how you socialize, consider inviting your friends over to watch Netflix at your place and provide popcorn with real butter. BYOB  The real joy of movies with friends is in chattering, laughing out loud, talking about the movie and popcorn fights (skip the butter!) None of which should be done in a theatre. It would be great for your budget, great for theirs and more fun even with non-first run movies.

We do that too. My friends are complete movie freaks, they want to sit and watch movies at home AFTER we go to a movie.
kayell said:

I do have an open mind otherwise I wouldn't be on the lookout for new possibilities that I haven't discovered yet. And I do read and think about each suggestion, it isnt that I don't, it just seems that way to you because I say it won't work...but that is because I have already considered it. I have been researching and trying to plan this for about 9 years now, so you'll have to trust me when I say I have already thought of most solutions. Unless there is something I am unaware of, but that is why I posted here to see if there was anything I hadn't thought of. I AM getting good suggestions that I am checking into, it isn't like I'm shooting down every one. A few people have PM'ed me with business ideas that I am considering and doing more research on. The answer lies in earning more money, not cutting expenses. I've already done that in each area as much as I can. 

As for comfort zones and fear, I broke out of that 9 years ago when my life changed after I lost that job I had for 18 years. I have done things that my friends say "I can't believe you had the guts to do that, I couldn't do that! Weren't you scared?" Like packing up my car and driving 700 miles through barren wasteland to a place I've never been to work 84 hours a week where I didn't know anyone and it was full of men, I was one of the few women. I also have gone to many concerts by myself, a few festivals by myself camping for 3 days not knowing anyone there. I moved to another town where I knew no one, something a lot of people never do. There are varying levels of courage and I'm not saying I'm near the top but I'm definitely not near the bottom.
ArtW said:
GG, you bought the Mobile Home cash?
That's great but
Why oh why didn't you buy an RV instead?

Because I still didn't have a plan for a location independent income. I need to be able to earn a steady income no matter where I go. That is what the core of my problem is, the money/job issue. 

surely you could of gotten an RV for that same money,

Ehhh no...this trailer is a 1972, it was (and still is) in need of repair, I only paid $5000 for it. Whenever I see an RV I want, it's at least double that price. We don't have RV parks around here (at least not ones that are open year round), only trailer parks, and this was one of the few that is under $300/mo. I pretty much waited for the first one to go up for sale that I had the cash for, in one of the 2 parks that are this cheap.

How are you going to live 'mobile' tied to a 60 hour a week job?
That is why I bought this trailer, not an RV, lol I didn't have this job at the time but I had A job. I need to figure out a way to earn money on my own, not from jobs.
Dust-In-the-Wind said:
Curious.  You state that the boyfriend will be living with you in the 5th wheel.  Is he employed?  You say he's broker than you?  Will he be able to pay his way or are you going to have to support him too on your negative net income situation?

No he won't be living and travelling with me, there will just need to be room for him when he does sleep there with me. I am planning to take it to festivals (where we go together, but now we just have a tent). He works with me, but he pays child support which takes up all his money after bills.
Why should any adult have to justify their spending to someone who is not contributing to their income? I thought the idea was to be free. That is what I am looking forward to. GG will get there it may take her some time but she is responsible and it is her life. Work is a burden that we all have to figure out how to engage in ideally without selling our soul.
(Yes I am employed full time and engaged in my job)
Magicwolf said:
I'm pretty sure GG will weigh what she wants to do and come to decisions that work best for her. I've stepped forward here because what I initially heard from her was frustration/disillusionment for where she's at for the efforts she is already trying to make. People who are trying to figure out ways to make what they want a reality and have actually shown good sense should also be told as much along with any suggestions - and I was just reading an awful lot to the negative. She's actually doing pretty good holding her own I think with the replies; but nearly every one of these later replies is her having to try and defend and justify herself, down to her preferred choice of cookware which many seem to be waving as proof of her gluttonous ways. I want to provide a voice that encourages her to keep at it and to keep thinking - a person may need to make some compromises at some point, but I actually think she can get pretty close to her ideals. Having ideals, no matter how crazy they seem to others, is what moves us forward into changing the parts of 'reality' we don't like.

Thank you for all that!!  :) You worded my thoughts perfectly, I suppose it helps that we have similar situations so you can understand me better. It took guts for you to speak out against the negative people in here and help defend me. I wish there were more people like you in the world!
Bast said:
Why should any adult have to justify their spending to someone who is not contributing to their income?

Thank you!  :) Very well said! I guess I just look for loopholes and out of the box solutions, I know that there are many ways to achieve a goal but 99% of people only go with the most popular way, usually the way that involves the most suffering. I am a hedonist through and through which is probably why I detest work so much and can't help but feel hopeful there has to be a way I can be happy without having to suffer.
Bast said:
Why should any adult have to justify their spending to someone who is not contributing to their income?

When one asks for advice people are curious as to the position the asker is in. People have been trying to figure out a way she can do what she said were her intentions.
This right here is the rudeness I spoke of. Was the second paragraph necessary?  It's also like a mirror effect, she's not saying what you want to hear and what you think she should say so you're going to leave a post mostly filled with non-supportive negativity. This helps how?

She got jumped on within the first few pages as having a 'wall of excuses' when she tried to state she was already doing some of the suggestions or some didn't apply because she didn't have that particular issue, such as spending $6 for a cup of coffee or it being assumed she had some shopping addiction.

In a number of her replies, she was agreeing with the original responder. She also did look into some of the suggestions, which she stated more than several times. Some of her comments were simply to be chatty. It's like people got disgusted that she already was doing some of what they advised or she didn't want the exact same things they did, such as a vehicle choice, (because she's not them!) I feel like we're all reading different threads.

I respectfully suggest checking the scoring system at the door. It's incorrect based on some replies she's posted here, and otherwise I'm not going to post her personal business.

She was initially expressing frustration and feeling trapped in her OP.

She's already thought ahead with a number of things and has compromised on what she's felt is acceptable to her, the right thing/break to get her out the door faster just hasn't come up yet. I know exactly what she's dealing with because we had the same problem here trying to get things figured out in balance for our own unique situation. Being as that my heart doesn't work so well anymore due to the very stresses she's wanting to get out of, I would challenge anyone to smugly tell me how I didn't want to do it because I didn't stop spending $6 on a cup of coffee that I wasn't actually spending $6 on (??) with my knowing that if I stay here and try to live a life and be a person I'm not, it will kill me.

Someone else's situation may look cut and dried to you, but when you're in the middle of it, it's not. Another person can't decide what the balance is for another, only the person in the situation. I had a few breaks happen to take some of the load off, and finally I was able to figure out how to proceed, acceptable to me, to do what I want. And I didn't have to reduce to canned Friskies for dinner or smoke signals for communication (though the signals would be kinda cool) to do things, it can be done. Sometimes patience is required, and having folks listen who are empathetic and can tell you you're not crazy for what your ideals are is also very helpful.
ok have you ever thought about supplementing your income by scrapping. I do this and make between 1-2k every 6 months. but I live on the west cost where scrap prices are the highest(shortest route to China) and with the California redemption on aluminum cans and plastic bottles. in CA cans are worth 2.05 per pound. a standard 33 gallon trash bag of aluminum cans is worth 15 bucks not smashed, smash them and you might get 50 bucks for that bag. the trick is not buying the cans but collecting them. copper pays the best so any copper wound electric motor pays good. a 5 gallon bucket full of stripped copper is worth about 50 bucks. it pays best to if you separate your metals before taking them in. brass also pays good, plumbing fixtures and shell casings. a 5 gallon bucket of brass pays about 30 bucks. you can see were this could add up to pretty good money. in this area there are people that do this for a living. just a thought you could have that credit card paid of in a year. highdesertranger
You could also try mturk through amazon. The pay sucks but you can do many of the tasks while watching tv and there are no minimum commitments. Even five or ten dollars a day would add an extra 100 or so to your cc payment.
Most of the advice I've taken is happening in PM's, I guess they feel like posting in here they will be subject to attacks too.
highdesertranger said:
ok have you ever thought about supplementing your income by scrapping.  I do this and make between 1-2k every 6 months.  but I live on the west cost where scrap prices are the highest(shortest route to China) and with the California redemption on aluminum cans and plastic bottles.  in CA cans are worth 2.05 per pound.  a standard 33 gallon trash bag of aluminum cans is worth 15 bucks not smashed,  smash them and you might get 50 bucks for that bag.  the trick is not buying the cans but collecting them.  copper pays the best so any copper wound electric motor pays good.  a 5 gallon bucket full of stripped copper is worth about 50 bucks.  it pays best to if you separate your metals before taking them in.  brass also pays good,  plumbing fixtures and shell casings.  a 5 gallon bucket of brass pays about 30 bucks.  you can see were this could add up to pretty good money.  in this area there are people that do this for a living.  just a thought you could have that credit card paid of in a year.  highdesertranger

No I never thought of that, I guess I see the amount on cans and think 'who would waste their time for a measly 5 cents a can', lol Where do you get those if you don't buy them? I don't see litter on the ground where I live. and where would you find brass and copper, especially?!
jester said:
You could also try mturk through amazon.  The pay sucks but you can do many of the tasks while watching tv and there are no minimum commitments.  Even five or ten dollars a day would add an extra 100 or so to your cc payment.

I did try that, earlier this year. I spent about a week (on average a few hours a day) doing that and only made like $10 and I thought this is pointless. I still never got any money from them, I think you can't get your money until you've earned a certain amount. I also joined Swagbucks, Inbox Dollars, a whole slew of other ones, it's all pennies for too much of your time. I need a better source of income that demands less of my time.
GaiaGoddess said:
Most of the advice I've taken is happening in PM's, I guess they feel like posting in here they will be subject to attacks too.

I think most everyone here would be genuinely grateful for any information on saving more, earning more or other ways to improve financial situations. I hope either you or they will share.
as far as aluminum cans and plastic bottles just collect them wherever you find them. ask friends and co-workers give you theirs. I collect a lot that way. some dig in trash cans, I don't do that. but I do pick up any one I see. I look at it this way if they where nickels I would surely pick them up. as for the copper and brass if you have an area where people target shoot hit it and pick up the brass in popular spots you can rack in at least a couple 5 gallon buckets every time you go. around here people always leave old plumbing fixtures and appliances curb side for bulk trash pickup. just pick it up pull the brass and copper and put it back curb side. I have he advantage of recycling the steel and iron to so all that's left is usually plastic and I just throw that in the trash. AC's pay the best there is approximately 20 bucks of copper, aluminum, and brass in them. I have a friend who does AC's so he sucks the Freon out. microwaves pay good too that big old transformer has a few pounds of copper in it. WARNING watch some youtube videos on how to discharge capacitors so you don't get lit up. the degasser cable on the back of old TV's and CRT monitors is good for about 1lb or 2 of copper. another note on old TV's and CRT's it's hard to get rid of the tube it is considered hazardous waste. so unless you find a legal way to dispose of them don't mess with them. around here they have electronic recycling programs and they accept them no questions asked. highdesertranger
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