Money/job issue is my biggest obstacle to living the RV life

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It sounds like the only possible way for you to get what you want is to make more money. If you don't want to focus on the 21 pages of advice on how to spend less and save more then the only possible option is to make more. So, I'd spend any free time you have when you're not working and look for a better paying job. All your extra energy and time should be put towards that goal. Even a job that pays $1.00 more an hour is $2000 more a year.

I don't know where you live or what the employment situation is there, but i'd do whatever it takes to make more.....whether it get certified in something, or a 2 year degree.....apprenticeship.....anything that can advance your career so you can then use those extra funds to work towards your end goal.
Long term, multi forum, sob story, yes but-er. Lots of history found on Google. I deeply regret any time spent trying to help. I deeply regret time spent googling. Don't follow your curiosity. The stories vary, but the results and the "yes, buts" never change. Very depressing. Don't expect any results or real changes. Haven't been any since at least 2013. Sorry I went there. )-:

One forum conversation went on for 36 pages. Maybe we can stop before then.

Back to reading how to simply equip a minivan! :)
will someone please tell her what she wants to hear, the suspense is killing me. highdesertranger
GaiaGoddess said:
If that's what you want to believe, lol I'm not saying we don't have to work, I'm just questioning why people believe it has to be a LOT of work.

because you have to till the field,plant the seed,irrigate,tend the field,harvest the field,dry the product,grind the product and then you can make a corn tortilla

here in oregon we have a 5 cent deposit on cans,i have cleaned up a couple drunks hoard of them and brought in $500-800
GaiaGoddess said:
If that's what you want to believe, lol I'm not saying we don't have to work, I'm just questioning why people believe it has to be a LOT of work.

It takes money to make money.  Work hard, save harder, invest in real estate, stock market, treasury bonds, Cd's, and any of the other ways money makes money and you can have a passive income.  But there's no secret out there people are keeping from you,  there's no magical way to make money appear or else everyone would be doing it.  Short of winning the lottery or inheriting it, there's no short cuts to getting money.  If it's not hard work physically, it's hard work mentally.   It's why so few have any to start with.  If you can't make a lot of money, then you need to figure out a way to live with less.  And thus you have the beauty of this very website and over 20 pages of very sound advice for living large with a very little.
I think I'm done here. I gave a little too much information about myself in an attempt to help you. I need to get ready for bed so I can get up early to go to work tomorrow. That's where my money comes from.
kayell said:
Long term, multi forum, sob story, yes but-er. Lots of history found on Google. I deeply regret any time spent trying to help. I deeply regret time spent googling. Don't follow your curiosity. The stories vary, but the results and the "yes, buts" never change. Very depressing. Don't expect any results or real changes. Haven't been any since at least 2013. Sorry I went there. )-:

One forum conversation went on for 36 pages. Maybe we can stop before then.

Back to reading how to simply equip a minivan! :)
Well I went there. You are right, depressing and sad that the good people here who tried to help fell into the trap of trying to help someone who wants a get rich quick,minimal effort answer.Im sure some of the ideas can be used by other forum members who are really looking for some ideas to  help themselves and not just looking for an easy way to better their financial situation.
"What about picking up $100 bills as they fall from the back of this cart?"

"Well, that would involve stooping over, and I hate stooping if I can help"
Katewels said:
I think I'm done here. I gave a little too much information about myself in an attempt to help you. I need to get ready for bed so I can get up early to go to work tomorrow. That's where my money comes from.

Don't forget hundreds of others read these forums that never respond, so even though you may not have helped the original poster, you probably did help someone else.  I don't think any advice given is ever wasted in this forum. Someone some where is reading it and using it to their advantage.
I was poking around the net and came across something called"big saves"The site looks just like a Walmart site except for the name.Looks like some pretty good bargains.They had the same bike I ordered from Walmart for $25 less.You may want to check it out.I'm thinking maybe Wally overstocks or dis continued items.
Gaia, what about a night security guard job. I would imagine phone calls would be at a minimum and you might even have time to do a few crafts or internet or whatever in the slack time.

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You might like the financial independence forum on They offer strategies to create passive income. There is also a related forum called leanfire. While this won't work for me passive income is possible. Not easy but possible.
Every Road Leads Home said:
If you don't want to focus on the 21 pages of advice on how to spend less and save more then the only possible option is to make more.

I've already established I can't spend less.

So, I'd spend any free time you have when you're not working and look for a better paying job.  All your extra energy and time should be put towards that  goal.  Even a job that pays $1.00 more an hour is $2000 more a year.

When I get hired on permanently at my job, I will get $1 more plus paid days off and insurance. There really is only one other factory in this 30 mile radius and they didn't call me after 2 interviews.

I don't know where you live or what the employment situation is there, but i'd do whatever it takes to make more.....whether it get certified in something, or a 2 year degree.....apprenticeship.....anything that can advance your career so you can then use those extra funds to work towards your end goal.

Why would I go into debt to make more money? I can make money without a degree. School is such a joke, I don't know a single person who said it was worthwhile, either they didn't want to stay in the field they studied in (which would be me, because that's why I never went to school in the first place), or they are still trying to pay off their student loans.
I feel this may be slithering off topic, but some of you have also done so with the sarcasm, etc. The reason I speak up for GG is because she does have that mindset to get what she desires, the details she needs just haven't lined up for her yet. She's really very nice, she just answers here very honestly and bluntly as to how she feels and I think it's being misconstrued. In PMs, some of the ideas I had didn't work for her, but some DID. She doesn't refute everything as implied here.

You all find her answers depressing because when someone has trouble getting free (in a way that works for them), it is depressing. It's depressing to realize that a lot of things aren't like the lies you were told when you were a kid. "Just run faster on the hamster wheel, and you'll be successful." or my favorite - which I can personally vouch for as crap, "More responsibility equals more money!" I had a job where getting shot at or assaulted was very real. The job was to keep other people and their **** safe. It did actually happen a few weeks ago that someone doing what I did was shot at. That job didn't pay worth a damn for the risk and responsibility involved. I've been directly responsible for the lives of groups of people, groped, cursed at, spoken to like a dog and did dangerous things every day. Only 2 of those jobs has ever really paid off in terms of compensation for risk/responsibility. Talk about disillusionment.

I've pulled off (now) to some degree what she in-part wants to do essentially with a very similar situation; and it's not how some of you've spun what she wants to be. I wonder if you'd ridicule or make fun of me, too?  I've worked hours that would make people puke. I've worked while puking (no joke). I worked until I nearly killed myself, lost my identity and my business and had to shut down for 18 months to recover, literally being able to do little but lay in bed, sometimes wishing to die. I've damaged my heart. I have nervous system damage, with 'tremors' noted on my DOT long-form physical. I've worked in jobs that required the drawing of weapons, backing 100,000lb vehicles up switchbacks with no guardrails, etc. I've paid my dues. I've put in the time which enables me to speak as I do. I'm 5'2" and 120 lbs, though I got so sick I dropped down to 105 at one point. Do you all want to make fun of me, too? I wasn't tough enough, I didn't want to work hard enough? That was my problem?

Maybe what she'd like to hear is,"You're right. It's corrupted and pretty screwed up. No, you're not crazy at all for not wanting to kill yourself 'working' as 'work' is currently defined anyhow. Hang on and keep looking and something will come up for you that does work. In the meantime, dream and make your plans. You can do it."   

Currently - and I don't think this is well understood here - yes, she needs a little higher income. She's already cut her expenses to a reasonable amount. $12 just isn't much to have much leftover to save if you're trying to hold onto a house solo. I know approximately where she is geographically, I'm from MN. It's fairly rural where she is, she's not lying. Were she in the Cities and a warmer area, some of the suggestions would be more feasible, but she's not.

She already works nearly full-time hours, sometimes with overtime. She doesn't get out of her job until 1 am. It makes it difficult to squeeze the extra time and energy to try and pursue yet more for work. She'd like to make more money and not have to kill herself to do it. This is not a crime, it's more of a crime to work people until you nearly kill them or their souls. She's been trying to sell her photography on the side (I went to look at some - she's pretty good), she had started a blog, she bought her home since 2013, etc., - she has done things. I don't understand this big perspective gap - are we seeing the same thing? Why are some of you only seeing the negative in her, but are accusing just her of only doing that?

So, now because she has the ideals she has (which again, isn't a crime) it's spun and read as a get-rich-quick sob story? She IS working, folks. Please read that again. I think the media has been so successful programming everyone with stress, divisiveness, suspicion and negativity, that's the reality level people are reacting on.

If every single thing she said was a refutement, I'd understand the frustration, but it actually hasn't been. A choice is being made to see it that way. Who is actually dictating your choices of how to see things?

She says she'll check into stuff, she's thanked people for their input. She made progress on deciding what kind of rig she'd like. She's said the things she's already done. When she's getting jumped on en masse, she feels the need to defend herself. A group kind of nearly knocked her over the head with that $1 meatloaf pan, complete with pictures of what they assumed she'd bought, making fun of her, essentially - when that wasn't even necessarily what she bought...? She wasn't asking to get jumped all over about that, it was mentioned casually as an illustration when she was trying to answer accusations about her grocery budget (which included household and other things). You call it 22 pages of 'advice', I call it a lot of a new poster trying to explain something then having to justify and defend herself which took up a lot of those posts.

It's fear, to some degree, we tend to fear what we see with someone else as happening to us - and sometimes we only see the negative in what they say because it's a reflection of our own negativity. Then we get angry. She's kind of hit a nail on the head with some things that don't work well in reality anymore - and that's spending a large chunk of waking hours to make only enough to squeak by (and be told it isn't good enough because you're not living like a caveman or nearly working yourself to death like I did) when you are being responsible and putting in the time. It shouldn't be that way. It's uncomfortable to hear I suppose because it's a very different idea than the beliefs we usually have drilled into us from the time we're born. She's questioning those beliefs.

Brings to mind some Pink Floyd:

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

And corruption will never change until the people have all decided they've gotten tired of it. Maybe there's a better way somehow, but until the perspective-changers stand up and start challenging status-quo, nobody will be looking for that way. You all started to do so by changing beliefs about the way you had to live. Stop judging her for her beliefs, she's just coming from a very different overall perspective.

I actually do have some more suggestions for her, but I'm not going to post them here because I don't want her crucified if they don't work for her situation and she says so. I understand that they may not. I'm not personally offended if they don't. Well, maybe I'll put some of them here in case they help anyone.
kayell said:
Long term, multi forum, sob story, yes but-er. Lots of history found on Google. I deeply regret any time spent trying to help. I deeply regret time spent googling. Don't follow your curiosity. The stories vary, but the results and the "yes, buts" never change. Very depressing. Don't expect any results or real changes. Haven't been any since at least 2013. Sorry I went there. )-:

One forum conversation went on for 36 pages. Maybe we can stop before then.

Back to reading how to simply equip a minivan! :)

I even googled my user name and found nothing, what are you talking about? If it's from 3 years ago I don't remember it.
highdesertranger said:
will someone please tell her what she wants to hear,  the suspense is killing me.  highdesertranger

Some people already did, in private messages because they didn't want to end up getting attacked in here. I was warned about this place and decided when I get my RV I'm not posting in here about it!
gsfish said:
Passive income? I think that we might finally be getting somewhere! I believe that everyone would like some of that 'passive income'.

I do volunteer work at three places with no pay, enjoy every minute and like the feeling of making a small difference in this big world. The Karma might come in handy some day as well.


Passive income doesn't mean you don't deserve or earn the money, it means you set yourself up to be getting a constant income after you put the work in. Like writing books, etc.
Gary68 said:
because you have to till the field,plant the seed,irrigate,tend the field,harvest the field,dry the product,grind the product and then you can make a corn tortilla

Yeah, if you want to make that, that isn't what I want to do, lol

here in oregon we have a 5 cent deposit on cans,i have cleaned up a couple drunks hoard of them and brought in $500-800

Look how much work you had to put in to get that money. You could create something that sells that much in 10 minutes.
Every Road Leads Home said:
It takes money to make money.  Work hard, save harder, invest in real estate, stock market, treasury bonds, Cd's, and any of the other ways money makes money and you can have a passive income.  But there's no secret out there people are keeping from you,  there's no magical way to make money appear or else everyone would be doing it.  Short of winning the lottery or inheriting it, there's no short cuts to getting money.  If it's not hard work physically, it's hard work mentally.   It's why so few have any to start with.

There are tons of ways to make money without money. And you don't have to do any of those things you listed, either. There are secrets, you just have to look harder to find them.

If you can't make a lot of money, then you need to figure out a way to live with less.  And thus you have the beauty of this very website and over 20 pages of very sound advice for living large with a very little.

I've already pared down to live with as little as I can, for what makes me happy. Now I  have to earn more money and I'm not going to get that with a real job.
Cammalu said:
Gaia, what about a night security guard job.  I would imagine phone calls would be at a minimum and you might even have time to do a few crafts or internet or whatever in the slack time.

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Security? I'm a 104 pound 5'1" female who is anti-guns, lol
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