Mildew On A White Roof?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2015
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I have what looks like mildew or something on my white fiberglass raised roof. I have tried scrubbing it off at the local car wash, no joy. What do you guys suggest as the best cleaner for such? I have been considering a strong bleach or something else even stronger with chlorine. It looks terrible as is, so I want to clean it. Thanks.
Best place to ask stuff like that is over at

A whole bunch of them have resurrected old fiberglass RV's and have seen and dealt with it all including mold and mildew.

Once you've gotten the mildew treated and destroyed, I'd suggest putting a good coat of whatever wax they recommend on it to protect it.

I have to confess that I chickened when it came to restoring the outside of the fiberglass roof - it was seriously dirty and chalky from lack of care. I took it to a car detailing shop and had them just do the roof for me....worth every penny I paid them. What they did in 4 hours would have taken me days!
TSP (trisodium phosphate) dissolved in water should do the trick. ..Willy
I will check that out, I will also go to the website. Thanks guys.
I used to paint houses semi-professionally and TSP (w. a pressure washer) is what we used to get the mildew off walls and ESPECIALLY on stucco. My stepvan also had a buncha mildew on the roof, when I bought it, and hitting it once with TSP did the trick. ..Willy.
If your not in a big hurry and do NOT want to damage the surface.

Use either "Wet and Forget" or "Spray and Forget". Both are competitors and their product is almost identical.

It takes a few months for any stains to disappear. or

The was a time when this kind of product was commercial only and was used to treat Public Schools and other Public and Commercial Buildings.

Now you can get one or both of these treatments in hardware stores, lumberyards and home improvement centers.

I would say the minimum expectation for 90% to 100% results is at least 2 months and at 6 months after initial application if you took any "before" pictures it would now be time to take the "after" pictures.

As a commercial contractor I use either of these products on delicate surfaces such as Synthetic Stucco (which a pressure washer will ruin) old composition roofs (which again a pressure washer will take the ceramic granules off) and other soft or worn surfaces.

ANYTHING outside that is dirty or stained from trees, bushes, mildew, mold etc. both of these products do an excellent job.

AGAIN MY ONLY COMPLAINT IS THAT THE PRODUCT DOES NOT WORK "INSTANTLY". That being said if you remove the offending tree or plant life the stains do not return. If you do not remove any plant life then you can treat 1 time per year and the stains will stay gone.

For live plants you spray them with water before applying either product, then spray again immediately after treatment and no harm will come to those plants. Everything else not hosed off including mold and mildew will die.

Only apply on dry days so that the product can chemically "bond" with the surface.

DO NOT WASH OR SCRUB after application.

And now you know ...

I am in no hurry, and the rainy season is "over". Maybe I will try this first. Thanks.