I second the concept presented by Motrukdriver that without the content you cannot show the substance. When someone asks, "How does that make you feel?" or "How do you feel about that?" and the response is, "I don't feel anything regarding that", the resulting looks and comments encourage a subject change. With our various backgrounds and personalities, a blanket statement such as "Men just don't go there." is similar to "What? Everyone likes horseradish." (I do think that two phrases get used interchangeably, "How do you feel about that" & "What do you think about that", and yet they are very different questions.)
Another view relates to over 40 years in heavy industry as a construction worker, primarily at oil refineries, chemical plants, steel mills, power houses, etc in both construction and demolition phases of the industry. It's rough work and the people are generally the same, rough. Thick skin is a prerequisite and if a subject is broached you either participate in the ensuing volley or you run, because you now wear a target. Perhaps some men "don't go there" in an effort to avoid wearing the target. Many times in the field, I've seen the equivalent of a pack of wolves descend upon some poor bastard simply because they could get under his skin (thin skin, opposite of the earlier thick skin reference) in a vicious and uncalled for attack. It's pathetic to witness and is no different from the bullying that some of our youth are exposed to, which in my youth resulted in blood on my knuckles. It may be possible to become desensitized to the idiosyncrasies of our species, which could then validate the idea of why some men don't go there.