Medical cannabis

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Jeremiah Diminovich

Well-known member
Nov 24, 2017
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I'm myself like I'm sure many people out here do use medical cannabis I got tired of all the pharmaceutical medications the doctors were forcing down my throat that were giving me side effects that made me want to tear my hair out I have a medical card out of new Mexico I know it's not good to use to purchase in Arizona but I'm wondering is there any place closer to go to get my medicine and the 8 hour drive back to New Mexico.

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Sounds like you need to hit the "recreational" section in one of the free states, otherwise it looks like a road trip. It's a no-brainer if you ask me. Good Luck
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
 I'm wondering is there any place closer to go to get my medicine and the 8 hour drive back to New Mexico.
Jeremiah you seem like a nice guy.  I doubt anyone who purchases pot in Arizona is going to turn you on to the local dealer.  The closest place you will be able to legally buy your medication is going to be Nevada.  That is about 3-4 hours from Ehrenberg, maybe more maybe less depends on how you drive.  I have no experience in this but logic dictates that it is going to cost more since it will be recreational marijuana you are buying.  You have to have known all this since you have the internet on your phone, so I am not understanding your post where you hint you would like someone to openly admit, in a public forum, they are willing to aid you in getting you your medication by committing a felony.
Absolutely not.. I did not know if there was recreational in California or recreational in Arizona because you can't always go by what's on the web when it comes to medical cannabis. No I was not asking somebody that lives in Arizona to hook me up I was asking people that deal with the same thing I deal with how they deal with it I know you can bring it into the state from other states.. I just was not sure about the purchasing in this state. And if you're not familiar with it you should not have commented on it you made me look like a drug addict and that was not cool

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Absolutely not.. I did not know if there was recreational in California or recreational in Arizona because you can't always go by what's on the web when it comes to medical cannabis. No I was not asking somebody that lives in Arizona to hook me up I was asking people that deal with the same thing I deal with how they deal with it I know you can bring it into the state from other states.. I just was not sure about the purchasing in this state. And if you're not familiar with it you should not have commented on it you made me look like a drug addict and that was not cool

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If you do not trust the "web" then merely go to any states department of health and they will have the information.  

The people that use medical marijuana already know their cards are not good in another state for purchase.  People that have cards either return to the state in which the card was issued (you knew this as you talked about going back to your issuing state it in your OP) or they go to a recreational dispensary.  Those are the only two options that are legal.  Any other avenue is illegal and a felony.  That much is basically common knowledge.  By asking others how they deal with the situation implies that you wish to find a method that does not require you to go back to your issuing state.  Two options go to a state that marijuana is legal or commit a felony.  The first is simple since there are only 8 states where recreational marijuana is legal.  

No Jeremiah I am not familiar with the cost, I am familiar with the ongoing controversy of the legalization of Marijuana  and the strictures of the laws. I did  not make any attempt to have you appear to be a drug addict and if you feel I did then I apologize.  I did answer your original question though.  You go to where it is legal for you to buy your medication and purchase it there.  The closest place is Nevada.  Asking people how to skirt those two options is asking is asking someone to be complicit to a felony.
Okay you reading into what I'm saying what you want to read into it I was not asking anybody to skirt anything I was just asking if there was closer places for me to go that all the way back to New Mexico I did not know Nevada was closer to me here then New Mexico is I did not know if California was a recreational state or not I was just simply asking questions. If I don't wanted to hook up I would have flat out said hey anybody got anything but I'm not about breaking the law to get my medicine I'm just about conserving my gas in doing it. Besides I thought this was supposed to be a safe place to ask questions and get reasonable answers without immediate judgment

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Someone else out here said WeedMaps is a good app to use trying to download it but I think I'm going to need wifi to do it he said it gives locations of medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries in the areas you're in and other states

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I have no idea what is going on in California as far as recreational use. the voters passed it but that is all I know. what I do know is Needles CA has stores I don't know if they are recreational or prescription only. the locals say the city is all in because of the depressed local economy and they see it as a revenue source. Needles is about 100 miles north of Ehrenberg. I also heard that a prescription is easy to get in CA. don't know if that helps. highdesertranger
CA. recreational is supposed to start selling recreational 1 Jan., the last I heard is that there are problems issuing licenses to those store that do Medical and/or new stores. Let it be known that if you do go to NV, any dispensary will sell to out of state residents card or not, I can't speak for CA. on that. I have to assume that they will take outta state weed cards as I've seen billboards in NV. saying that outta state members are welcome at certain dispensary's. Just be a wear that transporting weed across state lines is illegal, medical or recreational, so don't get caught. Good Luck
This is an important question and it is totally welcome on this forum.

Thanks for asking and all the helpful answers!
Well that's why I asked because you can get more information out of locals that live in California and Nevada and stuff like that New Mexico is supposed to pass recreational but then decided that the medical dispensaries had a leg up on recreational stores so to keep it even they just never did recreational but I've heard the same thing about California but I can't find anything really legit that says that that's actually going to happen I know a lot of people use medical cannabis me personally I got tired of all the Pharmaceuticals they were giving me that was making my hair fall out and all kinds of other fun stuff I got rid of 6 drugs for one Medical cannabis and it has literally saved my life so I hope anybody else out there that has the same questions can get some information off this to Leafy is a good website or a good app and Weedmaps is a good app from what I can understand

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I also know it's still a touchy subject.. this is just the new prohibition and it's still in its green phase no pun intended so we have to be careful what we say so it's not semen like we're trying to break the law all we're trying to do is get information and educate ourselves and others

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I checked into that and about 250. $280 to do it and it takes about 2-3 weeks and if its like New Mexico you have to be a residence

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I know if you are on SNAP, the price is about half. But yes, you would probably have to change your residence. that's about the extent of my knowledge on the subject.
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Someone else out here said WeedMaps is a good app to use trying to download it but I think I'm going to need wifi to do it he said it gives locations of medical and recreational cannabis dispensaries in the areas you're in and other states

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It seems to me that weedmaps is the app I used to use in Colorado to find the closest dispensary and what they had on their "menu".  There were a few particular edibles that I found the best dosage for the money; don't recall any longer.  If that is the app, they generally have info on other states as well.... at least I thought they did.  

You will need an onramp to the web.  There are some other topics that address that.  Before I had any gadgets like I do now, I would park outside a library .  They didn't turn their wifi off at night.  More and more places have wifi now, so it ought to be pretty easy. 

I quit a little more than a year ago, so I won't be much help.  But there are plenty of people here who are still active.  And I still totally support cannabis for both medical and recreational use; as long as you don't drive!  That's more true of alcohol than cannabis.  At least , IMO. 

Hope this helps, 

Absolutely cool had no idea that existed isn't on any of the websites that I have looked at will definitely check into it anything that helps helps

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