Medical cannabis

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Well I checked into snap and I guess I'm at that age like a 20 year old that's no longer a teenager but not yet an adult I'm at that age that I'm no longer considered hip young and vibrant but not old enough to be considered a senior citizen go figure lol

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Weedmaps on the web:

There are apps for smartphones, but I always preferred the space that the full-size pages gave you.  More info, easier to find info. 

If you create an account, you can keep it to one town, create favorites, etc....

They even have a search function if you're chasing a particular strain, like Purple Kush!  hahahahah... 
Or a particular edible.  I primarily used edibles for medical reasons... back pain, insomnia, etc... 
Even if I hadn't quit, I couldn't afford it anymore.  In Colorado, Medical is much better and less expensive than almost all recreational... or it was when I was there.  BUT... you CAN grow your own!  

Hope this helps,

I'm on the way to the RTR..........I'm 64 yrs old

I just left Alamogordo this AM with a fresh purchase of CDB's (new to me) and my regular stash (from Florida).........Just outside of White Sands, NM on Interstate 10 I got stopped .....searched with dogs......and US Customs confiscated EVERYTHING...............NO "crime".......Just lose your stuff !

They KNEW it was Medical !!! least they called it "personal-use"

Criminal background search.......fingerprints........I know they ran the dog thru several times.......""Tell us everything or we'll tear the van apart""
(..........They only disturbed what the dog hit on......)

I asked I thought the CDB's were legal in all 50 states.................""We don't care'"

Be Careful out there!

Was it State Police because my medical card is from New Mexico and I've had the same thing happened State Highway Patrol pulled me over and my stuff was in the trunk of my car and they kept me there for two hours with two K9 dogs tore my car apart for two and a half grams of flour and same thing just lost my stuff and got a warning ticket

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You also have to be careful in some campgrounds with it because it is still federally illegal even in the states that have made it legal medically or recreationally a lot of Grey areas still in the laws concerning medical cannabis

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it's still illegal on ALL federal land, BLM, FS, NP, COE, USFW, etc. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
it's still illegal on ALL federal land,  BLM,  FS,  NP,  COE,  USFW,  etc.  highdesertranger

And federal institutions , military bases.... 

In CO. Springs, Air Force Academy land is easily crossed into from city land.  Need to know where you are.  While hiking, I've been  pretty safe, but with the heat regarding terrorists, it's better to avoid. And they have real good signs.

Good point, HDR.  Especially since most full-timers spend most of their time on federal land.
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
Was it State Police because my medical card is from New Mexico and I've had the same thing happened State Highway Patrol pulled me over and my stuff was in the trunk of my car and they kept me there for two hours with two K9 dogs tore my car apart for two and a half grams of flour and same thing just lost my stuff and got a warning ticket

US Customs and Border Control
You are absolutely right although I have found most forestry and Rangers will cut you some slack as long as you just have just a little bit for personal use and not carrying around like a pound. 90% of it boils down to your attitude towards the authority that is questioning you about it. I'm not saying it's okay to break the law and take medical cannabis on Federal Land you do what you do at your own risk and with your own decisions I'm just telling you my experiences.

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Well I'm glad to say it if it was those two that pulled you over God bless you somehow that you're not sitting behind bars you have a better chance of walking away from a state highway patrol

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I was asked for more.............

This is located somewhere WEST of the intersection of NM HWY 70 and Interstate 10.........

It's two permanent buildings out in the middle of the interstate...........dozens of sensors/x-rays?  lining the hwy before the checkpoint
So it’s a border patrol check point? Are there more of these along the route since it’s so close to the border? Dogs hit on *** oil? Isn’t it legal now? Main purpose of check point? Drugs, illegals? Just seems so militant in our “free” country...I dont like it.
Think it would help if i put "Fred and Ethel Mertz and our incontinent little doggy Spot" on the back of my van? Maybe a few dozen God Bless America stickers also? Just sayin'
abnorm said:
I'm on the way to the RTR..........I'm 64 yrs  old

I just left Alamogordo this AM with a fresh purchase of CDB's  (new to me) and my regular stash (from Florida).........Just outside of White Sands, NM on Interstate 10 I got stopped .....searched with dogs......and US Customs confiscated EVERYTHING...............NO "crime".......Just lose your stuff !

They KNEW it was Medical !!! least they called it "personal-use"

Criminal background search.......fingerprints........I know they ran the dog thru several times.......""Tell us everything or we'll tear the van apart""
(..........They only disturbed what the dog hit on......)

I asked I thought the CDB's were legal in all 50 states.................""We don't care'"

Be Careful out there!


Oh man. You were lucky, lucky, lucky that all you lost was your stash.

Please be clear on this. The feds HAVE NOT changed their minds about cannabis - it is ALL illegal under federal law. Synthetic cannabis derivatives manufactured by a pharmaceutical company are legal if you have a prescription. But they are sold only in a regular pharmacy, not in cannabis shops.

State legalization laws spell out the circumstance under which a state will not prosecute you for using cannabis. That the state you are in won't prosecute you doesn't matter to the feds - the feds will nail you if they want to. And if you don't obey the law of the state you're in, that state will prosecute you. 

Jeff Sessions (US DoJ) is just waiting until the current Rohrabacher-Farr amendment expires sometime this month to go after both medical and recreational marijuana in states that have legalized it. There is a proposal to extend this, but I believe it is in one version of the tax bill, and that isn't finalized yer.
I know I was LUCKY.....................

What was eye opening was the side-trip to Laughlin NV..............WOW !

Well I've arrived in Ehrenburg...................What was especially disappointing to see was the same style Customs Checkpoint under construction on Eastbound I-10 in Arizona between the Ehrenburg and Quartzite exits............there were a half dozen US customs and Border Patrol SUVs parked at the new building.......................

Is there an alternative route to the RTR  ? 

Arizona is a state that let you bring in medical cannabis from other states and not really any other route to the RTR then the main road They Don't Really mess with anybody out here unless you're drawing attention to yourself

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I wonder what they are trying to find that far out in the desert??  I heard though that California is moving towards recreational - maybe they are setting up now to stop a possible future importation?
It's a possibility but it would have to be done on the federal level because Arizona local government allows people to bring in medical cannabis into the state as long as they have cards from the state there from but they still want let you purchase in the state with a out of state medical card

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And California is not recreational yet I've seen several states get right up to the last 72 hours and then change your mind and stay medical New Mexico was one of them

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FYI: SNAP is food stamps. Regular ordinary food stamps. and if you are on them, your medical card is cheaper to obtain in AZ.