Medicaid expansion - poor people medical insurance.

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2015
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Not sure why this has not been discussed more. But if you live in the Blue states on these charts, and you are poor (under $20k per year) you likely can get some medical coverage.



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Goshawk said:
Not sure why this has not been discussed more. But if you live in the Blue states on these charts, and you are poor (under $20k per year) you likely can get some medical coverage.



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But if you live in an orange state , you definitely will not get Medicaid coverage if single and poor and of working age.

Obamacare requires you prove you are working, or have income above poverty, in order to be eligible to buy in the orange states.

Some states are doing other things to cover people. Look at this map.

If you have medical issues. Best get to the blue or green states in these maps. At least you might not go bankrupt there if poor. Or you might actually get more care and less fiscal static if in the Medicaid expanding states.

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More interesting discussion of what happens if you need Medicaid coverage after you are in a car accident and have no coverage. The sticking point is understanding which state you are resident of. Will you need to get back to your home state that has expanded Medicaid, so you can continue treatments? Likely yes.

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Oh, of the big reasons I began considering mobile living/moving elsewhere! Here in Kansas (unbelievably poor-discriminatory state) the options are limited. I have struggled with many medical issues my whole life and it has been very, very hard here. I have realized that it is not going to change any time soon here, and I must do something--move elsewhere--to take care of myself and the issues that exist for me, even though my adult kids and family live here...

I strongly oppose the government of the state I live in. It is horrible how those of us who struggle are treated and not allowed the same rights as others...the same care--at no fault of our own. It's just atrocious--and the political philosophies that create such systems have trained many of their citizens well--to shun, excommunicate, shame and mistreat those who can't keep up with their standards of "respectable human" and "person with worth".
While Maine people did just vote to force our governor to do medicaid expansion (he has refused it since expansion was announced) he will still block it "until the legislature fully funds it" of course they won't ! :p

So it's on the yes list but it's a no in reality........
I live in NV, a disabled Vet on Medicaid and I can't even get a Chiropractic pop that I need badly because I fall into a age group that's not covered by NV state law. I call discriminatory BS on this.
rvpopeye said:
While Maine people did just vote to force our governor to do medicaid expansion (he has refused it since expansion was announced) he will still block it "until the legislature fully funds it" of course they won't ! :p

So it's on the yes list but it's a no in reality........

Oh, for crying out loud....unbelievable.
Unfortunately for Maine residents it is reality !
He's full of this kind of gets worse.
If you make 17-24K/year, you can get obamacare and the subsidy will pay most or almost all of the premium. For example, a friend who lives in plumas county of california got a blue shield silver ppo plan for $21 a month after subsidy. That plan has $5 office visit copay, $3 prescription copay, and a $75 annual deductible.
Yes--I have fallen into the insurance "gap" and there is no possibility for insurance for people in Kansas who do. I had been on obamacare until I lost my job in January and immediately lost coverage with no other options. If a person can only work part-time in Kansas, you have no options. I hope to be able to find a place where I can get coverage.
ZacLee said:
If you make 17-24K/year, you can get obamacare and the subsidy will pay most or almost all of the premium. For example, a friend who lives in plumas county of california got a blue shield silver ppo plan for $21 a month after subsidy. That plan has $5 office visit copay, $3 prescription copay, and a $75 annual deductible.

And if they had a disability (mental, hidden physical, not the usual) they might not earn this much. Still very good to know.

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I can never find the low cost office visit, prescription co-pay and annual deductibles. Some of the plans actually have continuing co-pays after the deductibles is met. Is your friend on medicare with Blue Shield as the provider? California exchange and off exchange are almost identical, note they have a $7000.00 annual out of pocket stop loss. You're monthly premium will vary depending on income but the plan coverage will not.

One third of California's entire population is on Medical via Obamacare
Massachusetts has excellent healthcare for low income. One of the few positives I can say about the place! That and the Western part of the state has some really nice scenery and still affordable.
Deal Breaker said:

I can never find the low cost office visit, prescription co-pay and annual deductibles. Some of the plans actually have continuing co-pays after the deductibles is met. Is your friend on medicare with Blue Shield as the provider?  California exchange and off exchange are almost identical, note they have a $7000.00 annual out of pocket stop loss. You're monthly premium will vary depending on income but the plan coverage will not.

One third of California's entire population is on Medical via Obamacare

Those who make less than 16-17K/year would not be eligible for obamacare plans, but may be able to get medicaid/medi-cal. 

My friend has the blue shield silver ppo plan purchased through the california obamacare exchange. 

You can check out the plans here:
You're link is showing the same coverage break down as my links. $2500 individual deductible with $7000 annual out of pocket expense. I think the only way to avoid the deductible and OOPE is to qualify for medicaid which is Medi-Cal in California... I was one of 1.7 million Californian's who had there individual health plans cancelled when obamacare was enacted. I've been without health insurance since 2010... Hoping I make it to Medicare!
Deal Breaker said:
You're link is showing the same coverage break down as my links. $2500 individual deductible with $7000 annual out of pocket expense. I think the only way to avoid the deductible and OOPE is to qualify for medicaid which is Medi-Cal in California...  I was one of 1.7 million Californian's who had there individual health plans cancelled when obamacare was enacted.  I've been without health insurance since 2010... Hoping I make it to Medicare!

The deductible for the silver plans changes depending on how much of the deductible/copay subsidy you qualify for.  I don't know what the maximum income is to qualify for that, but someone making less than 24K/year qualifies for some deductible/copay reduction while someone making 17K/year would get the maximum amount as my friend does.

I had a blue cross ppo until 2015 when I switched to the obamacare plans. I started with a blue cross ppo bronze obamacare plan, but switched to a blue shield ppo plan in 2017 because blue cross (anthem) shrank the network for their obamacare ppo plans so that it no longer included the major hospital in my area. Before 2016, the blue cross ppo plans and blue cross ppo obamacare plans had the same network, but that changed in 2016. Blue shield ppo plans still have the same network.
bethiebugs said:
Yes--I have fallen into the insurance "gap" and there is no possibility for insurance for people in Kansas who do. I had been on obamacare until I lost my job in January and immediately lost coverage with no other options. If a person can only work part-time in Kansas, you have no options. I hope to be able to find a place where I can get coverage.
AZ also has an insurance gap for disabled people of working age (until age 67 or so). When you apply you have to restart your disability claim and pay for doctor visits. If you have been disabled for a while or in another state,  this is too expensive and you cannot afford to pay for it.

So no, AZ does not help everyone. They send you a notice that you are denied because of your disabling injuries. So having AZ listed as "blue" on that map is misleading. If you come here you will have to pay for private medigap plan if you want one.

I live in AZ and currently have my fingers crossed that I will not be hospitalized before my age retirement date. Nine months, what could happen in nine months. If insurance is a big deal for you, try Oregon. Also lots of jobs in Oregon, but no housing there, you will have to live in your van.