masks required

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maki2 said:
Some countries do not permit medical personnel to wear their work uniforms home. The US does.

How many people do you know who have become ill from sitting next to someone who is dressed in scrubs?
I didn't know that  anyone even took data regarding that. I guess that would be like saying we can reduce confirmed covid cases if we just stop testing.

Just because we don't test and track every vector for pathogens etc doesn't mean they don't have an effect.

Millions of people get sick from germs that they picked up off of public surfaces.. they have tested subway cars and found a huge number of pathogens.

Cross contamination is REAL whether it is  the public infesting a medical facility or medical facility staffing carrying serious pathogens into the public.

You may not mind sitting next to someone who has been handling blood all day or giving colonoscopies all day.. but I think it is disgusting and a public health risk.

There is no doubt that legislation is on its way concerning medical staff wearing their uniforms willy nilly.

Maybe I should ask Tim Eyman to help get it on the ballot. It would pass in Wa. State easily.
desert_sailing said:
....display of "status".. symbolic interactionism is real.
Sorry to offend and disgust you. When I wore my scrubs to the grocery store I was coming off working a double (16 hours) and was tired and hungry. I am sure that my hands were very clean, but not the rest of my outfit. In those days, health care workers were given disposable PPE and required to wear it and dispose of it at the work site. Unlikely that anything infectious remained on scrubs. Currently, health care workers do not enjoy an unlimited supply of PPE, but they are also working doubles in whatever they have. Cut em some slack, and keep your distance. Don't forget to wear your mask also.
My advice ... if you ever see crofter coming, better run. Think cross between a she bear, a cougar, and a rattlesnake.
maki2 said:
How many people do you know who have become ill from sitting next to someone who is dressed in scrubs?
I know of no one who has become ill by sitting next to a person wearing scrubs. I do know of a few who have been cured or helped by sitting next to someone in scrubs, especially if that person is a doctor, nurse, or EMT. Don't really get where this paranoia about scrubs is coming from. I ran into worse stuff cleaning campground bathrooms than I did in healthcare.
crofter said:
Sorry to offend and disgust you. When I wore my scrubs to the grocery store I was coming off working a double (16 hours) and was tired and hungry. I am sure that my hands were very clean, but not the rest of my outfit. In those days, health care workers were given disposable PPE and required to wear it and dispose of it at the work site. Unlikely that anything infectious remained on scrubs. Currently, health care workers do not enjoy an unlimited supply of PPE, but they are also working doubles in whatever they have. Cut em some slack, and keep your distance. Don't forget to wear your mask also.

I absolutely wear my mask. It is required here starting tomorrow.
I actually had some woman deride me over it today.. calling me mask face and mumbling. LOL..

I don't care how tired someone is when it comes to cross contamination of germs and pathogens and body fluids. There are hordes of people who are required to change into a work uniform.. the last ones to be exempt from that should be health care professionals.

Symbolic interactionism is real whether you used your scrubs as such or not. There are plenty of studies that  show how wearing a simple stethoscope changes how people view he person wearing it. 2 minimum wage workers.. one wearing scrubs and one wearing a fastfood uniform...I am certain it has been studied before. There are certain perceptions the public forms based on the "symbols" they see.

I get it,you were tired and couldn't be bothered. Lots of people work long shifts and must change from uniforms that have contaminates on them. Doing so demonstrates a level of responsibility and consideration to the communities with in which they operate.

There is no shortage of scrubs.. masks and visors  yes.. but supply is catching up to the demand on ppe needs.

Just curious what this means "In those days, health care workers were given disposable PPE and required to wear it and dispose of it at the work site." Has the standard fallen since "those" days?

imHo.. I think not wearing a mask is a lesser "offense" than wearing medical scrubs in the public.  Want to make a wager that there will be laws regarding it before the end of the year.? One homemade pie of the winners choice?...

Sorry to offend and disgust you.

You never offended me nor disgusted me. I said the ACT is the problem..not any specific person. It was not a comment directed at you. It is more likely that YOU are the one feeling offended. It wasn't my intent.

ps I prefer apple pie.
desert_sailing said:
....Just curious what this means "In those days, health care workers were given disposable PPE and required to wear it and dispose of it at the work site." Has the standard fallen since "those" days?....
Regarding shortages of PPE during coronavirus epidemic, see the following links.  -c

Description: link to article.
crofter said:
Regarding shortages of PPE during coronavirus epidemic, see the following links.  -c

Description: link to article.
Went over that link. It  talks about dealing with covid in specific and nowhere does it talk about scrubs. It does talk about gowns aprons and coats and that they need to be removed and set for laundering or disposed of.

I am speaking and have only been speaking about scrubs on a daily use. Given the various substances that can be introduced into a medical setting from the public or vice versa I think health care uniforms need to stay ONLY in a healthcare facility.

Some people think it is fine to not wash their hands before eating. And I have certainly seen plenty of dudes walk out of a toilet without washing their hands.. and some people think it is fine to  wear their medical uniform wherever..

I  misunderstood your comment. I thought  you meant in bygone times when you said "in those days" . I didn't realize you meant 4 months ago.

I do like  ala mode.
Those walk through decontamination tunnels seemed popular for a while, wonder if they are still in use and if they were effective?
bullfrog said:
Those walk through decontamination tunnels seemed popular for a while, wonder if they are still in use and if they were effective?
Ya I saw that a couple facilities are still using those. We now have scanners that automatically take temperatures and scan to see if a person is wearing a mask. A merging with facial recognition is in the works. LOL. Go out with a fever and the Health Dept will be at your home before you get back from the piggly wiggly.

When this all started I was making a joke about how all  houses will be required to have installed and be occupants would scanned by the ThermaLock 2020. No fever it unlocks the door for you. We could even install them in vehicles like the DUI people get.. If you got a fever the car wont start. Keep ya sickly azz at home.

It is mindboggling how many people that that have zero qualms about going out and contaminating others. I stayed at a hotel once in AK that an employee was working with an active tuberculosis infection! Most people could care less about the harm they cause. It is far  more important that they get to the Wally world to get their Mtn. Dew and cupcakes screw everyone else. I eagerly await the soon to come crackdown on people that think their needs come before the health and safety of others. If people can't be bothered to practice proper sanitation and hygiene then they need to stay HOME.

Not speaking specifically about the covid but rather all forms of sickliness. Can you imagine what the world would be like today if AIDS was transmitted via air??!!
For those who hate wearing a mask, it is likely that you will dislike a ventilator a lot more.
The news tonight said that the favorite state of "all" of us vandwellers, ie AZ, is now the covid hotspot in the US, in terms of rate of new infections. Especially Mariposa (Phoenix) and Yuma counties. You can see the curves bending upwards. They said that something like 20% of new tests are positive in AZ, while only 1% are so in NY. That's a huge difference.
Now the majority of positive tests are from younger people of which 1/3 of have no symptoms and most likely won’t self isolate or bother with wearing a mask. It is getting harder to feel safe going to get supplies and dealing with the public in general.
bullfrog said:
Now the majority of positive tests are from younger people of which 1/3 of have no symptoms  and most likely won’t self isolate or bother with wearing a mask. It is getting harder to feel safe going to get supplies and dealing with the public in general.
Today was the first day that Wa. State was to all wear masks. I was at the Walmart and nearly 40% of people did not have one on.  I was a little annoyed to say the least. I am certain it was mostly Idahoans who cross the border to buy groceries tax free.

I called the manager to see what was up. Not in a snarly way. I just wanted to know the policy. She told me it was up to the city police to deal with it as if it were like shoplifting and what to do about it was up to them.  I guess the notion that they call the police on shoplifters and are not doing so with these mask violators escaped her.

Mask no mask whatever.. the ONLY thing that bothers me is that Law enforcement is picking and choosing  what they are going to enforce and upon whom they are going to enforce it. It isn't  just masks. That is reason enough in my book to disband them.

Many years ago here my friends little brother and his pals went and hid out in the bushes and were shooting bb guns at elementary school kids. The cops got involved but because the families are wealthy and "connected" nothing came of it. Had that been a less connected poorer family those kids would have been screwed. I about took it to the media but I didn't want to grief my friend and her family.

Picking and choosing who pays for what "crime".
Our grocery stores have signs on the door that masks are required, and an employee at the entrance monitoring compliance and keeping a count of how many people are in the store.

One door in, a different door out, as well.
FL is apparently closing down bars and some beaches for the 4th holiday. They said on NPR the big problem is that so many people with covid, 80% or whatever of cases, are asymptomatic and this is more so in younger people, so they tend to be spreaders.

They also said earlier this week that the CDC estimates as many as 20 million people mave have been infected but don't know it, because of being asymptomatic.
On nightly news tonight, June 29, what is bothering Governors is the upward trends in "percentage of cases testing positive". Many states it was 5% or so a month ago, and now 3 times as high. FL 16%, AZ 24%, TX 15%, NV 15%, OR 10% (up from 1.5% min). CA sticking around 5%. NY,NY,MI,IL are 1-2%, downward trending.
My place is open to stop by and boondock but it just got hotter than Hades. I do have shade and a pond you can cool off in. Kentucky.

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