masks required

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Works both ways. We also have a right to choose not to shop in any place we don't want to. Only grocery in a small town is not common in the "grander" scheme of things, so I don't see that scenario as too great a worry. At least for nomads passing through. If the whole town were that way, well you don't have to stop.
I have a friend who is radically anti masking. He is becoming a pain to me and others by lecturing about the need to build immunity by exposure to all viruses and claiming that masking is unhealthy due to less o2 and more carbon dioxide taken in. He claims the mask requirements are an effort to create fear. Or course he has no underlying heath issues. I am the poster child for a COVID statistic based on many heath problems. In other news today... the seven dwarfs have been ordered to limit their group meetings to six ... one of them is not the not Happy.
I'll wear a mask in the store. Not in the parking lot. Not in my vehicle.
jimindenver said:
It is also a interesting view on mask and health issues.
I was thinking about the whole mask thing and I hear tons of folks talk about the constitution and the mask directive.

SO  the mask is not to protect the wearer.. but to prevent possibly infecting someone else...

SO where is the presumption of innocence?  Who the hell said I was sick??!   I am not sick and so my  air spittle won't be making anyone sickly but yet I have to be "punished" or quarantined?

There needs to be a "mask" or a bubble helmet or something for those who want to protect themselves from catching something and let those who choose to take a risk to do so and not put on protection.

Why aren't all dogs required to wear a muzzle? They inflict harm.. some of them.. so  they all should be muzzled just in case?

I have absolutely no problem with wearing a mask.. Looking at the squalor of most people and I would prefer wearing a hazmat suit especially at the walmart.  I do have a problem with inflicting blanket "punishments" on innocents.(those who are NOT sick)

I have already been screeched at  and called "mask face" at home depot...I think its funny.  It is all just one more reason to leave it ALL behind.

Billions are being spent to find a vaccine.. why the hell can't someone make a device that allows me to protect myself.. instead of relying on others to do it for me?
The question that needs to be seriously thought about is .... why is it that every other major country in the world has been able to bring this mess under some semblance of control, and already 2 to 3 months ago, while it's continually getting worse in the US?
Qxxx said:
The conflict here among the various leadership factions is causing a great deal of damage of many kinds.  It is unconscionable.  I agree that as individuals we need to do what we believe to be in our collective best interest.

This is a very useful tool.  I believe I've glanced at it before, but didn't realize how much information it contains. Thanks!
VanFan said:
This is a very useful tool.  I believe I've glanced at it before, but didn't realize how much information it contains. Thanks!
Also in the country list, you can check every state individually, plus you can click on either the 1st or last column for a state, and get different kinds of information. Then it'll really make your stomach hurt if you compare any of the currently bad states to NY. Fair warning. NY did what it took to get this thing under control already 3 months ago.
Qxxx said:
NY did what it took to get this thing under control already 3 months ago.
Our County health department issued orders to delay public school openings until September 8.  On July 15, the state education agency agreed to fully fund schools to support distance learning until that time.  On July 26, that funding was withdrawn, based on the Texas AG's letter stating that schools cannot be required to remain closed as a "preventative" measure.  (Bear in mind that 350 under 17's tested positive in the county yesterday; children are not routinely tested at a high rate.)  Is this about educating children? Yes, this is the AG who is widely quoted for his statement that there are more important things than living.  He is awaiting trial for a 4 year old indictment on Federal charges, BTW.

Today, some of the smaller school districts in the county announced that conditioning and fitness training (including inside activities) will resume Monday for their sports programs.  They are concerned about losing their competitive advantage.
".... there are more important things than living".

Yeah. Will be interesting to see what happens in 3 weeks when the schools are supposed to open. I've heard a lot of women on the radio saying they're not gonna send their kids. Will the State Police come out and start arresting soccer moms with 6 year olds, I wonder.

And wonder of wonders, I actually saw a 20-something girl get out of her car this morning in the apt complex wearing a mask. Usually I see 2 or 3 of them standing out in the parking lot at close quarters, gabbing and not wearing. (so don't look at this image).
Qxxx said:
(so don't look at this image)
So what was that?  Of course I looked! :D   Kinda sums it up.

In Texas, it would be pretty hard to convict those mommies/daddies (although it's been tried).  It is not difficult in a technical sense to comply with the law governing homeschooling here.  The decision in a 1987 landmark case, Leeper vs. Arlington, has been reaffirmed by the Texas Supreme Court twice, although the basis for the decision goes back to 1923.  In one day, lawsuits were filed against every school district in Texas.  This class action initiative was known as The Texas TEA (Texas Education Agency) Party.

Okay.  I'll stop now.

Better numbers here today.
If it's one thing I love above all else, it's a 220# cry baby.

Maybe something is having an effect. We can only hope. The percent of cases testing positive in TX has dropped from 18% a couple of weeks down to 12% today. The target will be under 5%, and hopefully down to 2%. Then, it's generally considered to be essentially contained. We can only hope.

AZ is still bad, but improving. Percent testing positive was 28%, now down to 20%. Tender mercies.
Seems a large number of young without any signs of having the virus and not being tested because they show no signs being cared for or living with older parents and grandparents being put into buses and classrooms not to mention bathrooms where they are supposedly to wash their hands several times a day all with basic unfiltered AC is a perfect way to spread the virus. We will soon see a large percentage of young people spreading the virus to older people that a large percentage will die when they get the virus. Family units self isolating sort of becomes meaningless when school begins. State of Utah today recommended a modified quarantine for school age children to attend in person classes if they wear a mask! If 3 persons in a class get the virus (how will you know without testing?) they will go to a virtual class for 2 weeks ( again how will you know without testing?). Schools are all ready looking for replacement teachers and staff as they will probably be the best indicators of the virus until we can test everyone every day somehow. The only thing we seem to be learning is how ignorant our country is about controlling this virus.
My neighbor is going to the local university, and this semester the classes are alternating 50% of the students one day and 50% the other day, and everything is also online. I think he said they are supposed to wear masks, but it's the mandate here in any case.

I've mentioned this before. Upwards to 50% of people infected with covid show no symptoms, so they're likely the major spreaders. And in my particular city, it's gotten to the point now where fully 90% of the deaths are in people over 60.
Yeah, unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there and that doesn't help anyone. Here's some info................

We know through research that if folks are in an enclosed room for a length of time* without a mask with the HVAC system blowing the Covid about, the risk skyrockets. Even if you have a mask, a longer period of time in an enclosed space increases risk.** We need to social distance always at a distance of 6 feet, even if outside. If you are outside and spend any length of time with folks you don't know, a mask is a good idea, even at 6 feet. We found out at the end of March that this was airborne, not just droplet. We recently found out through studies how much the Covid micron (airborne) particle spreads and at what distance, through breathing through your nose, speaking, laughing/singing, coughing and sneezing. It can travel well over 20 feet through a sneeze. Like it was stated up above, children don't get as sick from this but are wonderful carriers, bringing this home to their parents and grandparents, who are more prone to mortality and long-standing chronic symptoms. This is no joke. We are seeing things that we have never seen before. This is not the flu. This is definitely a respiratory disease albeit we are finding that it causes a systemic inflammatory response which is causing all kinds of clotting issues. We are seeing folks that are having their kidneys shut down having to go on dialysis. We are seeing folks having clots in their lungs (pulmonary embolus). We are seeing folks having ischemic/clotting strokes. And all of this on top of the very difficult ventilator/repiratory management of a Covid patient in ARDS. This is crazy stuff that I have never seen in my 33 years of being an ICU nurse.
So, things like bars, restaurants, gyms, churches, sporting events, concerts, kids going back to school is a mistake. Science always wins. People don't understand what they are up against. This is an evolutionary genius. And, it will always win. We need the vaccine and folks don't understand, this is not going away. Covid is here to stay and it will keep evolving. We know, through studies, that the antibodies from SARS last/continue their effectiveness for about 9-14 months. Since Covid 19 is an evolved SARS, they believe the antibodies for Covid will be about the same. They are still in active research on this, so time will tell. If all this is so, we will have to get a Covid vaccination every year, just like the flu shot. The difference is, the Flu is not as deadly as Covid is, so it will be imperative that folks get vaccinated. So please, just be safe out there. We need to hang around for our family and kids.

*doesn't matter if it's a 6 foot distance, as in, spacing tables at a bar/restaurant 10 feet apart is useless
**unless you have a proper N95 like we use that is test fitted and even so, we reduce our time in a patient room
It's good to see an informed post from a knowledgeable person. :thumbsup:
Thank you.  Your post is spot-on.

I live in Dallas County, and the reckless behavior (somewhat improved) here is unfathomable!  My husband had been visiting a friend weekly, outside, distanced, with masks on.  A few weeks ago, his friend called to confirm the time and said it would work well because he could get home from the gym and change first.  He had had a busy day, running to the airport and VA hospital, too.  Based on that, my husband decided he was not comfortable hanging out. Sad, but probably a good choice.

One of my local sewing groups has been meeting in a small indoor space.  Last week, the meeting was followed by a pizza party and bingo.  I've been teased a bit for opting out.

When I pick up groceries, the gym I pass is packed.  So are popular dine-in eateries.  Kohl's?  Must be a big back-to-school sale.  Best Buy?  Parking lot full.  I did a Home Depot curbside pick-up yesterday.  Three employees were outside within two feet of one another.  No masks; smoking.

It hurts to see the potential for perhaps unnecessary suffering playing out in front of me.
Qxxx said:
Percent of cases testing positive in TX dropped for a few days, but is on the rise again. 18% down to 11% and back up to 20% in the past 2-3 weeks. What a place.
Locally, there may have been... errr... "factors".  One of the contractors doing testing returned a surprisingly low percentage of positives.  While it is possible that the location of the site (since moved) accounted for that, the results prompted a closer look.  In haste to find a provider to replace the federally funded sites that were taking two weeks-plus to return results, there was less due diligence in vetting and some red flags may have been missed.  Hospitalization and death rates remain high.

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