masks required

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Qxxx said:
No one seems to have noticed it, but CA did the same thing 5 days ago. (TA doesn't live in CA, she lives in the State of Jefferson, !!!).

"It requires that residents wear face coverings when visiting indoor public spaces including lines to enter such places; when visiting hospitals, pharmacies, physician and dental offices; while waiting for or riding public transit, and in outdoor spaces where staying six feet apart from others is not feasible".
Huh? We’ve been wearing masks since March. If trails are crowded then people wear them otherwise they don’t outside if they can stay 6 ft away. People are now taking them off as soon as they are outside stores or have paid for gas etc In other words things have loosened up and there is fatigue. For months everyone was very strict about wearing masks outside their cars. Now some people have stopped except inside. So I don’t know what’s new except less compliance and that’s in Los Angeles County. When the heat hits I imagine people will be even less compliant. They now have workers stationed outside stores to make sure you have your mask on. But restaurants are opening and you don’t wear a mask there.
I'm sure smart people have been wearing masks all along, but the article says this is now "mandated", so that's all I know, plus the fact that cases have been rising lately in CA as well about 20 others states.

And also that the trend is not necessarily related to increased testing. What you really want to see is what's happening in NY and other states that were hit really hard back in April & May, and have since imposed restrictions. What you really want to see is increased testing and simultaneously cases going down.
It really amazes me that so many people don’t care or understand the masks prevent you from unknowingly infecting others while also protecting your health somewhat. I just helped a disabled boat with 8 or 10 people that are seasonal workers here, 2 that are in their late 70s the rest 20 to 40. Only one has been tested and that was several weeks ago. I was the only one wearing a mask.
Don’t know where you live but anywhere here there are groups of people inside or outside there are masks. We don’t wear them on empty trails or streets since we can stay far away but otherwise people wear masks. I don’t wear mine outside when I’m far from everyone but I have it on me in case I have to use it.
Lake Powell seems all the parks in Utah and Arizona are in virus free zones in the visitors minds.
What I can tell you is that in Seattle once they announced that it was phases 1.5 and even though people were still supposed to wear mask many of them immediately quit doing so and also quit doing social distancing. They began acting like there was no longer a virus threat.

My friend went in to pickup a take out order. The sign on the door clearly stated wait outside if another customer is inside. But people who were unmasked totally ignored that and pushed right on in. BIG people and they crowded up against my 77 year old friend. At least he was masked as was the server. That particular small cafe is doing an outstanding job of trying to keep people safe but you can't legislate good manners and common sense. It apparently does take saying you will get fine $1,000 dollar or face 90 days in jail. Well it remains to be seen if even that changes the reckless behavior that showed up when Seattle was shifted to 1.5 status so that some businesses could get back to doing business.

Oh well much of the world has a big problem with authority figures and rules of any kind. It is always a hard slog to keep people from self harm.
maki2 said:
Lots of people who are not medical professionals wear scrubs as everyday clothing because they are comfy to wear. Especially in summer time as they are light weight. They make great lounging around the camp site clothes.

Scrub wearing is so popular that some clothing brands began making scrub styled pants and tops. Its a "thing" a fashion trend, although now waning a bit from the peak which happened a few years back.

Besides that fabric is much like paper, it is not a surface where the Corona Virus is long lived according to the information I have seen regarding surfaces.
Thats fine... but medical workers. which was the point.. should NOT be wearing their uniform and engaging in cross contamination.

Forcing citizens to wear a mask seems to pale in comparison to MEDICAL workers wearing their work clothing out into the public after encountering all kinds of sickness all day.  Talk about putting others at risk.

I am talking about any infectious agent.. not just corona..
The news said NV has also imposed mandatory mask wearing, etc. Apparently the Gov of AZ is letting each city make it's own choice.
Here is a list posted today, June 24, of requirements and recommendations in various states regarding wearing masks. May not be totally up to date on some of the latest changes. Of note, MT, ID, and TX have minimal or no restrictions. FL, MN, and AZ are fairly lenient.

This is all very disheartening. A month ago, everyone was reopening back up and now just a few weeks later, many states are imposing mandatory restrictions. In my city, my neighbors have said only a "few" people in the stores have been wearing masks, but the Gov is now mandating it, so maybe the stores will be enforcing it, and I'll feel better about going shopping. It may be fall before being reasonably safe to travel again.
Not disheartening to me

My world has changed little other than avoiding panic laden public.
Where are you and do you have room for me and my buckaroo pal?

You really have it made my friend, to be able to enjoy life without all the static out here.
From my observations, the "panic laden public" is maybe 2% of people being somewhat careful and 98% being oblivious.
Qxxx said:
Here is a list posted today, June 24, of requirements and recommendations in various states regarding wearing masks. May not be totally up to date on some of the latest changes. Of note, MT, ID, and TX have minimal or no restrictions. FL, MN, and AZ are fairly lenient.
. . .

We'll know in a couple of weeks if mask wearing makes a difference.  The states that have mandated mask wearing should have noticeably better results (dropping hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19) than lenient states.
I would take your observations for what they are worth, to me.

Some people worry and try to convince others they should too.

Others...find a way.
As remote areas are the only entertainment most of these people seem to think “safe” it has became very difficult to be a hermit. I would rather stick my face in a mask than my head in the sand. Lol!!!
I give. Now my head is in the sand.
I should have have known better.
I’m not after you MaTaLa in fact the reason I like living remotely is so I usually don’t have to deal with other people’s problems as they are not around. It’s nice to ride out the storm some place it isn’t raining but everybody needs a drink now and then and I don’t want to get anyone else wet while I’m at the water hole. Enjoy your peace and quiet while you can.
desert_sailing said:
Thats fine... but medical workers. which was the point.. should NOT be wearing their uniform and engaging in cross contamination.

Forcing citizens to wear a mask seems to pale in comparison to MEDICAL workers wearing their work clothing out into the public after encountering all kinds of sickness all day.  Talk about putting others at risk.

I am talking about any infectious agent.. not just corona..
Some countries do not permit medical personnel to wear their work uniforms home. The US does.

How many people do you know who have become ill from sitting next to someone who is dressed in scrubs?
Spaceman Spiff said:
We'll know in a couple of weeks if mask wearing makes a difference.
Naw. Given the history of the past 3 months, we shouldn't expect compliance to be very high.
maki2 said:
Some countries do not permit medical personnel to wear their work uniforms home. The US does.

How many people do you know who have become ill from sitting next to someone who is dressed in scrubs?
EMT here, we don't change our clothes between runs. What's the likelihood of anyone touching someone else? Pretty slim, plus the virus primarily airborne so there's that. Considering how wide-spread the virus is, medical personnel out in public are no more of a threat than a lay person, probably less since we see the devastation the virus can do on the human body, drowning in your own fluids is horrific, and take the precautions seriously. I've lost people as well, so that puts me in a state of mind that I think the detractors can't seem to place themselves in.

Sadly, I'm one of the few I see in my area wearing a mask when out, I've been mocked, given dirty looks, and confronted because of it. Won't change me. Do no harm.

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