Longing again for the van/free life

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May 29, 2018
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Hello everyone and hello again Bob! In 2013 I sold my house and 99% of everything I owned, largely in part because of the encouragement of other Vandwellers and information here on Cheap Rv Living. I won’t go into the details, though I’m seriously considering making a few videos sharing my experience of letting go of my previous life. But the short-sold my house, found a great van and traveled West for three months, came back to the city life, had fairly major emotional and life changing decisions to make, settled back in to my old job, bought a sailboat and lived on it for a while, sold it and got a 300 ft condo in the middle of downtown, started my own business that I love and here I am...thinking often of the time on the road. I tell you, whenever I get on a long stretch of open road, instincts kick in again and I just want to keep going, a few times I literally did and very unexpectedly. The people I met on the road were all amazing, I lost touch with most and felt a little embarrassed that I turned right back into the way I was before except I now had the taste of true freedom. Once you’ve had that it’s unforgetable and a powerful place to go in my mind. 

I guess I’m here to say hello, maybe give some light for those considering the van life and others of us reaching out for support. It’s a big deal to make a massive change to let loose or hold very lightly the idea of what we should be doing with our life. I’m reaching out for support and encouragement to everyone on this site. Most everyone here has been in the same place as one another at some point. 

So here I am, my name is Jason and I LOVE the free nomadic life but I’m plugged back into the Matrix after taking both the red and blue pill.
Welcome Jason to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger

That urge to "keep going" is very strong, when I was still riding cross country on my motorcycle I did that often; see the exit for home and just blow on by... guess that's why many of us are here.
Thank you for the tips section highdesertranger
Queen, I feel you there. Isn’t that one of the most amazing feelings? To me that’s part of being free, to do just that. One trip I left for 5 days but three different times I started to head back I changed my mind and turned around. Once back tracking three hours to go right past where I was to continue further North. Because I could. That turned into 10 days and was one of my favorite times since coming back from full time vandwelling. I’m feeling it again and I’m packed as we speak, I just need the right time, hammer is cocked and it could happen any moment. Still have to come back though, I have a business here. I can leave for stretches though, the business was designed for being able to.
I hear you on that. So many times I tried to break away from the trap I was in. So many times I talked myself back into it. I guess at the time, I didn't realize I was, "The One".
