Location, Location, Location-emergency!!!

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WOW Katie, You brought up some good points about being aware of your surroundings. <br />Glad to hear you survived that ordeal. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> <br />-Bruce
My mom had a service dog.&nbsp; We were surprised to find out that there really isnt any sort of governing authority or registrar of them.&nbsp; They aren't even allowed to press you to prove it because the only proof is through medical records, which are not accessible to anyone by law except under strict conditions.&nbsp;&nbsp; The little tags and IDs that people wave around are either self made or some company made them who makes a living off it.&nbsp; These vests, tags and id cards DO help alleviate store/restaurant owners though, thats why people and companies make them.&nbsp; My mom volunteered a letter from her doctor for most places, like rite aid, because it was faster and easier.&nbsp; But she didn't have to.<br /><br />So i dont think you will get into any trouble at all from any entity lacking the authority to subpoena your medical records.&nbsp; Even airports can't force you to prove that you need a service animal without a judge stepping in.<br /><br /><br />Still in an emergency they shoulda let you in anyway. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; When we had that big storm recently, with hurricane like winds even tho were inland, i almost had a tree hit my little paper cabin.&nbsp; I sleep days so i didnt even know there was a storm till that scared me to death.&nbsp; I rushed outside and tried to get to shelter, but trees blocked all the roads....i drove over so much debri to find that out.&nbsp; A branch sliced my tire to ribbons, trees were flying all over.&nbsp; I decided to just park the minivan on a clear open spot i knew nearby, no trees or power lines to hit me.&nbsp; Sent my family a text (no phone) to pray for me....i wasnt sure id make it.&nbsp; The minivan was rocking hard...i kept the nose pointed into the worse of the wind.&nbsp; I eventually walked to a brick house and asked if i could come in for a while...whew.&nbsp; Thank goodness for kindness.<br /><br />As for tornados, ive read getting low as you can is the best thing you can do, below the level of the ground like basement etc.&nbsp; If you are on the road and the thing is coming at you, getting under a bridge (they leap em or are some what cut by them), out of the car and in a low ditch is your best chance.
A comment on service dogs: it is a federal offense to try to pass off a pet as a service animal. Hefty fine involved, something like $10,000) just an FYI. From what I understand is that the most likely way it would end up in court is if you were denied access and you filed against the business for discrimination under the ADA. If you did that, then you would be required to show proof that the animal is,indeed, a service animal. You may be asked to have the animal demonstrate the task that it performs to mitigate the disability for you.

DG is right, though, a business is not supposed to question you, you are not required to show proof, matter of fact the animal isn't required to wear a vest or an ID, according to the DOJ. But if you are refused access, the onus is on you to act to protect your rights.

I watched a big dog in a vest at a Walmart recently, reminded me of a Bernese mountain dog, who stuck his head into the meat case and sniffed the beef at will all along the isle. I had an avocado for supper.

DG, now that would have been scary! There was surprisingly little debis or wind where we were, it was watching that huge black mass moving along the interstate that was surreal, frightening not to know where the others were. But at least the danger was focused, not the wind and trees and all hell breaking loose that you had to go through. Thank goodness for kind people, is right!
I just want to add in about service animals, it's important that your animal is VERY well behaved, not like the big dog twokniveskatie mentions.&nbsp; If your dog/animal is not super well behaved in public with people around, don't try to pass him/her off as a service dog, it does all of us who need service dogs a dis-service.&nbsp; I know it's not fun to leave your dog in the car while you go shopping, but it can be done safely, and it's better for everyone if you do.<br /><br />Just because the law is nicely vague, and the courts have upheld that fact, doesn't mean it's right for people to pass of their pets as service animals.&nbsp; Yes service dogs do give lots of love and companionship, but they also WORK.&nbsp; <br /><br />They keep everyone much safer in our surroundings, if that's as a hearing dog to help with fire alarms, vehicles trying to run us over, or other safety issues (or even someone calling out our name), or if it's helping a blind person navigate the world, etc. (there are countless more examples)&nbsp; They have actual WORK the dogs do, and it's important work.<br /><br />I'm not trying to say you can't train your own service animal, but if you are going to do it, do it right please. NOBODY wants your animal a distraction, and a nuisance, including you.<br /><br />Anyways, twokniveskatie and DazarGaidin, I'm really happy both of you got thru ok! I had a similar situation to DazarGaidin's one evening when I was living in a Cabin, we had trees falling all night long. I stayed in the cabin, under the bed <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; It's an awesome force to feel the ground shake when a giant redwood tree comes crashing down next to you! The next morning, had to drive under fallen trees, around, and had to move countless big limbs and branches to get into town.&nbsp; it was quite an experience!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara